St John Ogilvie's
A Roman Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh

St John Ogilvie's weekly Bulletins 2022

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Newsletter for Christmas Day 2022, Year A

(25 December 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Christmas Day 2022, Year A

Prayers & Readings in Mass Book page 98.

"I Bring you news of great Joy.
Today a Saviour has been born to us Christ the Lord” '.

Canon John McAllister

The Requiem Mass for Canon John McAllister will take place at St Margaret’s Church, East Port, Dunfermline, at 12 noon on Friday 6 January 2023, and thereafter to Hillend Cemetery near Inverkeithing. The funeral will be livestreamed on the parish website

Fr. Paul Graham OSA

Just received news from the Augustinians about the death of Fr Paul Graham OSA. He died from a sudden massive heart attack before Sunday Mass on 11 December. You will remember that he was the PP of St Joseph’s, for the two years before the OSAs left St. Joseph’s Parish. May he rest in peace.

Christmas Services
First Mass of Christmas & Carols
Saturday 24th December 6.30pm

Christmas Morning, Sunday 25th December
Mass 10.00am only

Daily Mass during Christmas week
12.00 Noon

Saturday 31st December
Vigil Mass 6.30pm

Sunday 1st January, Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God
Morning Mass 10.00am only.

May you and your family have Peace & Joy at Christmas

Tony Quinlan omi

E ku odun keresimesi          Barka da Kirsimati

FelizNavida          Felise Natal

E keresimesi Oma          Prieclgus ZiemassvEtkus

WesctychSwiat          Joyeux Noël

Feliz Navida          Nollaig Shona

Happy Christmas

Anniversaries: Hughie Ward, Fr Ted McSherry, Peter Michael Martin, Melvyn Wood, Jill Paterson, Margaret O’Hare, Marilyn Leishman, Jim Byrne, George McFarlan, Margaret Oldroyd, James Butler, Eva Mather, Miriam Maher, Bill Stewart, John Carey, Thomas McCullagh, Margaret Lock, Hilda Findlay, Victor Rickis, Richard O’Rourke, Angel Pathmanathon, John Boyle, Caroline Nessnau, Donald Lewis, Suzanne Anfry, Mary Ann Gordon, Francesca Peschiera, Miriam Livingstone, Maureen Payne and Nancy Ryan. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A

(18 December 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A

Prayers & Readings in Mass Book page 90.

"The Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son
and they will call him Emmanuel ‘God is with us'.

The Crib at Christmas
Thanks for your gifts to the Crib. These will be given to long-time residents of the Royal Edinburgh psychiatric Hospital. It will assure them they are not forgotten. A little joy to those at Christmas.

Christmas Services
First Mass of Christmas & Carols
Saturday 24th December 6.30pm

Christmas Morning, Sunday 25th December
Mass 10.00am only

Daily Mass during Christmas week
12.00 Noon

Saturday 31st December
Vigil Mass 6.30pm

Sunday 1st January, Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God
Morning Mass 10.00am only.

Don’t forget to take a copy of "LOOK" for your child to pray the Sunday Gospel with her or him at home.

Advent Reflections

Archdiocese – Monday 12th December 7.30pm
Join Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM for a series of 30 min online Advent talks beginning 7:30pm on Monday 19 December. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Jesuits – Monday 19th December 7.00pm

"The Art of the Incarnation"
with Fr Adrian Porter sj

19th December at 7.00pm
Join Zoom Meeting or in person in St. John Ogilvie’s Room Lauriston
Meeting ID: 816 0554 2960

Oblates – Tuesday 20th December 7.30pm

Join de Mazenod House for Advent online retreat
“Hearing Voices of Hope.”
20th December, 7.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting ID 879 8158 5150 Passcode: ADVENTOMI

Canon John McAllister
Dear friends, I regret to inform you that Canon John McAllister [ a cousin of Margaret O’ Hare] unexpectedly died today at the home where he lived in Dunfermline. He passed away peacefully in his sleep after breakfast this morning. I will send you details of his funeral once decided. May he rest in peace.

The Scottish Catholic
Special Christmas Edition, issue 30, price £3.00, available today in church porch.

From January 2023 it will change to a Monthly publication Cost £3.00

Anniversaries: Bessie Woods, Bridget Davidson, Alex Inglis, Jean Roan, Fr Terry Hynes OMI, Catherine Taylor, Michael Kidd, Ina Turner, Fr Brian Flannagan OMI, Daniel Falsay, Jimmy Finn, Margaret McLaughlin, Margaret Munro, Thomas Heaney, Barry Greenan, Mary Tomaso, Betty McCarthy, Hugh Brady, John Ryan, John Bolan, Thomas Dooley, George Geddes, James Reid, Elizabeth McDade, Cissie Fairley, Katie Kerlin & Fr John Harding. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the the Third Sunday of Advent, Year A

(11 December 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Third Sunday of Advent, Year A

Prayers & Readings in Mass Book page 88.

"Do not lose heart for the Lord’s coming will be soon."

The Crib at Christmas
For 13 years I served as Chaplain to the Royal Edinburgh Psychiatric Hospital. During those years you very generously gave me gifts to take to the residents at Christmas. These gifts to Teenagers, Men and Women were much appreciated. After the arrival of COVID, visitation was greatly restricted so we didn’t bring presents. Recently some of the staff approached me to know if St John Ogilvie’s would remember the residents again. Now that the base of the Crib is in place I invite you, if you have room for one more present, to remember the residents of the Royal Ed. Hospital. You can place the gift in the Crib today or next Sunday and I will deliver them to the wards the week of the December 18th.

Christmas Services
First Mass of Christmas & Carols
Saturday 24th December 6.30pm

Christmas Morning, Sunday 25th December
Mass 10.00am only

Daily Mass during Christmas week
12.00 Noon

Saturday 31st December
Vigil Mass 6.30pm

Sunday 1st January, Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God
Morning Mass 10.00am only.

Oblate Calendars 2023
Available at the church Porch today. Please take one and perhaps one for a friend.

Don’t forget to take a copy of "LOOK" for your child to pray the Sunday Gospel.

Advent Reflections

Archdiocese – Monday 12th December 7.30pm
Join Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM for a series of 30 min online Advent talks beginning 7:30pm on Monday 12, and 19 December. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Oblates – Tuesday 13th December 7.30pm

Join de Mazenod House for Advent online retreat
“Hearing Voices of Hope.” Every Tuesday 7.30 pm
13th December and 20th December
Join Zoom Meeting ID 879 8158 5150 Passcode: ADVENTOMI

Jesuits – Monday 19th December 7.00pm

"The Art of the Incarnation"
with Fr Adrian Porter sj

19th December at 7.00pm
Join Zoom Meeting or in person in St. John Ogilvie’s Room Lauriston
Meeting ID: 816 0554 2960

Gaudete Sunday
John the Baptist marked the end of an era. Jesus the beginning of a new one. While in prison John heard of the Missionary activity of JESUS love, mercy and understanding for sinners. No longer the fire and Judgement of John the Baptist.

Anniversaries: Martin Redpath, Ena McLatchie, Sarah Daly, Mary Ferry, Baby Bohdi Callaghan, Hugh Grieve, Carol Freston, Winfred Curran, Charles Stewart, Jean Watt; Tommy Neilson, Marjorie Gordon, Annie Forester, Rita Brotherston, Br. Tim Ahern, OMI, Bridget Carton, Noreen Crossan; Michael Hickey, Julia Cairney, Ita McSorley, Tony Flak, Mary Quinn, Dennis Gallagher, Nancy Butler, William McIntosh; Brian Clifford, Fr Christy Dunne & Flo Love. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the the Second Sunday of Advent, Year A

(4 December 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Second Sunday of Advent, Year A

Prayers & Readings in Mass Book page 85.

"Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is close at hand."

Advent Liturgy Meeting
To help prepare for Advent and Christmas we will have a Liturgy Meeting in the Church on Tuesday 6th December at 7.30 pm. This meeting welcomes any parishioner who wishes to contribute ideas to become involved and improve the Liturgy through Advent and Christmas.

Addresses for Christmas Greetings to Priests & Sister who served at St. John Ogilvie’s

Please see printed copy of Newsletter.

Church Maintenance
Three firms have been invited to tender for work on the church, closing date is 16th December. A recent Survey reports that the roof needs to be replaced; 25 years is the roof guarantee. The existing roof is in place 45 years.

Oblate Calendars 2023
Available at the church Porch today please take one and perhaps one for a friend.

Don’t forget to take a copy of "LOOK" for your child to pray the Sunday Gospel.

Advent Reflections

Archdiocese – Monday 5th December 7.30pm
Join Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM for a series of 30 min online Advent talks beginning 7:30pm on Monday 5, 12, and 19 December. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Oblates – Tuesday 6th December 7.30pm

Join de Mazenod House for Advent online retreat
“Hearing Voices of Hope.” Every Tuesday 7.30 pm
29th November, 6th December, 13th December and 20th December
Join Zoom Meeting ID 879 8158 5150 Passcode: ADVENTOMI

Diploma in Catechetics – 12th January 2023
Diploma in Catechetics is offered by the Archdiocese. Sessions online each Thursday commencing 12 January 2023. Costs £200 (concessions available). Register and info at Questions? Email

Female Vocations – 29th January 2023
Thinking about a vocation to the religious life? Join other young Catholic women to chat and explore God's will in five monthly get-togethers in Edinburgh. Led by Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO, the first one takes place on Sunday 29 January, 4-7pm at St Columba’s, 9 Upper Gray Street. It is a chance to pray, share and discuss in a relaxed environment, and refreshments will be served. The series continues on the last Sunday of each month at the same time/venue: 26 Feb, 26 Mar, 30 Apr, 28 May. To register or find out more, please email

Catholic Directory 2023
The Catholic Directory year 2023 is available in the Church Porch today, price £3.00.

The Directory lists all churches, convents, schools and priests in the Archdiocese, also Mass Times and the various organisations that support the mission of the church.

Anniversaries: Teresa Sparrow, Floyd Paterson, Christina Gallo, Donna Hall, Brigid Ferry, Mary Smith, Carl Scott, Margaret Risi, Heather Reith, Bridget Gaughan, Margaret Sowiak, Robert Gormley, Thomas Pettigrew, Michael Hickey, Mary Munro, Patrick Harrison, Mary Curran, Kami; Jess McKenzie-Wight, Baby Keigan Miller, John Hougen, Mary Nelson, Cathy McLeod, Annie Sharkey, Mary Watson, Ellen Sweeney, Sheila Ewen, Frank Mitchell & Jane Douglas. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the the First Sunday of Advent, Year A

(27 November 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

First Sunday of Advent, Year A

Prayers & Readings in the New Mass Book, Lemon colour, page 82.

"O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord."

Advent Wreath

A Symbol of Advent is our Wreath. Shaped in a circle to symbolise the eternity of God, without beginning or end. The evergreen foliage expresses God’s undying love for us. The four candles, one for each week of Advent, represent those thousands of years when the people of God awaited their Messiah. They represent "Creation", "Covenant", "Prophets", "Mary", "John the Baptist".

During Advent the reader will introduce the theme of the Mass each Sunday and arrange for a parishioner or a family to come forward and light the candle.

Advent Reflections
Mark the beginning of Advent with this online talk from Fr Jamie McMorrin, of St Margaret’s in Davidson’s Mains, Edinburgh. It takes place on Zoom, Monday 28 November at 7:30pm-8:30pm. Register now at

Join Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM for a series of 30 min online Advent talks beginning 7:30pm on Monday 5, 12, and 19 December. No registration required, just use the following link on the night to join any of the talks:

Oblate Retreat

Join de Mazenod House for Advent online retreat
“Hearing Voices of Hope.” Every Tuesday 7.30 pm
29th November, 6th December, 13th December and 20th December
Join Zoom Meeting ID 879 8158 5150 Passcode: ADVENTOMI

St Andrew
Wednesday next 30th November is the feast of St Andrew, Patron of Scotland.

"Advent Extra"
Copies of "Advent Extra" available today. Reflection for each day of Advent. You might consider reading it for members of the family as your daily prayer through Advent.

"Look" is a single sheet for children. It contains a reflection on the Gospel of the Sunday. Before COVID we used it for the Children’s Liturgy. We are not yet ready to use the small children’s liturgy room so collect the leaflet from the Pass keepers after Mass and use the leaflet at home with your child.

Advent Liturgy Meeting
To help prepare for Advent and Christmas we will have a Liturgy Meeting in the Church on Tuesday 6th December at 7.30 pm. This meeting welcomes any parishioner who wishes to contribute ideas to become involved and improve the Liturgy through Advent and Christmas.

Youth Safeguarding Forum
The new Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency is developing a forum for young Catholic adults. It will look at the current safeguarding training and resources for people in youth ministries, discuss ideas and create a package of training and resources for ministries involving young people. If you are between the ages of 18 and 25 and would be interested in joining please contact Helena Rameckers by emailing phoning 07394 862 279 by Friday, 9 December.

Edinburgh Royal Hospital
In recent weeks you probably have been inundated with Charity Appeals for Christmas. If you are still looking at the many options could you remember the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. This Psychiatric hospital caters for children, Women and Men, in pre-Covid days you generously brought gifts to the Church Crib for these patients. If you wish to bring a gift some joy to the patients place it in the Crib on the 3rd Sunday of Advent, mark it Teen, Female or Male. I will deliver it to the individual wards.

"Scottish Catholic"
Special edition edited by Catholic school pupils. And, review of Dr Connolly’s biography of Br. Walfrid.

Anniversaries: Fr Andy Horgan, OMI, Nan Bolan, Mary McGinley, Steve Cassey, Jade Mason, Baby Rebecca Louise Young, Sr Mary Dympna, Jacquie Reid, Helen and Stephen Loftus, Joseph Cairney, Catherine Mazs, William O’Neill, Angus McDonald, George Fraser, Aggie Clarke and Maureen Gibson. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the the Feast of Christ the King, Year C

(20 November 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Feast of Christ the King, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 167.

"Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord."

Parish Pastoral Council
PPC on Thursday next November 24th at 7.30 pm. Members please collect your Correspondence and Agenda after Mass today.

Catholic Education Week - 13th – 20th November
Catholic Education week is held from 13th to 20th of November. There will be a retiring collection for the work of the Catholic Education Service today after Mass. Please support its excellent work assisting Catholic Schools across Scotland. For more information click here.

Tea/ Coffee after Mass
Tea/ Coffee after Mass today. If you feel protected from COVID take the opportunity to meet up once again with your friends new and old for a chat and a blether.

Sacramental Programme
Next session Saturday 26th November 10.00 - 11.15 in the Church.

The small group who meet in the Chapel House, Saturday 3rd December 10.00am.

A Catholic bookshop is set to open at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh on Saturday 26 November. St Pauls Bookshop will have a wide range of Christian literature as well as gift items. Find your perfect stocking filler! Opening hours will be 10:00am to 5:30pm, including weekends (closed Mondays).

Edinburgh Jesuit Centre Faith & Politics: - Wednesday 23rd Nov. 7pm
An exploration of the interface between faith and politics in conversation with: Baroness Helen Liddell of Coatdyke 7.00pm on Zoom (Online)

Zoom Login Information
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 3008 7196

Entering Advent – Monday 28th November
Mark the beginning of Advent with an online talk titled ‘Entering Advent with Isaiah’ with Fr Jamie McMorrin, of St Margaret’s in Davidson’s Mains, Edinburgh. It takes place on Zoom, Monday 28 November at 7:30pm-8:30pm. Register now at

St Augustine’s RC High School
Warmly invites you to their
Christmas Service and Concert in the School Theatre
Monday 12th December 6.30 pm
(Refreshments will be provided)
A feast of festive music and readings
to celebrate Christmas

Anniversaries: Maureen McMahon, Edward Fraser, John McGlynn, Jackie Bryon, Kathy Grace, Betty Fraser, Tim Daly, May Michaud, Connie Hunter, Jean McKay, Louie Carberry, Catherine Linton, Mary Appolinari, Audrey Taylor, Danny Boyle, Robert Storrie, Mary Wilkie, Catherine McHugh, Mary Murphy, Michael Quinn, Francis Power, Margaret Brogan, Jessie Burnett. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 33rd Sunday, Year C

(13 November 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

33rd Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 164.

"The Lord comes to rule the peoples with fairness."

Remembrance Sunday

Today we keep Armistice Day when we remember those who died in the two great World Wars. The 10.00 am Mass today will be offered for those who lost their lives for justice in the field of battle. Also for those who suffered often without or counselling for the loss of fathers, husbands or boyfriends who sadly never returned

Month’s Mind Mass – 14th November 7.30pm
Betty McGinley was laid to rest in Donegal last week. Her family wish to celebrate her life also here in her own parish. The Mass will be offered in St John Ogilvie’s on Monday 14th at 7.30 pm in the Day Chapel. (No Morning Mass on Monday 14th.)

Parish November Mass – Thursday 17th November
Our Parish annual November Mass to remember our friends and relatives who have passed on will be held on Thursday 17th November at 7.30 pm.

Names of those for whom you wish to pray and light a candle to be sent to parish email by end of today.

Parish Pastoral Council – Thursday 24th November
The next PPC is scheduled for Thursday 24th November at 7.30 pm Items for the agenda should be sent to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [secretary] before Friday 18th November.

Tea/ Coffee after Mass
Tea/ Coffee after Mass today 13th November, if you feel protected from COVID take the opportunity to meet up once again with your friends new and old for a chat and a blether.

World Day of the Poor – 13th November
Today is World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis writes “Where the poor are concerned, it is not talk that matters; what matters is rolling up our sleeves and putting our faith into practice through direct involvement. The poverty that kills is squalor, the daughter of injustice, exploitation, violence, and unjust distribution of resources.

Catholic Education Week - 13th to 20th November
Catholic Education is held from 13th to 20th of November. There will be a retiring collection for the work of the Catholic Education Service on Sunday next 20th November.

Sacramental Programme
Next session Saturday 26th November 10.00 - 11.15 in the Church.

The small group who meet in the Chapel House, next session Saturday 19th November 10.00 am.

A Catholic bookshop is set to open at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh on Saturday 26 November. St Pauls Bookshop will have a wide range of Christian literature as well as gift items. Find your perfect stocking filler! Opening hours will be 10:00am to 5:30pm, including weekends (closed Mondays).

Interfaith week – 13-20 Nov
The theme of this year’s Interfaith Week is ‘storytelling’. To find out where interfaith events are happening, check here.

Scottish Catholic
Issue 28, dated 11th November, available today price £2.00.

Anniversaries: Bernard Reilly, Lennie Capavanni, Sheila King, Ronald Fusco, Betty Viscogliosi, Desmond McLaughlin, Brian Coates, Gavin Ramsay, Joan McLaughlan, Elizabeth Walker, Maureen Eadie, Elizabeth Somerville, Tom Hyde, Benny Heynes, Philip Donoghue, Frank Murphy, Betty Baird, Peter Skirving; Nan Lyons, William Bruce, Catherine Wyllie, Pat McDade, Jim Ferguson, Tony Sweeney, Lilian Panton, Patricia Smith, Hazel Leetion, Margaret Rae, Stephen Brown, Brigid Ramsay, Mike Donnelly, Janet Devlin, Madge McGuire & Nellie O’Hagan. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 32nd Sunday, Year C

(6 November 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

32nd Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 160.

"Guard me as the apple of your eye.
Hide me in the shadow of your wings.

Remembrance Sunday

On Sunday next 13th November we keep Armistice Day when we remember those who died in the two great World Wars. The 10.00 am Mass next Sunday will be offered for those who lost their lives for justice in the field of battle. Also for those who suffered often without consolation for fathers, husbands or boyfriends who sadly never returned.

June Harvey – 9th November 11.00am
Requiem for June Harvey on Wednesday next 9th November at 11.00am followed by interment in Mount Vernon at 12.15 pm. We offer our sincere sympathy to her family Peter, Veronica and Anthony. You were blessed with a smiling mother, May she Rest in Peace.

Sacramental Programme – 12th November
Saturday 12th November 10.00 - 11.15 in the Church. Enter by the side-door.

Month’s Mind Mass – 14th November 7.30pm
Betty McGinley was laid to rest in Donegal last week. Her family wish to celebrate her life also here in her own parish. The Mass will be offered in St John Ogilvie’s on Monday 14th at 7.30 pm in the Day Chapel. (No Morning Mass on Monday 14th.)

Parish November Mass – Thursday 17th November
Our Parish annual November Mass to remember our friends and relatives who have passed on will be held on Thursday 17th November at 7.30 pm.

Names of those for whom you wish to pray and light a candle to be sent to parish email by November 13th.

Tea/Coffee after Mass
Tea/ Coffee after Mass today 6th November almost back to normal.

Vacancy – administrator – Closing date Monday 7th November
The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint an Administrator. The position is full time (Mon-Fri) and the annual wage is £21,000 per annum. Full details at To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to by Mon 7 November.

The Week of Prayer for World Peace - Edinburgh Event – 11th Nov
An ecumenical prayer service for world peace will take place on 11th November at 12.30pm in St John's Church Lothian Road Edinburgh. All welcome. See notice board for full details.

Action for Climate Justice
Join Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) on the Global Day of Action in marching for climate justice. SCCS is a coalition of civil society organisations - of which SCIAF is a member - campaigning together on climate change.

All are welcome to march with SCCS! Edinburgh COP27 march, Saturday 12 November 12.00PM, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

Origin Scotland – 3rd December, 7.30pm
Christmas Special Band, Choir & Orchestra, The Usher Hall 3rd December 7.30pm. Tickets Free: ring 541 0117 or

Fresh Start
Fresh Start have launched their Christmas Cooker Appeal. Donation forms and the latest quarterly newsletter are available at the back of the church.

Bethany Christian Trust - Buy A Bed Campaign
This year's Buy a Bed Campaign has been launched. Donate £21.00 to help someone who would otherwise be sleeping rough this Christmas or winter.

Every £21 donation helps to provide one person with access to the support of the Welcome Centre, where they will receive a safe, warm bed, hot food and individualised support to move on to stable accommodation.

Bethany Christian Trust - Caring Christmas Trees on sale
Our Caring Christmas Trees have been in hot demand already, with over 600 trees sold in just one week! All the proceeds from our locally sourced, Nordman Fir trees go towards our work ending homelessness in Scotland.

Book in advance on the Caring Christmas Trees website to collect your tree from our Central Belt sites, or arrange to have your tree delivered in Edinburgh or Glasgow.

Anniversaries: James Neilson, Maggie O’Donnell, Archie McCann, Esther Horne, 5 year old Reilly, Joe McKessick, Barbara Carroll, Marjorie Fullerton, Mary Boner, Rom Ziems, Br Pat Murphy OMI, Jim Clarke, Agnes Higgins, Rev James McLeod, John Lowe, Nora Mitchell, Thomas Pullman, Agnes Toal, Fr Joe Ryan, OMI, Maureen Loy, Hildegarde Ostwald, Joan Davidson, Frances Gallagher, John Todd, Mary Watson, Jean Dignan & Mary Dixon. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 31st Sunday, Year C

(30th October 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

31st Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 157.

"You are merciful to all, because you love all that exists.
Today Salvation has come to this house.

All Saints Day – Tuesday 1st November
Tuesday 1st November is the Feast of All Saints, a Holyday of Obligation in Scotland. Mass on Tuesday at 10.00am ONLY.

June Harvey
June Harvey passed to her eternal reward on Tuesday the 18th of October. Her Requiem will take place at St John Ogilvie’s on Wednesday the 9th November at 11.00am followed by interment in Mount Vernon at 12.15 pm. We offer our sincere sympathy to her family Peter, Veronica and Anthony. You were blessed with a smiling mother, May she Rest in Peace.

All Souls Day – Wednesday 2nd November
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. Mass in the church at 9.00 am.

Archbishop Cushley will celebrate Mass in Mount Vernon Church, the Catholic Cemetery, on Wednesday 2nd November at 10.00 am.

Parish November Mass – Thursday 17th November
Our Parish annual November Mass to remember our friends and relatives who have passed on will be held on Thursday 17th November at 7.30 pm.

Names of those for whom you wish to pray and light a candle to be sent to parish email by November 13th.

Scottish Catholic Magazine on sale today £2.00.

I am a medical Student from Nigeria currently staying in a single room at Sighthill. I need a 2 bedroom apartment for myself, wife and 2 year old son. Speak with Fr Tony if you can help.

Tea/Coffee after Mass
At the last PPC meeting it was decided it would be nice to return to having Tea/Coffee after Mass from Sunday 30th October. Volunteers required to make and serve teas/coffees. If you are interested in helping, please let Fr Tony know.

Sacramental Programme
Preparation of children for the Sacraments commenced this weekend with a meeting of parents.

This year, 2022/23, we have a total of 25 in the group for Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please give your full cooperation to our catechists involved in the programme. All are volunteers, generous with their time on Saturday mornings. Our sincere thanks to Julia McGuire, Laura Lang, Trish Middlemist, Agnieszka Kiersztejn and Sheila Hay who make themselves available to help you hand on the Faith to your children.

Vacancy – administrator
The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint an Administrator. The position is full time (Mon-Fri) and the annual wage is £21,000 per annum. Full details at To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to by Mon 7 Nov.

Origin Scotland – 3rd December, 7.30pm
Christmas Special Band, Choir & Orchestra, The Usher Hall 3rd December 7.30pm.

Safeguarding Matters
The latest edition of the Safeguarding Matters newsletter for the Catholic Church in Scotland is now available in the news section at

Missio Scotland
On behalf of the poor people of Ethiopia, Missio thanks you for your wonderful generosity of £806 in the Special Collection last week.

Anniversaries: James John McGreavy, Patrick O’Rourke, Madeline Parish, Jane Manzie, Cathy McCaskey, Patricia Smith, Flora Haddow, Christopher Norris, Hugh White, Mary Smith, Margaret Mary O’Donnell, Sarah Sweeney, Mary Hind, Douglas Bree, Christopher McKenzie, Anne Scott, Freddie Chalmers, Mary Guthrie, Mary Flannigan, Fr Tony Farmer, OMI, Edith Nagel, Irene Martin, Robert Roberts, Pat O’Donnell, Quie Lawrence, Jean McGregor, Isobel Cocker, Molly Kerr, Helen Gilchrist, Tom McIntosh, Fr Jim Henderson SJ, Joe Stanislaus & Dave Parry. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 30th Sunday, Year C

(23rd October 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

30th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 155.

"The humble man’s prayer pierces the cloud."

Today we welcome Matthew Zimnoch to God’s Family. Matthew son of Lukasz and Aneta Zimnoch of Longstone Park, was Baptised on Saturday. A brother for Oliver, Deo Gratias. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

June Harvey
With much sadness we announce the unexpected death of June Harvey of Baberton Mains Wynd. Her perpetual smile continued on her countenance until she drew her final breath last Tuesday. In her final weeks June, was cared for at the Guthrie care home. Funeral arrangements later. May she rest in peace.

Betty McGinley
Sadly, Betty McGinley of Calder View passed to her eternal reward earlier in October. She will be laid to rest with her late husband Joe in Donegal next Wednesday. There will be a Month’s Mind Mass in St John Ogilvie’s when the family return from Ireland.

From Missio Scotland
Mission Month and World Mission Sunday offers you an opportunity to support missionaries and the Church in proclaiming the Gospel throughout the world, particularly where the Church is young, or poor and remind us of the revitalising mission that is at the heart of our faith. The world Mission Sunday collection ensures the work and service of the Mission Church, as it supports priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the Lord’s Mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s mission. Your donations and prayers make a vital difference to our work in mission countries and territories and are an effective way by which you can support the universal Church.

Retiring Collection today.

Say No to Assisted Suicide
Last Sunday the Archbishop issued a Pastoral Letter on Euthanasia. If you wish to sign a petition against legalisation of Assisted Suicide, you are invited to sign the form at the back of the church. Or sign online at

A parishioner from Nigeria who works in Edinburgh lives in a single-room apartment. He plans to bring his wife and children to Scotland and is searching for a 2 bedroom apartment. If any parishioner is able to assist he would appreciate your help.

Tea/ Coffee after Mass – 30th October
At the last PPC meeting it was decided it would be nice to return to having Tea/ Coffee after Mass from Sunday 30th October. Volunteers required to make and serve teas/coffees, if you are interested in helping, please let Fr Tony know.

Parish November Mass – Thursday 17th November
Our Parish annual November Mass to remember our friends and relatives who have passed on will be held on Thursday 17th November at 7.30 pm.

Names of those for whom you wish to pray and light a candle to be sent to parish email by November 13th.

All Souls’ Day
Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place at 10am on Wednesday 2 November (All Souls' Day) in the Mount Vernon Cemetery Chapel.

Parish Mass on All Souls Day 9.00 am.

Appointment of new DSA
Mr Scott Mackenzie has been appointed as Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) for the Archdiocese and will take up the role on 4 January 2023. He is already involved in safeguarding in the Archdiocese as a safeguarding trainer and member of the DRAMT. He is also involved in the Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage, overseeing volunteer recruitment, volunteer data and safeguarding. He currently works as Business Manager at Gracemount High School.

Anniversaries: Margaret Conway, William Foren, Patrick Hanley, Connie Wilson, Fred Menelaws, Tony Swain, Andrew Gillon, Norman McCann, James Christie, Cepta McMorrough, Colum Sharkey, Patricia Monaghan, Bill Robertson, Sarah Milne, Cissie O’Donnell, Patricia McKessick, Fay Smith, Stephen Harte, Peter Spencer, Kitty Summerville and Andrew McElvanney. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 29th Sunday, Year C

(16th October 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

29th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 152.

"Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth."

Betty McGinley
Sadly Betty McGinley of Calder View passed to her eternal reward last week. Betty was a widow since the death of her husband Joe in 2007. Joe was laid to rest back in his native Donegal and Betty though a Scot from the Grassmarket, will join him in the hills of Donegal. Details of her obsequies and funeral later.

Mission Sunday – 23rd October
Next weekend, at His Holiness Pope Francis’ invitation, Catholics in parishes all over the world will be asked to contribute to a special collection for the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) - his official charity for overseas mission – during World Mission Sunday. This year the theme is “You shall be my witness” [Acts 1:8]. The Church’s sole mission is to bear witness to Christ. Missio Scotland - the Scottish branch of the Pontifical Mission Societies – aims to share with you some of the life-saving and life-giving work being undertaken by priests, sisters and laity in mission countries and territories throughout the world such as Ethiopia. Catholics only make up 1% of the population of Ethiopia, but the Catholic Church provides 80% of social services in the country. Our missionary priests and religious live out their mission and support our brothers and sisters in faith throughout the world. Like them, you can help spread the Good News and play your part in the life of the Universal Church by supporting Missio Scotland, so please give generously.

Retiring Collection next Sunday.

Tea/ Coffee after Mass – 30th October
The PPC at their meeting of 22nd September decided to return to Tea/Coffee after Mass from Sunday 30th October.

Parish November Mass – Thursday 17th November
Our Parish annual November Mass to remember our friends and relatives who have passed on will be held on Thursday 17th. November at 7.30 pm.

Names of those for whom you wish to pray and light a candle to be sent to parish email by November 13th.

Retreat in Daily Life - Sunday 23 October – Sunday 20 November
A four-week retreat in daily life led by Fr David Stewart sj. Each participant is asked to set aside some time each day (maybe 20 or 30 minutes) for prayer and to meet once a week with your individual prayer guide for about half an hour. There are also optional workshops on methods of prayer.

Booking is now open - please email .

All Souls’ Day
Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place at 10am on Wednesday 2 November (All Souls' Day) in the Mount Vernon Cemetery Chapel.

Special talk on family life – 5th November
Professor Stephan Kampowski is a world-renowned expert on marriage and the family in a Catholic context. He is visiting the Archdiocese from Rome next month to give a series of talks. He will speak at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, at 11am on Saturday 5 November. Register for this event on the Archdiocesan Eventbrite page:

Letter from Archbishop on Euthanasia
Archbishop Cushley has written a pastoral letter about the dangerous impact on the possible legalising of assisted suicide in Scotland. It is available at the back of the church – please take a copy home with you. You can sign the petition which aims to stop plans to legalise assisted suicide at the back of the church or sign online at

Cost of Living
The Scottish Government has launched a new website that brings together in one place information on support, grants, benefits and advice, in order to help people find what support they may be entitled to. Please click here.

Cost of Living
The Scottish Government has launched a new website that brings together in one place information on support, grants, benefits and advice, in order to help people find what support they may be entitled to. Please click here.

The Missio Scotland Magazine and Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Cushely available at the entrance to the church today.
(Click here for the Pastoral Letter.)

The Scottish Catholic is available at the Church entrance today £2.00. Over the past 6 months 3 copies of the Magazine are delivered but only one is purchased. If this continues the order will be cancelled.

Anniversaries: Raymond Dunlop, Ewen McLeod, Michael Gallagher, Anne Manners, John Cleghorn, Kenneth Davidson, Jim Blaney, Charles Flynn, Catherine Doherty, Mary Martinez, John Murphy, Robert Dickson, Daryl McLaughlin, Drew Hornig, Ann Patterson, John Connolly, Annie Scott, Jean Rafferty, Helen Hunter, William Priest, James Clark, Steven Curran, Dennis Brownhill, Catherine Kozubal, Neil McLean and Hilary Muir, Eternal rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 28th Sunday, Year C

(9th October 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

28th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 149.

"For all things give thanks, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus."

Changes at Leith
Fr Martin Moran omi, parish priest at Leith since 2016, has been appointed as Moderator of three Oblate parishes in Inchicore Dublin.

Fr Irvin Morastil omi assistant priest at Leith has been appointed to Tower Hill in London with responsibility for Oblate Vocations in the Provence.

Fr John McFadden omi has been appointed parish priest at St Mary's Star of the Sea Leith.

Changes to will take place the 3rd. week of October. We wish them all God's Blessing in their new responsibilities.

Oppose Assisted Suicide
Care Not Killing (CNK), supported by the Catholic Parliamentary Office, has launched a petition which aims to stop plans to legalise assisted suicide. This bill risks undermining the provision of palliative care and efforts to prevent suicide. It may make the most vulnerable people, including the elderly and disabled, feel like a burden. The current law is the safeguard - it prohibits assisting someone’s suicide and/or killing them by euthanasia, but the new law will eliminate this safeguard. The state ought to support the provision of care, not deliberate killing. Please sign the petition, sign online at .

Music Day
Join fellow musicians and singers from across the Archdiocese for a Music Day at 10:30am on Saturday 22 October at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. The event is for anyone interested or involved in music in the liturgy. It features workshops on choir singing and organ/keyboard, sessions on planning music in your parish and a panel where you can ask your questions of the experts. The day is led by Michael Ferguson, Director of Music at St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, and James Greechan, Choral Director for the Diocese of Motherwell. Light lunch provided. Free parking onsite. Register now at

Talk with Archbishop Cushley
The Edinburgh Jesuit Centre at Sacred Heart Parish in Lauriston, Edinburgh, is hosting a series of conversations with people who work at the interface of faith and politics. On Wednesday 12 October at 7pm, Fr Adrian Porter SJ will be in conversation with Archbishop Leo Cushley about the work and influence of the diplomatic service of the Holy See. More at

Romero Lecture 2022: The Life, Loss and Legacy of Romero
The inaugural Romero Lecture will take place at Sacred Heart Church on Friday 14 October. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop William Nolan at 6pm, followed by the Romero Lecture by Fr Martin Maier SJ at 7pm, introduced by Archbishop Cushley. More information at

All Souls’ Day
Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery. This will take place at 10am on Wednesday 2 November (All Souls' Day) in the Mount Vernon Cemetery Chapel.

Anniversaries: Charlie Gallagher, Annie Mcguire, William Loftus, Walter Stewart, Shaun Cooney, Alex Brown, Pat Cooney, Alice Smith, Kathleen McKinnon, Ann Ralph, Becky Hogg, Georgina Devlin, Bill Dignan, Ronald Nolan, Kathleen Ellis, Sandra Brownhill, Br Peter Fitzpatrick, OMI, Patricia Kennedy, Barney McCarron, Thomas Eadie, Brian Dougan, Matilda Henry, Mary Boner, Bill Bell, Margaret Mills, Mary Murphy, Janet (Nettie) McGowan, Lawrence Higgins, Sarah Rigg, Marian Secka, John Higgins, Nora Masson, Margarida Cortereal, Charles Devine, Christian Janczuk, Wattie Robb, Pedro Duffy and Gabriel Donald. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 27th Sunday, Year C

(2nd October 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

27th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 146.

"O that today you would listen to my voice! Harden not your Hearts."

On Retreat
Fr Tony is on annual Retreat next week. No weekday Mass from Monday 2nd to Friday 7th of October.

Golden Jubilee of Parish
The Golden Jubilee of the Parish of St. John Ogilvie’s was October 2020. Due to COVID we postponed a celebration. At the Parish Pastoral Council meeting the PPC decided to celebrate the Jubilee on the Feast of St John Ogilvie, 10th March 2023.

Day for Readers: - 8th October
Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. Register at

Marriage Counselling
The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (BCOS) is looking to increase the provision of marriage counselling available to Dioceses in Scotland.

If you are an experienced counsellor, it offers you an opportunity to broaden your professional practice (CPD training provided). BCOS hopes to expand upon a service already used in some areas of the country that supports couples married in the Catholic church and is underpinned by the Christian tradition.

Essential criteria:

  • Current registration with a professional counselling body including BACP, COSCA, UKCP or registered equivalent.
  • Hold a minimum of a Diploma in Counselling or equivalent.
  • Have a minimum of 450 client hours (post qualifying) experience.

Interested? Please contact us on 07706 063936 to have an initial chat.

Most Reverend Leo Cushley
Archbishop of St. Andrew’s & Edinburgh.

I, the Most Reverend Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St Andrews & Edinburgh, do hereby decree that a tiered increase on the annual parish assessment, as per n.9, should replace the special second collections which have provided the funding hitherto for the AICF (cf. cann. 7; 8, §2; 29; 381; 391);

I further direct and provide that this law is to be promulgated immediately via the Archdiocesan website and that the attention of the clergy should be drawn to it in a letter ad clerum (cf. cann. 7; 8) and;

The foregoing takes effect immediately, all things to the contrary notwithstanding.

Signed: +Leo Cushley
Archbishop of St Andrews & Edinburgh

Signed: The Very Reverend S. Deeley VE

This Decree will require the parish to pay one third of the Offertory collection to the Archdiocese. See the Parish WEB or the Diocesan WEB for background in support of this Decree.

Canon Law allows 28 days for the faithful to object.

Anniversaries: Maisie McKay, Paul Boyle, Jane Halliday, Patricia Fletcher, Gilbert Russell, Andrew McCulloch, Catherine Ryan, Cathie Baillie, Alex Mazs, James Kane, David Scott, Fr. Larry Keogh, OMI, Robert Meriless, Canon Harold Parker, John-Joseph Mullholland, Dominick Boner, Fr. Eoghan Haughey OMI, Fr.Sean Hynes, OMI, Penny Clark, Harold Benert, John Smith, Susan Conway, Alice Brownhill, Edward Scully, Mary Gallagher, Dominic Boner, Viv McKay, Sr. Margaret Connor & Angela Boyle. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 26th Sunday, Year C

(25th September 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

26th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 143.

"The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice."


Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees

Dear brothers and sisters, and, in a special way, young people! If we want to cooperate with our heavenly Father in building the future, let us do so together with our brothers and sisters who are migrants and refugees. Let us build the future today! For the future begins today and it begins with each of us. We cannot leave to future generations the burden of responsibility for decisions that need to be made now, so that God’s plan for the world may be realized and his Kingdom of justice, fraternity, and peace may come.


Lord, make us bearers of hope,
so that where there is darkness,
your light may shine,
and where there is discouragement,
confidence in the future may be reborn.

Lord, make us instruments of your justice,
so that where there is exclusion, fraternity may flourish,
and where there is greed, a spirit of sharing may grow.

Lord, make us builders of your Kingdom,
together with migrants and refugees
and with all who dwell on the peripheries.

Lord, let us learn how beautiful it is
to live together as brothers and sisters. Amen.

Edinburgh Jesuit Centre: Faith and Politics – 28th September
This term, the Edinburgh Jesuit Centre is running a series of conversations with people whose work combines faith and politics. On Wednesday 28 September at 7pm, Fr Adrian Porter SJ will be in conversation with Alistair Dutton, Chief Executive of SCIAF. In-person and online. Details at

Choral Scholarships – 29th September
The Jesuit Church of the Sacred Heart, Edinburgh, is offering eight new choral scholarships to students in education, age 16+ to postgraduate. Auditions are on Thursday 29 September. For more information click here.

St John Ogilvie’s Church - Sacramental Programme 2022/2023
The Sacramental Programme will begin again after the school holiday break in October. The preparation classes will be held on a Saturday morning in the church hall and are primarily for children who attend a non-Catholic school. The dates of the classes will be issued in due courseSee Parish WEB for application Closing date 30.September 2022

Relics of St Bernadette
The relics of St Bernadette are on tour and come to Carfin Grotto from 24 September to 1 October. The Archdiocesan Day is being held there on Thursday 29 September and it includes a Mass for schools at 1pm, celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, a torchlight procession at 8pm, and Mass at 9pm. All welcome.

Day for Readers: - 8th October
Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. Register at .

Golden Jubilee of Parish
The Golden Jubilee of the Parish of St. John Ogilvie’s was October 2020. Due to COVID we postponed a celebration. At the Parish Pastoral Council meeting last Thursday the PPC decided to celebrate the Jubilee on the Feast of St John Ogilvie, 10th March 2023.

Anniversaries: Margaret Moriarty, Charlie McGonagle, Margaret Thatcher, Fr John Dunlea, Cathy Simm, Fr Peter O’Neill, OMI, Jean Robertson, Susan Ward, Fr Brian Ivers OMI, Neily Boyle, Bridie Miller, Val Waugh, John Browne, Maria Jones, Beatrice McQuillan, James Sweeney, Violet Hudson, Janet Glen, Margaret Anderson, Mary Ferrier, Alan Kilmack, Jessie Reid, Jim Gahagan, Janet Todd and Maisie Butler. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 25th Sunday, Year C

(18th September 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

25th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 140.

"God our Saviour wants everyone to be saved and reach full knowledge of the truth."

Parish Council – 22nd September
Meeting of PPC on Thursday 22nd September 7.30 pm. Members of the council please collect your Agenda and correspondence after Mass today. .

St John Ogilvie’s Church - Sacramental Programme 2022/2023
The Sacramental Programme will begin again after the school holiday break in October. The preparation classes will be held on a Saturday morning in the church hall and are primarily for children who attend a non-Catholic school. The dates of the classes will be issued in due courseSee Parish WEB for application

Venerable Margaret Sinclair
The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. It starts at 2pm and concludes with Mass at 4:30pm. This will be an afternoon of quiet reflection and prayer for the beatification of Margaret Sinclair.Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

Red Mass – 18th September
The Red Mass scheduled for midday today (18th) has been cancelled.

HM The Queen – 19th September
HM The Queen’s funeral will be held on Monday 19 September and is a bank holiday. The Archdiocesan offices at the Gillis Centre will be closed.

Relics of St Bernadette
The relics of St Bernadette are on tour and come to Carfin Grotto from 24 September to 1 October. The Archdiocesan Day is being held there on Thursday 29 September and it includes a Mass for schools at 1pm, celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, a torchlight procession at 8pm, and Mass at 9pm. All welcome.

Edinburgh Jesuit Centre: - 21st September - "An ever more united Christian voice in the land"
Archbishop Leo Cushley speaks on the recent landmark commitment of friendship and unity between the Catholic Church in Scotland and the Church of Scotland (the St Margaret Declaration). This event takes place in-person and online at Sacred Heart Church, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh on Wednesday 21 September at 7pm. Details at

Edinburgh Jesuit Centre: Faith & Politics – 28th September
This term, the Edinburgh Jesuit Centre is running a series of conversations with people whose work combines faith and politics. On Wednesday 28 September at 7pm, Fr Adrian Porter SJ will be in conversation with Alistair Dutton, Chief Executive of SCIAF. In-person and online. Details at

Season of Creation – 1st September to 4th October
Integral Human Development SCIAF workshops take place at Ss Ninian & Triduana Church Hall, Marionville Road, Edinburgh, 7pm-8:30pm on Tue 13 & Tue 27 September. To take part contact Carole Herbstritt on 07757 352433.

Read the Pope’s encycle "Laudato Si" - Praise the Lord - click here.

Day for Readers - The Word Made Flesh: Full of Grace and Truth
Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. It is also for anyone who wants to come and reflect on the Gospel of St John. Fr Andrew Garden of St David’s in Dalkeith will be the main speaker and there will be practical sessions. The day concludes with Mass at 2:15pm. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Register at .

Anniversaries: Susan Spencer, Olivia Watson, Jane Watson, Norrie Lamb, Denis Meenan, Darren Mills, Fr Gerard Clenaghan, Vera Smith, Michael Lundberg, Kenny Bush, Kathleen Eadie, Patrick McMahon, Sr Maura Carey, Bill Anderson, Anne McCaskey, Eddie Aitken, Allan Thompson, Rebecca Gore, James Davidson, Barney Law, Mary Monkman, Olivia Duthie (2 yrs), Thomas Pullman, Edward Goll, Margaret Ryan, Dorothy Grant, Fr Denis Cormican, Thomas Quinn, Andrena Hardie, Victoria Wallace, Boreis Liston and Sylvia Benert. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 24th Sunday, Year C

(11th September 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

24th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 136.

"I will leave this place and go to my Father"

Today we welcome Ifeanyichukwu Lucas Odiokpu to God’s Family. We will celebrate his Baptism today after Mass. Congratulations to Emmanuel and Aimee from Hailesland Grove on the birth of their son – a brother for Linda. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Parish Council – 22nd September
Meeting of PPC on Thursday 22nd.September 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be sent to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [secretary] before Thursday 15th September..

Day for Readers - The Word Made Flesh: Full of Grace and Truth
Do you read the Word of God at Mass? A Day for Readers takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 11am – 3pm on Saturday 8 October. It is also for anyone who wants to come and reflect on the Gospel of St John. Fr Andrew Garden of St David’s in Dalkeith will be the main speaker and there will be practical sessions. The day concludes with Mass at 2:15pm. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Register at .

Relics of St Bernadette
The relics of St Bernadette are on tour and come to Carfin Grotto from 24 September to 1 October. The Archdiocesan Day is being held there on Thursday 29 September and it includes a Mass for schools at 1pm, celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, a torchlight procession at 8pm, and Mass at 9pm. All welcome.

Children’s Liturgy Day – 10th September
Please note that this event, scheduled for Saturday 10 Sep at the Gillis Centre, has been postponed until the Spring. Registrants have been emailed.

Season of Creation – 1st September to 4th October
Integral Human Development SCIAF workshops take place at Ss Ninian & Triduana Church Hall, Marionville Road, Edinburgh, 7pm-8:30pm on Tue 13 & Tue 27 September. To take part contact Carole Herbstritt on 07757 352433.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair
The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. It starts at 2pm and concludes with Mass at 4:30pm. This will be an afternoon of quiet reflection and prayer for the beatification of Margaret Sinclair.Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

St John Ogilvie’s Church - Sacramental Programme 2022/2023
The Sacramental Programme will begin again after the school holiday break in October. The preparation classes will be held on a Saturday morning in the church hall and are primarily for children who attend a non-Catholic school. The dates of the classes will be issued in due course.

The programme for 2022/23 will prepare children for the following Sacraments:

1. Reconciliation – Primary 3 and above.
2. First Holy Communion – Primary 4 and above
3. Confirmation – Primary 7 and above.

If you wish your child to be enrolled in one of the classes then please complete the enrolment form on the Parish website at and submit it online or print it off and e-mail it to Fr Tony Quinlan at or and hand it into the church after mass.

Please complete all questions on the form and return it no later than 30Th September 2022.

Anniversaries: : Terry Parkinson, Annie Clarke, Dan Rafferty, Sr. Maria Goretti, Eric Gallo, Doris Burrows, Bernard Conway, Margaret McBennett, Bill Clarke, Margaret Brown, Tina Armit, Fr. Ben Beary, Ena oy, Pauline Rainsford, Albert McCurragh, Annie Hurry, Gerrard Paterson, William McIntosh, Fr John Delaney, David Campbell, Theresa McAllister, Sr. Raphael McAllister, Henry Doran, Kathleen Myles, Bridget Forker, Patrick McCarron, Teresa Hoy, Anthony Fraghetti, Agnes Law & Fr Patrick McMahon. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 23rd Sunday, Year C

(4th September 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

23rd Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 133.

"You are just O Lord and your judgement is right."

With sadness we announce the death at 68 years of age of James Jones of Walkers Wynd. We offer our sincere sympathy to Bernadette and his son Jim. On Friday last before cremation we celebrated obsequies at the Porteous Chapel in Lanark Road. May he rest in peace. .

Parish Council – 22nd September
Meeting of PPC on Thursday 22nd.September 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be sent to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [secretary] before Thursday 15th September..

Annual Justice and Peace Mass – Monday 5th September
This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5th September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register here.

Season of Creation – 1st September to 4th October
The Season of Creation is on from 1 September to 4 October. This year’s theme is ‘Listening to the voice of creation’. Find out more here. Please consider reading Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si,’ on caring for our common home – it is freely available online - click here.

Children’s Liturgy Day – 10th September
Those who lead/volunteer with parish Children’s Liturgy, or who are interested in finding out more about it, are invited to take part in a day of training, guidance and support at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, at 10:45am on Saturday 10 September. Register here.

My Faith and Scotland
Is Scotland a tolerant country for people of faith? Take part in an in-depth conversation on the experience of Christians and Muslims, with guest speakers outlining obstacles and opportunities. This event takes place at the parish hall of St John Cantius & Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn, on Saturday 10 September, from 11am to 3pm. Register here.

Vacancy: Safeguarding Adviser
The Archdiocese is advertising for the post of Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) following the departure of John McKenzie. Emma Boothroyd has kindly stepped in as acting DSA until an appointment has been made. The job advert is here.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair
The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. It starts at 2pm and concludes with Mass at 4:30pm. This will be an afternoon of quiet reflection and prayer for the beatification of Margaret Sinclair.Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

Youth Pilgrimage – 24th September
The National Pilgrimage for young people aged between 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

Relics of St Bernadette
The relics of St Bernadette are on tour and come to Carfin Grotto from 24 September to 1 October. The Archdiocesan Day is being held there on Thursday 29 September and it includes a Mass for schools at 1pm, celebrated by Archbishop Cushley, a torchlight procession at 8pm, and Mass at 9pm. All welcome.

Scottish Catholic - Issue 23 on sale today £2.00.

Anniversaries: : Matt McGuire, Terrence Spillane, Sr Mary Gilligan, Baby Kathryn Crawford, George Miller, Fr. Eddie Connolly, OMI, Charlie Gilligan, Mary Higgins, Michael Jackson, Josie McCormack, Marion Gillan, Anne Bryce, Reno Florean, Derrick Fleming, Gertrude Fleming, Alexander Muir, Caroline Campbell, Christina Leitch, Margaret Watson, James O’Hara, Jane Heaney, Catherine Dimmer, Fr Paddy Sheridan, Moira Hughes, “Rory”, Robert Jones, Fr John Cribben, Patrick McGoohan, John Stoddart, Marianne Stokes, Margaret McLaughlin and Martin Kelly. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 22nd Sunday, Year C

(28 August 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

22nd Sunday of the Year, YearC

Prayers and Readings page 130.

Welcome Back
Welcome back Fr Tony, hope you had a relaxing holiday. Thanks to Fr Peter for covering while you were away on your well-deserved break.

Countdown on to Season of Creation – 1st September
The countdown is on to the Season of Creation. It begins in 10 days and there are lots of ways to get involved. This year's theme is Listen to the Voice of Creation and Pope Francis has called it "a season of increased prayer and effort on behalf of our common home". The Season of Creation begins on 1 September, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends on 4 October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. For more information visit the parish website.

Annual Justice and Peace Mass – Monday 5th September
This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5th September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register here.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair
The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

Youth Pilgrimage – 24th September
The National Pilgrimage for young people aged between 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

Job Vacancy: Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser to lead its safeguarding service.

The role is to advise and assist the Archbishop in meeting his safeguarding responsibilities. This includes ensuring standards of safe recruitment for all church personnel, clergy, and lay volunteers, and implementing the mandatory safeguarding training programme.

The Adviser is responsible for responding to any complaints of a safeguarding nature in accordance with national Catholic safeguarding guidelines.

Location: 100 Strathearn Rd, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.
Hours: 21 per week (can be worked flexibly).
Salary: £45,000 FTE (£27,000 pro rata), dependent on experience.

For more information click here.

Relics of St Bernadette arrive at Carfin
The relics of St. Bernadette are touring Britain and arrive at Carfin on Saturday 24th September at 10.30am. The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh will host a diocesan day at the shrine on Thursday 29th September.

Anniversaries: : Moira Stewart, Mary White, Ewen Bryden, Janet Allen, Eva McKay, David Whitelaw, Gillespie Munro, Paul Canning, Tommy McGregor Watson, Ina Stewart, Dennis Farrell, Ann Rogojinski, Peter Wilson, Mary Brown, Sr Josephine Secco, Paul McGuire, Lawrence McGowan, Ian Moyes, James Douglas, Patrick Donoghue, Margaret Lackie, Anne O’Driscoll, Margaret Conway and Jessie McGuinness. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 21st Sunday, Year C

(21 August 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

21st Sunday of the Year, YearC

Prayers and Readings page 128.

"God’s message is for the whole world."

Festival Mass – 21st August
Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the Festival Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral at midday on Sunday 21 August.

The Rolling Hills Chorus in Concert – 26/27th August
Our very own Pat Saddler sings with The Rolling Hills Chorus and they are back performing at The Fringe in Venue 122, St. Cuthbert’s Church Lothian Road on Friday 26th at 7.30pm and Saturday 27th August at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Tickets £12, Concessions £10, Family of 4 £36, children under 11 free. Tickets available from any Fringe Box Office or online at

Countdown on to Season of Creation – 1st September
The countdown is on to the Season of Creation. It begins in 10 days and there are lots of ways to get involved. This year's theme is Listen to the Voice of Creation and Pope Francis has called it "a season of increased prayer and effort on behalf of our common home". The Season of Creation begins on 1 September, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends on 4 October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. For more information visit the parish website.

Annual Justice and Peace Mass – Monday 5th September
This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5th September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register here.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair
The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

Youth Pilgrimage – 24th September
The National Pilgrimage for young people aged between 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

Join OLIO – and help reduce food waste
OLIO is an App designed to reduce the amount of food (and non-food) items going to landfill. You can download the free App which allows you to request and collect free food within your local area.

Food is collected by OLIO ‘Food Waste Heroes’ from local supermarkets/stores when ‘Use By’ or ‘Best Before dates are reached. OLIO ‘Food Waste Heroes’ then post items on the app and anyone can request them. You, too, can share free food and non-food household items with local people through the App.

OLIO can be downloaded, free, from whatever App store you normally use. More information is available at the app store or at

Job Vacancy: Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is seeking to appoint a Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser to lead its safeguarding service.

The role is to advise and assist the Archbishop in meeting his safeguarding responsibilities. This includes ensuring standards of safe recruitment for all church personnel, clergy, and lay volunteers, and implementing the mandatory safeguarding training programme.

The Adviser is responsible for responding to any complaints of a safeguarding nature in accordance with national Catholic safeguarding guidelines.

Location: 100 Strathearn Rd, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.
Hours: 21 per week (can be worked flexibly).
Salary: £45,000 FTE (£27,000 pro rata), dependent on experience.

For more information click here.

Anniversaries: : Ian Smith, Kathleen Flynn, Jamesina Geddes, Mark Dale, Mary O’Donnell, John West, Jessie Gibson, Sr Mary Oliver, Sam Martinez, Nan Murray, Willie Devlin, Roy Geddes, Alan Thomas, Andrew Hynd Jr, Sid Jones, James Barclay, Mary Gillespie, Angela Martone, Mira Fakhoury, Elizabeth McKellock, Joe McGinley, Sr. Agnes Canning, Ian Ross, Johanna McGeough and Mgr. Michael Regan. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Feast of the Assumption

(14 August 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

The Feast of the Assumption

Prayers and Readings page 189.

"My soul proclaims the greatness of The Lord."

This weekend Joe and Brenda McGeough celebrate their Golden Jubilee of their marriage. Joe serves the parish as chair of the Parish Council and Brenda adds beauty as our Flower Lady especially on our major feasts. They married in Sheffield on 12th August 1972. May you be blessed with many more years of married bliss.

Schools back – Wednesday 17th August
A Blessing for all children returning to school or starting school for the first time this week.

May you be blessed as you begin a new school year.
God’s blessing on your head that you may grow in knowledge and wisdom.
A blessing on your eyes that you may see things clearly.
A blessing on your ears that you hear the words of support, advice and encouragement given by those around you.
A blessing on your mouth that you may speak words of support and encouragement to others.
A blessing on your hands that you may be creative, productive and certain in what you do.
A blessing on your heart that you may have the courage and faith of the apostles.
A blessing of your whole person that you may realise your true value and worth.

Festival Mass – 21st August
Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the Festival Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral at midday on Sunday 21 August.

The Rolling Hills Chorus in Concert – 26/27th August
Our very own Pat Saddler sings with The Rolling Hills Chorus and they are back performing at The Fringe in Venue 122, St. Cuthbert’s Church Lothian Road on Friday 26th at 7.30pm and Saturday 27th August at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Tickets £12, Concessions £10, Family of 4 £36, children under 11 free.

Annual Justice and Peace Mass – Monday 5th September
This takes place at 7pm on Monday 5th September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. The lead celebrant is Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for the Archdiocese’s Caritas Justice & Peace Commission and there will be a homily from Fr David Stewart SJ. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after. Register here.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair
The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

Youth Pilgrimage – 24th September:

The National Pilgrimage for young people aged between 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10). To book your place email

Anniversaries: Cecilia Devine, John Manzie, Jim Ward, Doug Killin, Sean Ryan, Fr. Maurice Gallagher OMI, Mary Wardlaw, Sally Wytaska, Hugh Hart, James Eagan, Ramsay Smith, Vincent Timoney, Bridget Evans, Anna Marie Boner, Bernadette Dixon, Frances McDougall, Irene Mowat, Brigid Fraser, Harold Greig, Ella Gray and Alex Thomson. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 19th Sunday, Year C

(7 August 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

19th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 118.

"Happy are the people the Lord has chosen as his own."

This weekend we welcome to God’s Family Crislen Pepul Beta of Murrayburn Gardens, daughter of Cleto and Cristina who was Baptised on Saturday 6th August. May she bring you and this community much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

This weekend also we welcome to God’s family Elliott Selali Kwasi Dzokoto of Dumbryden Gardens son of Furry Yaw and Goida Joyce who was Baptised on Saturday. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Congratulations to Sister Aelred Timmins RSM
Sister Aelred Timmins RSM has been granted the title Doctor of the University, Honoris Causa, at a ceremony at Edinburgh University's McEwan Hall. The award recognises Sr Aelred’s work over 50 years helping those in need and leading the Homeless Project at St Catharine's Mercy Centre in Lauriston Gardens. Many of our parishioners will remember Sister Aelred’s letters of appreciation, which she sent to St John Ogilvie’s following the various fund-raising events organised in the parish for the work of the Homeless Project at St Catharine’s Convent. Prior to the lockdown on account of Covid-19, the parish JPIC group organised an annual “Homeless Sunday”, with tea and scones, and an annual collection of bath towels for homeless people who could bathe at St Catharine’s. Tinned food and other produce collected at our Harvest Mass was also sent to St Catharine’s Homeless Project.

Abortion Bill
The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a two-page briefing on Gillian Mackay, MSP's proposal to introduce buffer zones around abortion facilities in Scotland. The briefing provides details on the proposal, highlights some concerns and shows how people can respond to the consultation, which closes on Thursday 11th August. Find it by clicking here.

Feast of the Assumption – Sunday 14th August
This year the Feast of the Assumption is transferred to Sunday 14th August.

Canon Jock leads worship service on BBC Radio Scotland – 7th and 14th August, 7.30am:

Listen to Canon Jock Dalrymple of St John & St Mary Magdalene’s, Edinburgh, lead a prayer service this Sunday at 7:30am on BBC Radio Scotland (and 14th August).

Outside In art-week - Exhibition: 7 – 14 August
with workshops from Monday 8 to Saturday 13 August

Contact:, 07593316284

"Working with Artlink, the L’Arche community and the Diversity and Inclusion team at Edinburgh Council, we have devised a week of creative art which will culminate in an art installation on the theme of Outside In.

The project is led by artists Mousa AlNana and Najma Abukar, who, together with volunteer artists and helpers, will be offering drop-in art sessions to all who call by, group workshops that are bookable on the number above, and an exhibition by community artists.

The Episcopal Cathedral, in Palmerston Place, has been generous in welcoming our team, offering space within a Cathedral chapel, and in the Walpole Hall nearby. The completed installation and exhibition will remain on display for the rest of August. After that, the installation will be moved to new venues, ecclesial and public, where it will continue to celebrate art and promote discussion of the spiritual theme – Outside In. ‘The longest journey is the journey within.

Anniversaries: John Nicol, Fr Frank Dromey OMI, Del Brownhill, Barbara Koerber, Jean London, Moira Wilson, Peter McWilliam, Peg O’Shea, George Fee, Della McKenna, James McDonald, Guiseppe Gramazio, John Ramage, Juilian Roginski, Robert McKenzie and Alice Cappavanni, Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 18th Sunday, Year C

(31 July 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

18th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 117.

"O that today you would listen to his voice!
Harden not your hearts.

Today we welcome Fr Peter Clucas omi to the parish. Fr Peter served here as assistant priest in the 1980’s. Due to ill health he is now semi-retired, on “reduced active ministry” [RAM]. I will take a holiday in Ireland from 2nd to 25th of August. Meanwhile Peter will be available 24/7.

Feast of St Ignatius Loyola – 31 July, 7pm
The Jesuit-run parish of Sacred Heart, Lauriston, Edinburgh, will celebrate the Feast Day of St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, on Sunday 31 July. They invite everyone, especially former students of Jesuit schools and universities, to the 7pm Mass that day and to witness the reconsecration of the church and their ministry to the Sacred Heart. There will be a glass of wine afterwards to celebrate.

Abortion Bill
The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a two-page briefing on Gillian Mackay, MSP's proposal to introduce buffer zones around abortion facilities in Scotland. The briefing provides details on the proposal, highlights some concerns and shows how people can respond to the consultation, which closes on Thursday 11th August. Find it by clicking here.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair
The national Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage is on Sunday 18 September. Find out more about this holy Edinburgh woman at

A decree regarding a new tax on the sale of parish properties has now come into effect. It can be found in the decrees section on the Archdiocesan Website here.

I, The Most Reverend Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St. Andrew’s & Edinburgh, do hereby decree that a levy on income gained by a parish through the sale of property shall be applied according to the table below.

I further direct and provide that this law is to be promulgated immediately via the Archdiocesan Website

The foregoing takes effect immediately, all things to the contrary not withstanding.

+Leo Cushley
Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh

Reflection 31st July:

Nobody gets to heaven without a letter of reference from the poor!”. If Jesus is to be believed, then we need to believe that the poor stand before us always as that place where we are judged. We get to heaven on the basis of our response to the poor. The cross of Christ is the key to life and the cross is forever being erected at that place where the excluded ones, the poor, suffer.

But, as we know, it’s not easy to actually feed the hungry, clothe the naked, console the sorrowful, or help the downtrodden. Why? Like the rich man in the Gospel we don’t see them. We pass them by every day. Riches can blind us.

Be sure to get your Reference !

Anniversaries: John Nicol, Fr Frank Dromey OMI, Del Brownhill, Barbara Koerber, Jean London, Moira Wilson, Peter McWilliam, Peg O’Shea, George Fee, Della McKenna, James McDonald, Guiseppe Gramazio, John Ramage, Juilian Roginski, Robert McKenzie and Alice Cappavanni, Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 17th Sunday, Year C

(24 July 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

17th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 114.

"On the Day I Called
You answered me O Lord.

This weekend we welcome to God’s Family Ethan Patrick McGuire. Congratulations to Vincent and Kerry on the birth of their new son. May he bring you much Joy and Happiness in the years ahead.

Free2Pray - 2 August
The Scottish Parliament is considering a Bill which would ban peaceful prayers and offers of help near abortion clinics. Catholics concerned for freedom of speech and right of assembly are asked to respond to this proposed Bill. The Archdiocese is hosting an online session to help you do this. Free2Pray takes place on Zoom and lasts 30 mins. To register for Tuesday 2 August at 7:45pm - click here.

Schola Cantorum sings MacMillan
This recital takes place at 7:30pm on Monday, 15 August, at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh. In the course of this recital at the Cathedral, Sir James McMillan, Scotland’s most distinguished composer, will discuss the relation between faith and music with Michael Ferguson, Director of the Schola Cantorum. For details, click here.

Festival of the Sacred Arts – 14th to 20th August
Flyer in church entrance today please take one.

Summary of reports from the 8 Scottish Dioceses on a separate page.

Prayer for World Day for Grandparents and The Elderly:

I thank You, Lord,
for the comfort of Your presence:
even in times of loneliness,
You are my hope and my confidence,
You have been my rock and my fortress since my youth!

I thank You for having given me a family
and for having blessed me with a long life.
I thank You for moments of joy and difficulty,
for the dreams that have already come true in my life
and for those that are still ahead of me.

I thank You for this time of renewed fruitfulness
to which You call me.
Increase, O Lord, my faith,
make me a channel of your peace,
teach me to embrace those who suffer more than me,
to never stop dreaming
and to tell of your wonders to new generations.

Protect and guide Pope Francis and the Church,
that the light of the Gospel might reach the ends of the earth.

Send Your Spirit, O Lord, to renew the world,
that the storm of the pandemic might be calmed,
the poor consoled and wars ended.

Sustain me in weakness
and help me to live life to the full
in each moment that You give me,
in the certainty that you are with me every day,
even until the end of the age.


Pope Francis
Let the Church always be a place of Mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.

The Scottish Catholic
Current edition issue 20, 22 July 2022, available today.

Anniversaries: William Nelson, Hank Flannery, Gino Viscogliosi, Eileen Smith, Mary Killorn, Sr Bernadette Ryan UJ, Margaret Dever, Cezary Walnuk, Frank Doherty, Jackie Anderson, Celia Gallagher, Fr Pat Sharkey, OMI, Rosemary McDevitt, Bill Brennan, Carol Brooks, Bridget McGonagle, Moira Stevenson, Fr Bill Lawlor, OMI, John Garland, Kate Doig, Pat Lodge, Sr Clare Harrington, Walter Liddle and Lawrence Mulligan. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 16th Sunday, Year C

(17 July 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

16th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 111.

"Martha welcomed Jesus into her house.
Mary had chosen the better part”.

Free2Pray - 18 July and 2 August
The Scottish Parliament is considering a Bill which would ban peaceful prayers and offers of help near abortion clinics. Catholics concerned for freedom of speech and right of assembly are asked to respond to this proposed Bill. The Archdiocese is hosting an online session to help you do this. Free2Pray takes place on Zoom and lasts 30 mins. Register for one of the following dates: Monday 18 July 7:45pm – click here or Tuesday 2 August 7:45pm - click here.

Papal visit to Canada – 24 July
Pope Francis is expected to fly to the North American country on July 24th for a five-day visit.
The main objective of the trip is to ask forgiveness from Aboriginal people for the mistreatment they and their ancestors suffered for decades in Catholic-run residential schools. But for this papal journey to go ahead, organizers in Rome and Canada had to take into account one essential element: the Pope's health. Or rather, his difficulty in moving about freely.

Grandparents and the Elderly – 24 July
World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly is on Sunday 24 July. Next Sunday’s Mass will be dedicated to them to show gratitude for their gifts and contribution to parish and family life. We warmly invite all grandparents, the elderly and their families to join us for this special Mass.

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.

Festival Mass – 21 August
Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the Festival Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral at midday on Sunday 21 August, followed by a reception in Coffee Saints café.

Youth Pilgrimage – 24 September
The National Pilgrimage for young people 16-30 takes place on Saturday 24 September in Dunkeld, Perthshire. It includes walks to holy sites, talks and Holy Mass. A bus will leave from the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh at 9:30am (£10).

To book your place email:

The Synod is:


Abuse victim gets £455,000
A former priest who attempted to sue the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland for more than £2 million following abuse at a seminary in the 1970s, has been awarded £455,000 in damages by the Court of Sessions in Edinburgh. The man’s identity has not been revealed, but it was heard in court that he had asked to be laicised after suffering continuing sexual abuse by his spiritual director.

Safeguarding Document
The Archdiocesan Safeguarding team has produced a document explaining procedures when allegations of abuse are made against persons in the Catholic Church. Find it here.


God’s love does not protect us from suffering.
God’s love protects us in the midst of suffering.

Anniversaries: Fr. Barney Corley OMI, Patrick Cavanagh, Adam Mitchell-Mickiewicz, Patrick Carey, Jim Cuthbert, Tommy McNulty, Mary Hickey, Constance Harris, Patricia Linn, Allan Thomas-Glenn, Robert Robertson, Margaret Muirhead, Margaret Reid, Margaret Menzies, Jane Liddle, Audrey Middlemist, Sarah Bradley, Tam O’Hare, Jeanette Ford and Jimmy Bree. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 15th Sunday, Year C

(10 July 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

15th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 108.

"Who is my neighbour?
The Samaritan traveller who bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine

Mary Boyle
Sadly today we announce the death of Mary Boyle of Calder Drive. Known mainly to those who attend the Vigil Mass. We offer our sincere sympathy to her son Andrew her daughter in-law and grandchild. After the birth of her grandchild, Mary, while she retained her house in Calder Drive, lived mostly at her son’s house in Oxgangs where after a stroke last Tuesday she died in the arms of Andrew. May she rest in peace. Funeral arrangements later.

Fr Uchenna Odenigbo, of the Spiritan’s [Holy Ghost Fathers] sends his sincere thanks for your generous collection last Sunday: £886.83.

Reader’s Rota
New Reader Rota available per email and posted in foyer of the church today.

Synodal Pathway
The Synodal Pathway began in Scotland last October, with each of the 8 Diocese preparing its own Report. Each of the reports, along with some independent submissions, were collated and edited, before being sent to Rome in August. It will be Scottish Catholics’ contribution to the worldwide Synod on Synodality called by Pope Francis for the Vatican in October 2023.

This is the first time in 2,000 years that the Catholic Church has undertaken such a worldwide consultation. Pope Francis strongly considers this to be the most important phase of the whole process as it draws on the input from the grassroots.

In much of the Western Church individual Diocesan meetings focus on injustices and indicate favour of Ordination of women, marriage for priests who want it, greater roles for divorced and remarried couples, and single parents, and more respect for LGBTQI+people.

Parish Council - 07.07.2022
Joe McGeough completed a 3 year term as Chair of the Parish Council, the Council with a unanimous vote re-elected Joe as Chair and expressed thanks and appreciation for his leadership and care in this role.

Stephanie Nwachokor and Ghenga Ashiru were nominated to serve on the Parish Council and will take their seats on Thursday 22nd September.

The PPC decided to return to the Sign of Peace at Mass, suggested this be exchanged by a bow of the head or joined hands in prayer as a gesture. Be careful not to embarrass your neighbour by shaking hands.

12 Steps
Recently I was asked: “What are the 12 Steps?”. The founder of the Jesuits, St Ignatius of Loyola had already devised a similar exercise for all men who wished to become Jesuits: -

  1. Admit our powerlessness over an addiction.
  2. Come to believe in a greater power than ourselves
  3. Decide to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God.
  4. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  5. Admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  6. Be ready to have God remove all these defects of Character.
  7. Humbly ask God to remove our shortcomings.
  8. Make a list of all persons we have harmed and be willing to make amends to them all.
  9. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except where to do so would injure them or others.
  10. Continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admit it.
  11. Through prayer and meditation improve our conscious contact with God. Pray for knowledge of his will.
  12. Practise these principles in all our affairs.

Anniversaries: Sarah Ferguson, Annie Conway, Jim Chalmers, Elsie Anderson, Roger Shilling, Christine Kane, Annie Mazs, Harry O’Hare, Charles Douglas, Madeline and Lauren O’Neil, Angela Cahill, Bridie O’Brien, Awad Fakhoury, Frankie O’Byrne, Cathy Quinn, Catherine Merrilees, Hugh McMahon, William White, William Donoghue, Allice Davie and Peter Gorman. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 14th Sunday, Year C

(3 July 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

14th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 105.

"I call you friends, says the Lord, because I have made known to you
everything I have learnt from my Father.

Today we welcome Fr Uchenna Odenigbo, a Spiritan [Holy Ghost Father] working in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. He will make a Mission Appeal on behalf of the Spiritans working in Africa.

The second collection today will be taken after Holy Communion. Due to Covid, it is two years since we took a collection for the Missions so please be generous.

Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th July, 7.30pm
One additional item to the agenda: 5 pupils from St. Augustine’s School wish to offer their services to St John Ogilvie’s as part of their Caritas Award.

Our Lady of Aberdeen – 9th July
Next Saturday 9th July is the Feast of Our Lady of Aberdeen.

Devotion to Our Lady of Aberdeen dates back to 1514. The statue of the Madonna and child carved from oak, was commissioned by Bishop Gavin Dunbar as a shrine in thanksgiving for a safe crossing of the Dee to mark the building of a bridge. The statue was taken to Brussels for safe keeping during the Reformation. Many Scottish soldiers offered a prayer of thanksgiving as they returned from two world wars. Bishops of Aberdeen requested the return of the statue and invited the Pope to intercede but to this day the Madonna remains in an Augustinian Monastery in Belgium.

Marriage Preparation
If you’re preparing for marriage please speak to the parish priest, giving at least six months’ notice. A marriage preparation course is a requirement for those wishing to be married in the Catholic Church. You can register now for one of the courses hosted by the Archdiocese. Please click here.

Scottish Catholic on sale today £2.00.

Statement on Abortion from the Bishop’s Conference of Scotland – Monday 27 June 2022

In the light of recent public debate on the subject of abortion, Scotland’s Catholic Bishops offer this perspective to the people of Scotland:

“Whether we believe in anything spiritual or not, the life that each one of us lives is the only one we have, and to take life from the unborn, no matter how insignificant in size, cannot be right.

“The rights of a woman and the compassion and support due to her, and the circumstances of her pregnancy, are naturally of great concern to us, but an unborn life, once taken, can never be restored. This is what makes abortion such a profoundly important matter for all human beings.

“No matter what position we take, this belief in the profound importance of the issue is shared by us all. It is incumbent on us therefore to accept that deeply held and divergent opinions are at stake and that the conflict which arises from this should be handled with respect and civility.

“Those who do not believe human life begins at the moment of conception, invite the question: ‘when does it begin?’ while those who believe that it does, ask the question: ‘what right have we to take a unique and unrepeatable human life?’

“If we are to be the caring and compassionate society we aspire to be, upholding the sanctity and dignity of all human life must be the foundational principle upon which that aspiration rests.”

Synodal Reports from Glasgow and Edinburgh

The Report defines the Synodal Process as “a journey in Faith”. It identifies issues that have allowed the Church to flourish in it’s traditions and practices and also promoted discussion on those matters that might strengthen the Church as it faces a challenging future”. The Church should be more active emphasizing inclusivity greater consideration of women’s roles in the church, more interaction with other denominations. Shortage of priests - Possibility of further married clergy.

Archbishop Cushley writes, the Synod was announced at a time when the Archdiocese was already involved in a process of renewal and deeper reflection on the source of our identity as a Church. He is confident that the work done in preparation for the Synod will in due course bear fruit in the Archdiocese. He praises Pope Francis’ initiative. The report said updating the Church just to fit in with the world would be a betrayal of the Church’s mission and he highlighted a generation gap between those who grew up when Christianity was the dominant belief and those who have grown up since it has become a minority belief.

Anniversaries: Maime Canning, Annie Sweeney, Ester Douglas, John Nolan, Anne Edie, Lily Clachars, Ellen Mazs, Consuelo McClintock, Janes McHugh, William McLaughlin, Hugh Greenan, Fr Tom O’Brien, OMI, Briget McCarron, Iwan Sowiak, Bridget Sharkey, David Ewen, Hazel Thomson, Luke Igoe, Isabel Igoe, Rosmary Butler, Margaret Edgar, Alwin Wyllie, Dennis Brownhill, Claire Pullman, Mary Collins, James McGreavy and Geraldine Irvine. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the 13th Sunday, Year C

(26 June 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

13th Sunday of the Year, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 102.

"Speak, Lord, your servant is listening:
you have the message of eternal life.

Today we welcome to God’s Family Elsie Montanha of Murrayburn Grove. Congratulations to her parents Marco and Katie on the birth of their first child. May she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Sts Peter and Paul
Wednesday next 29th June is the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be at 10.00 am ONLY.

Retiring Collection for “Peter’s Pence” today, 26th June.

World Meeting of Families Rome, today, 26th June
The Congress, unlike those of previous editions, of Philadelphia, Milan or Dublin - will not have academically structured conferences with theological-doctrinal content, but it will be a moment of meeting, listening and comparison between people in the pastoral care of the family. and matrimonial. The aim is to develop the theme chosen by the Pope: "Family love: vocation and the way to holiness", taking into account some strong indications that emerge from Amoris laetitia, (Joy of Love) a text that presents itself with very clear programmatic lines for the possible developments of family pastoral care in the coming years". We will speak of spouses and priests’ co-responsibility in the pastoral care of particular Churches; of some concrete difficulties of families in today's societies; preparation for married life of couples; of the formation of leaders in a family pastoral full of challenges and difficult questions.

Official Prayer for the World Meeting of Families available at the entrance to the church today.

Annual Mission Appeal – 2nd/3rd July
Before COVID-19, every parish in Scotland welcomed a missionary nun or priest to appeal on behalf of their mission. This year Fr Uchenna Odenigbo, a Spiritan (Holy Ghost Father) working in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, writes: "I am happy to have the invitation to do Mission Appeal in St. John Ogilvie’s Parish on the 2nd/ 3rd July 2022. Thanks for your openness and support to the Spiritans in this special way."

MA in Applied Catholic Theology
The MA in Applied Catholic Theology is being offered by St Mary’s University in partnership with the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh, beginning in September. The course provides a thorough grounding in key aspects of Catholic theology and develops the key skills to apply that theology to the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. Teaching is flexible and the programme is suitable for graduates of most academic disciplines. Find out more at

Parish Council
The PPC scheduled for 23rd June was postponed due to positive COVID experienced by a number of members and other commitments. The meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday 7th July at 7.30 pm.

Relics of St Bernadette
Carfin Grotto will host the relics of St Bernadette from 24 September until 2 October, the only Scottish venue to receive the relics. This will coincide with the centenary of the Grotto on 2 October. Carfin Grotto is situated in the Parish of St Francis Xavier's in the village of Carfin, near Motherwell, and is Scotland's National Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes. The grotto is open 365 day a year, with daily Mass, Confession, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Visit

Synod Report
The Archdiocesan synod report has been published today (24 June 2022) and can be found by clicking here. The report will be submitted to the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. Thanks very much indeed to all of you who helped facilitate and implement the synodal process in our Archdiocese.

Sincerely in the Lord
+Leo Cushley
Archbishop of St Andrews & Edinburgh

Anniversaries: Charlie Brady, James Pryde, Eric Rafferty, May Schourder, Gregor McGregor, Fr. John Dore, OMI, Dom Dean, Betty Fitzsimmons, Bernard Maxwell, Brian Callaghan, Anne Glen, Sean McFadden, Willie Carr. Helen McGregor, Jean Sneddon, Andrew Hynd, Eleanor Hynd, Eleanor Cochrane, Sr Margaret O’Dwyer, Dolly McIntosh, Baby Gavin Fortune, Joan Devlin, Elsie Colvin & Magnus Gallagher. Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Feast of
Corpus Christi, Year C

(19 June 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Corpus Christi, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 83.

"I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.
Anyone who eats this bread will live forever.

Corpus Christi - 19th June
Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi. An outdoor procession will be held at St Francis Xavier’s in Falkirk on Sunday at 3pm. Gather at the Bandstand in High Street (FK1 1YD) before processing to St Francis Xavier’s Parish (around 20 min walk). An opportunity to be a witness to the Eucharistic Christ in public.

80 Years Young
Congratulations to George MacKay who celebrates four score this weekend. Many Happy Returns.

Brief History of Father’s Day
The concept of a day celebrating fatherhood dates back to at least 1508 with the Catholic feast day of Saint Joseph the legal father of Jesus) though it may have been celebrated by Coptic Christians as far back as the fifth century! The modern celebration, however, originated in 1909, when Sonora Smart Dodd – who, along with her five brothers, was the child of a widower – heard a Mother’s Day sermon and decided there should also be a Father’s Day. She encouraged her local churches to celebrate the occasion and the first Father’s Day was celebrated on 19th June in 1910. The holiday soon took off and now we celebrate Father’s Day all over the world on the third Sunday of June.

Retiring Collection for “Peter’s Pence” next Sunday.

Parish Council – 23rd June
Meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday next, 23rd June at 7.30 pm. Members of the PPC please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.

Scottish Catholic
Available today £2.00. This publication was launched late 2021. Initially we took 12 copies every fortnight but only two were sold so we have reduced the order to 3 copies.

Family Afternoon – 25th June
A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh will take place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pm. It will include separate sessions for adults and children, focusing on The Eucharist: Source of Family Love, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games.

This event coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. For details and registration please click here.

Annual Mission Appeal – 2nd/3rd July
Until COVID-19, every parish in Scotland welcomed a missionary nun or priest to appeal on behalf of their mission. This year Fr Uchenna Odenigbo, a Spiritan (Holy Ghost Father) working in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, writes: "I am happy to have the invitation to do Mission Appeal in St. John Ogilvie’s Parish on the 2nd/ 3rd July 2022. Thanks for your openness and support to the Spiritans in this special way."

World Meeting of Families Rome 26th June
The Congress, unlike those of previous editions, of Philadelphia, Milan or Dublin - will not have academically structured conferences with theological-doctrinal content, but it will be a moment of meeting, listening and comparison between people in the pastoral care of the family. and matrimonial. The aim is to develop the theme chosen by the Pope: "Family love: vocation and the way to holiness", taking into account some strong indications that emerge from Amoris laetitia, (Joy of Love) a text that presents itself with very clear programmatic lines for the possible developments of family pastoral care in the coming years". We will speak of spouses and priests’ co-responsibility in the pastoral care of particular Churches; of some concrete difficulties of families in today's societies; preparation for married life of couples; of the formation of leaders in a family pastoral full of challenges and difficult questions.

Official Prayer for the World Meeting of Families available at the entrance to the church today.

Scalan Seminary – 3rd July
Scalan was a small, clandestine community set up in 1717 in the isolated Braes of Glenlivet for the training of Catholic Priests. At this time the practice of the Catholic religion was illegal and punishable by deportation. Scalan nevertheless remained in existence until 1799 and was finally closed after the repeal of the Penal Laws. A place of Pilgrimage 1st Sunday of July with Mass at 4.00 pm.

If you plan to join the pilgrims bring good footwear to cross the fields.

Anniversaries: Jim Wight, Fr Nick Forde OMI, Fr David Power OMI, Bill Grant, John Heffron, Mollie Duffy, Julie Kelly, Margaret Campbell, Peggy Geraghty, Margaret Slater, Ida Devlin, Mary Marr, Nora Devine, Frances Malone, Elizabeth Jones, James Drysdale, Michael Gerraghty, Fiona McSorley, Catherine Nelson and Mary McNulty. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for Trinty Sunday, Year C

(12 June 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Trinty Sunday, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 81.

"How great is your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth!"

Corpus Christi - 19th June
Sunday next is the Feast of Corpus Christi. An outdoor procession in the Archdiocese will be held as part of the Eucharistic renewal in the Archdiocese this liturgical year, you are invited to take part in a Corpus Christi procession, led by Archbishop Cushley, at St Francis Xavier's in Falkirk on Sunday 19 June at 3pm. Gather at the Bandstand in High Street (FK1 1YD) before processing to St Francis Xavier’s Parish (around 20 min walk). This is a major event for the Archdiocese and should be a beautiful and prayerful experience (as well as a chance to be a witness to the Eucharistic Christ in public).

80 Years Young
Congratulations to Charlie McGinley who celebrates four score this weekend. After the 10.00 am Mass today Charlie’s family invite you to join them for a cuppa to sing a “Happy Birthday”.

Parish Council
Meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 23rd June at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be sent to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [secretary] before 17th June. If your item includes a proposal it would be appreciated if you could send it by email to We try to keep meetings to 90 minutes this would afford members time to prepare for the PPC meeting and be included in the correspondence.

Since COVID we have not changed the membership of the PPC, I appreciate that despite restrictions on gatherings over the past two years the existing council served the Parish all through Lockdown. Now we are ready again to invite parishioners to serve on the PPC, if you wish to volunteer or propose new members to join please email their name to the parish email address before 17th June.

Sacred Heart
Friday next, 17th June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart.

Change of Mass Book
Today we change from Purple to Maroon, please return your purple Vol. 1 for storage until year 2025.

Family Afternoon – 25th June
A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh will take place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pm. It will include separate sessions for adults and children, focusing on The Eucharist: Source of Family Love, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games.

This event coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. For details and registration please click here.


We are urging the public to sign our petition in support of fair and equal access to COVID-19 vaccines around the world.

We would be extremely grateful if you could sign and share this petition with your parish community.

The overall number of vaccines has risen dramatically around the world but the distribution has not been fair. In Scotland, over 12 million vaccine doses have been given, and according to the UN, more than 10 billion doses given out worldwide.

However only one per cent have been administered in low-income countries. 2.8 billion people around the world are still waiting to get their first dose.

SIGN OUR PETITION by clicking here.

We are calling on the Prime Minister to act at the upcoming G7 meeting to:

  • Support low-income countries to ensure that vaccines can be rapidly manufactured in all regions of the world.

  • Press companies who have benefited from public funding for their vaccines to share vaccine technology, know-how and intellectual property.

  • Work with local health, community and faith leaders in remote areas so that vaccines can be rolled out to people living in the hardest-to-reach parts of the world.

No one is safe until we're all safe.

Anniversaries: Carol Tierney, Tom Coogan, Norman Gore, Graham Faulds, Janice Telford, Bridget Gallagher, Jean Daly, Josephine Heaney, Tom McPhillipps, Sr Kathleen Gilligan, Fallon Hind, Ian Caddell, Christina Johnston, Irene McGonagle, Peggy Brown, Thomas Burns, Betty Glynn, Christopher Quinn, Martin Kelliher, Patricia Reid, Lily McDonnell, Fr John Wall, OMI, Grace Ward, Agnes Bungay, Bill Gibson, Eileen Cowie, Anne Agnew, Francis Lawless, Mary Pettigrew, Annie Lynskey, Brenda Havard, Betty Glasgow, Elizabeth Mackie, James Hind and Michael Cribben. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for Pentecost Sunday, Year C

(5 June 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Pentecost Sunday, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 294.

"Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the Earth"

On the 27th May eight of our young people received the gift of the Spirit. This Spirit of God will be their guide and comforter as they move into their teens. Today they come to receive their Certificates and Bible to celebrate and give thanks. This is also an opportunity for the parish to acknowledge and say thank you to our parish Catechists, Julia McGuire, Laura Lang, Agnieszka Kiersztejn and Trish Middlemist who gave up their Saturday Mornings over the past 6 months to help the boys and girls prepare for the Sacrament.

Special Collection - Day for Life (5 June)
The Day for Life collection this year will be used to help protect and care for our families and friends as they near the end of life. The collection supports quality palliative care to provide dignity to the dying while valuing life to its natural end, as well as organisations working to protect the disabled from changes in the law. A special collection will take place at Mass. Alternatively, donate direct by clicking here.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June
Archbishop Leo will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on Sunday 5 June, in St. Mary’s Cathedral to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a lovely and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. All welcome.

Retreat – 6th to 9th June
Fr Tony will be on Retreat Mon. Tue. Wed. of this Coming week. No Morning Mass on those days.

Family Afternoon – 25th June
A Family Afternoon at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh will take place on Saturday 25 June, 2.00pm-5.00pm. It will include separate sessions for adults and children, focusing on The Eucharist: Source of Family Love, family prayer time in St Margaret’s Chapel and family games.

This event coincides with the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome. For details and registration please click here.

Justice and Peace Event
An event titled Caritas, Justice and Peace – a Synodal Way Forward takes place on Saturday 25 June, 10:00am-3:30pm at Ss John Cantius and Nicholas, Main Street, Broxburn. It’s a chance for everyone who sees Caritas, Justice and Peace as integral to their Catholic faith to participate in shaping the agenda of the Archdiocesan Commission for Caritas, Justice and Peace over the next two years. All welcome. Details and registration click here.

Altar Servers
We are now permitted to have Altar servers at Mass. I invite girls and boys who have celebrated their First Holy Communion or Confirmation and would like to serve the community as Altar Servers to consult with their parents if they wish to join the Altar Servers. We will arrange for training.

New African Cardinal
A Bishop who was victim of tribalism is to be Nigeria's next Cardinal.

Pope Francis has sent a strong message against tribalism in the African Church by announcing that Nigerian Bishop Peter Okpaleke is to be created a Cardinal this August at a Vatican consistory.

The 59-year-old bishop of Ekwulobia in southeast Nigeria was at the centre of a six-year conflict in his former Diocese of Ahiara where some of the priests and laity stubbornly rejected him on ethnic grounds and made it impossible for him to assume his office.

Anniversaries: John Lyncham, Reno Dirollo, May Muir, Iris Butler, Joseph Conran, Margaret McGuikan, Patrick Agnew, Mary Hall, Canon Michael Carey, Michael McLaughlin, Christine Scott, Joseph O’Donnell, Terrence O’Donnell, Patrick Early, Al Monroe, James Connolly, Jessie O’Hare, Bill Maymury, Douglas Eagan, Mary Gullane, Hugh Devlin, Margaret Johnson, Patricia Watson, Robert Wilson, Annie Milligan, Kathleen Bergin, Cliff Drever, Angus Grant, Simon Byrne and Sr Mary McCluskey. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace

Newsletter for 7th Sunday of Easter, Year C

(29 May 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

7th Sunday of Easter, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 281.

Alleluia, Alleluia I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord;
I will come back to you, and your hearts will be full of joy Alleluia

Conceta Zappa
Conceta, a woman of peace was born into war. When she was 3 years of age her family escaped from Collabria, Casino, into rural Italy during the second world war. German and Allied armies turned Monte Casino into a major battle ground, despite this environment Connie was a woman of peace.

Requiem Thursday 2nd June at 10.00am followed by interment at Saughton Cemetery 11.15 am. May she rest in peace.

Oblate Connections
The summer edition of Oblate Connections available today - FREE!

Novena Prayer for Oblate Vocations

Loving God, You called St. Eugene
to send forth missionaries to proclaim
and live the Gospel among the poor.

Increase our love, we pray, for those
who are most abandoned. Extend your
loving call to many young people in our
community and grant them the desire
to give of themselves, their lives and
talents to the service of Jesus Christ and the Church.

May our young people
answer your call as Missionary Oblates
of Mary Immaculate to serve those who are in need.
This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen

World Communications Day – 29th May
Today there is a retiring Collection for the apostolate of communications.

Special Collection - Day for Life (5 June)
The Day for Life collection this year will be used to help protect and care for our families and friends as they near the end of life. The collection supports quality palliative care to provide dignity to the dying while valuing life to its natural end, as well as organisations working to protect the disabled from changes in the law. A special collection will take place at Mass. Alternatively, donate direct by clicking here.

Pentecost Sunday
Sunday next is Pentecost Sunday. The girls and boys who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday will receive their certificates at Mass on Sunday next 5th June.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June
Archbishop Leo will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on Sunday 5 June, in St. Mary’s Cathedral to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a lovely and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. All welcome.

Joiner, Plumber, Painter or Electrician?
Could you volunteer some time to help a new pregnancy support service open its doors? Stanton Healthcare is getting ready to welcome mothers and babies in need of help in our Archdiocese. It is looking for volunteers to help make the new centre in Edinburgh an attractive and welcoming place where women can receive support. Find out more from Paul Atkin at the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office: or 0131 623 8917.

Altar Servers
We are now permitted to have Altar servers at Mass. I invite girls and boys who have celebrated their First Holy Communion or Confirmation and would like to serve the community as Altar Servers to consult with their parents if they wish to join the Altar Servers. We will arrange for training.

Come and sing with "Songs of Praise" – Friday 10th June
You are warmly invited to a ‘Songs of Praise’ recording of hymns and songs at Canongate Kirk Church. All are welcome so please join us!

Friday 10th June 2022, 18:30-21:30.
Canongate Kirk Church, 153 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8BN

To apply for free tickets, please send your name, address, contact phone number and number of tickets requested to:
Please include ‘Songs of Praise Edinburgh’ in your subject header.

Alternatively, you can on 07734 030 888 to book your tickets.

Anniversaries: We remember those whose anniversary we keep at this time: Carmel Daley, George Stark, Peter Broadhurst, Fr Liam Fanning, Sean Boyle, Raymond Bias, Nessie Goodall, Mary Taylor, Patrick Goonan, Sarah McGee, Catherine Ralph, Brendan Boyle, Jim Hegarty, John Fogarty, Jimmy Goldie and Owenie Boyle. Eternal reast grant unto them O ‘Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them, may they Rest in Peace.

Newsletter for 6th Sunday of Easter, Year C

(22 May 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

6th Sunday of Easter, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 273.

Alleluia, Alleluia Jesus said: “If anyone loves me he will keep my word,
and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him” Alleluia

Conceta Zappa
We regret to announce the death of Conceta Zappa of Sighthill Street. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband Sergio and to her sons and daughter Guseppe, Juliano and Lucia. Conceta suffered a double stroke and was cared for at the Infirmary for three weeks before a peaceful departure from this world.

Requiem Thursday 2nd June at 10.00 am followed by interment at Saughton Cemetery 11.15 am. May she rest in peace.

Ascension Thursday – 26th May
Thursday next is Ascension Thursday, 40 days after Easter. One of the 5 holydays of obligations in Scotland. Mass on Thursday will be at 10.00 am ONLY.

Job vacancy: Bookshop Manager – closing date Friday 27th May
A full-time Bookshop Manager is sought to setup and manage the St Paul’s Bookshop at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh. Salary: £20,384. Full job description at To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant experience and suitability for the role to by 5pm, Friday 27 May.

World Communications Day – 29th May
Next Sunday 29th May, retiring Collection for the apostolate of communications.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June
Archbishop Leo will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on Sunday 5 June, in St. Mary’s Cathedral to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a lovely and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. All welcome.

Confirmations – Friday 27th May
At St. Cuthbert’s Church for the children of St. John Ogilvie’s, St. Joseph’s, St. Cuthbert’s and Currie next Friday 27th. May. At 7.00 pm

St. Eugene de Mazenod 1782 – 1861
Eugene deMazenod founded the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Provence, France in 1816. His hope was to renew the church in France after the French Revolution. Today over 4,000 Oblates work in 70 countries throughout the world. St. Eugene was canonised in 1996 his feast day is 21st May. During the coming week we have a Novena to Eugene for Vocations. Novena will be prayed at morning Mass you are also invited to join the Novena at home

Loving God, You called St. Eugene
to send forth missionaries to proclaim
and live the Gospel among the poor.

Increase our love, we pray, for those
who are most abandoned. Extend your
loving call to many young people in our
community and grant them the desire
to give of themselves, their lives and
talents to the service of Jesus Christ and the Church.

May our young people
answer your call as Missionary Oblates
of Mary Immaculate to serve those who are in need.
This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen

Come and sing with "Songs of Praise" – Friday 10th June
You are warmly invited to a ‘Songs of Praise’ recording of hymns and songs at Canongate Kirk Church. All are welcome so please join us!

Friday 10th June 2022, 18:30-21:30.
Canongate Kirk Church, 153 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8BN

To apply for free tickets, please send your name, address, contact phone number and number of tickets requested to:
Please include ‘Songs of Praise Edinburgh’ in your subject header.

Alternatively, you can on 07734 030 888 to book your tickets.

Anniversaries: We remember those whose anniversary we keep at this time: Anna Musson, William Hay, Joe Jordan, Andrew Johnston, Patrick Mazs, Christopher Summers, Colin Whitworth, Tommy Erskine, Ian Allen, Martin Gahagan and Fr John McQuade. Eternal reast grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them, may they Rest in Peace.

Newsletter for 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C

(15 May 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

5th Sunday of Easter, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 271.

Alleluia, Alleluia` Jesus said: "I give you a new commandment:
love one another just as I have loved you” Alleluia

Sacrament of Confirmation
On Friday 27th May at 7.00 pm Archbishop Leo Cushley will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to the children of St John Ogilvie’s, St. Joseph’s and St. Cuthbert’s parishes. Over the past 7 months. 50 children have been prepared to receive the Sacrament, most in their Catholic Schools, in St. John Ogilvie’s preparation of the children was by 4 parishioners, Julia Maguire, Laura Lang, Trish Middlemist and Agnieszka Kiersztejn, we thank them for volunteering their free time to help pass on the Faith to the next generation.

  • Candidates should arrive at St Cuthbert's by 6.30pm;

  • The candidates have to wear a badge/label with their Confirmation name clearly written on it;

  • Children from St. Joseph’s and St. Cuthbert’s will wear their School Uniform. Children from St. John Ogilvie’s are invited to wear their school uniform;

  • Sponsor to sit directly next to the candidate and each candidate can have three more people in their row - so candidate, sponsor + 3 family members;

  • Families from St. John Ogilvie’s allocated seating in the right-hand side-aisle. as you face the Altar.

Open Evening (online) - MA in Applied Catholic Theology
Find out all about the MA in Applied Catholic Theology offered by St Mary’s University at its Gillis Centre Campus at an online open evening this Tuesday 17 May, 6-7pm. To register click here.

National Prayer Breakfast
Join Archbishop Cushley and Christians from across Scotland at the National Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday 1 June at Prestonfield House, Edinburgh. Tickets available at

Job vacancy: Bookshop Manager
A full-time Bookshop Manager is sought to setup and manage the St Paul’s Bookshop at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh. Salary: £20,384. Full job description at To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant experience and suitability for the role to by 5pm, Friday 27 May.

New Dawn event – Saturday 21st May
New Dawn in Scotland host a day-long spiritual event at St Mary’s Church, Upper Bridge Street, Stirling on Saturday 21 May. It includes Holy Mass, Confessions, Testimonies, Workshops, a healing service and more. No registration required, just turn up on the day. More details at

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 5th June
Archbishop Leo will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Noon on Sunday 5 June, in St. Mary’s Cathedral to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. This will be a lovely and joyful celebration and will finish with a champagne reception after the Mass. All welcome.

World Meeting of Families
This is a big event taking place in Rome 26-29 June to celebrate the role of the family in the Church and wider society. Pope Francis has written about the importance of family in his encyclical Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love). Want to know more? The Archdiocese has posted three talks on its YouTube channel. View the playlist here.

Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
The Scottish Government has introduced the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill to the Scottish Parliament. The Bill seeks to amend the Gender Recognition Act 2004: a law which allows individuals to apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate to legally ‘change’ gender. The Bill seeks to remove the current requirement for a diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria and to reduce the requirement to have lived in the acquired gender for two years to three months. There is a proposal to add in a three month ‘reflection period’ after a Gender Recognition Certificate has been granted. The Bill also seeks to reduce the age at which someone can apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate from 18 to 16 years old.

See our Parish WEB for information on how & when to engage in the dialogue.

Closing date for submissions is Monday 16 May. For more information click here.

Anniversaries: We remember those whose anniversary we keep at this time: - Ellie Travers, Bill Murphy, William McFadden, Cathy Karry, Audrey Morton, George Diack, Bill Campbell, May Harper, Tom Rennie, Rita Livingstone, Christine Harte, Peter McGilligan, Catherine Rodgers, Isa Penman, Jeanette Mohammed, Martin Mawga, James Mangh, Margaret Inglis, William Curran, Christine Smith, Albert Paterson, Fr. John Hickey, O.M.I., Joseph Livingstone, Mary Hanson, Janet Brotherstone, Mary Muir, Dennis Doherty, Chris Grant, William Harvey, Cathrine Gahagan and Robert Hall. Eternal reast grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them, may they Rest in Peace.

Newsletter for 4th Sunday of Easter, Year C

(8 May 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

4th Sunday of Easter, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 268.

Alleluia, Alleluia! "I am the Good Shepherd", says the Lord;
"I know my own sheep and my own know me." Alleluia!

Event for Married Couples
The Archdiocese is hosting an afternoon retreat for married couples at 3pm today (Sunday 8 May) at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. It will be led by Brian and Maureen Devine, a Catholic couple from England renowned throughout the UK for hosting inspiring retreats. To register for this free event click here or phone at 07833 208 211.

If you’re a nurse please consider taking part in the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 8-15 July. The pilgrimage committee is looking for a night nurse (full funding available) and nurses to join to join the medical team. Contact Claire Banks, chief nurse, on 07930 928489 for more info. There is also still space for assisted pilgrims who will have 24hr care on the pilgrimage. Helpers and hotel pilgrims are also welcome. More info at

Wedding Anniversaries
Archbishop Leo will celebrate a Mass for Married and Engaged Couples on Wednesday 18 May at 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh. All married and engaged couples are welcome on the night but if you are celebrating a significant anniversary this year, or know couples who are, the Archbishop would like to send a personal invitation. Please submit names, address and number of years being celebrated to Fr Jeremy Milne: or at 0131 334 1693.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Last week I forgot to announce that today 8th May is Vocations’ Sunday. A 2nd collection will be taken for the Ecclesiastical Students’ Fund. After Mass there will be a basket at the exit doors for your donation.

Almost Back to normal - Weekend Masses

Face masks: Advised but not required.


  • At the beginning of Mass and during the Entrance Hymn

  • At the Gospel acclamation and during Gospel reading

  • For the Lord’s prayer

  • For the final Blessing and Hymn

Kneeling: No kneeling during Mass for the time being.

Offertory Collection: Reinstated.

Bringing of Offertory gifts: Reinstated.

Sign of Peace: Non-contact sign (e.g. nod, bow or wave).

Holy Communion: Distributed after “Behold the Lamb of God” - come to the Altar to receive and return to your place in the church.

Weekend Masses for next 6 months: Vigil 6.30pm on Saturday and 10.00am on Sunday.

Monsignor Tony Duffy
Thursday 12th May is the First Anniversary of Monsignor Duffy’s death. At the time of his death there were restrictions on numbers permitted to join at his Requiem. St. Cuthbert’s Parish invites us to his anniversary Mass led by Monsignor Alan Chambers on Thursday 12th May at 7.00 pm.

Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
The Scottish Government has introduced the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill to the Scottish Parliament. The Bill seeks to amend the Gender Recognition Act 2004: a law which allows individuals to apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate to legally ‘change’ gender. The Bill seeks to remove the current requirement for a diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria and to reduce the requirement to have lived in the acquired gender for two years to three months. There is a proposal to add in a three month ‘reflection period’ after a Gender Recognition Certificate has been granted. The Bill also seeks to reduce the age at which someone can apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate from 18 to 16 years old. See our Parish WEB for information on how & when to engage in the dialogue.

Closing date for submissions is Monday 16 May. For more information click here.

Anniversaries: Baby Courtney McGarvey, Maureen Firth, Roy Doolan, Barry McGonagle, Elspeth Farrell, Nora Boyle, Mary Paterson, Molly Finnan, James Wilson, Elizabeth Doherty, Bella Ford, Mark Davies, Sadie Paterson, Helen Crimp, Francis McKenna, Mark Dixon, Jimmy Hickey, Eileen Matthews, Marjory Ducat, Sr.Marie McAllister, Patrick Doherty, Jack Allen and Patrick McKay.

Newsletter for 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C

(1 May 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 265.

Then Jesus said to Peter a third time, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was upset that he asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" and said, "Lord, you know everything; you know I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep."

Parish Council
Parish Council met on Thursday April 28th. The following decisions in relation to Mass come into effect from Saturday 7th of June.


Face masks: Advised but not required.

Standing: Reinstated -

  • At the beginning of Mass and during the Entrance Hymn

  • At the Gospel acclamation and during Gospel reading

  • For the Lord’s prayer

  • For the final Blessing and Hymn

Kneeling: No kneeling during Mass for the time being.

Offertory Collection: Reinstated.

Bringing of Offertory gifts: Reinstated.

Sign of Peace: Non-contact sign (e.g. nod, bow or wave).

Holy Communion: Distributed after “Behold the Lamb of God” - come to the Altar to receive and return to your place in the church.

Weekend Masses for next 6 months: Vigil 6.30pm on Saturday and 10.00am on Sunday.

Monsignor Tony Duffy
Thursday 12th May is the First Anniversary of Monsignor Duffy’s death. At the time of his death there were restrictions on numbers permitted to join at his Requiem. St. Cuthbert’s Parish invites us to his anniversary Mass led by Monsignor Alan Chambers on Thursday 12th May at 7.00 pm.

Wee Box
Please remember to return your Wee Box that you used during Lent to bank your donations for SCIAF. All monies will be forwarded 1st May.

Fr John Morrison
Before his ordination in 1990 John Morison served as deputy Governor of the Wormwood Scrubs Prison in London. As a priest of the Archdiocese he served at Broxburn, Jedburgh and Loanhead before retiring at St Margaret Mary’s in Granton. Noted for a voice that could fill the Prison Yard without a microphone, that voice after a long illness was silenced on 24th April. The Requiem Mass for Fr John will be celebrated at midday on Thursday 5 May at St Margaret Mary Church, 8 Boswall Parkway, Granton, EH5 2JQ, followed by interment at Mount Vernon Cemetery at around 1:00pm. May he rest in peace.

Church and Presbytery Health Check
The Parish church and presbytery were built in 1978, 44 years in existence, a recent survey advised on areas in need of attention, they are listed as good, fair or poor under the headings Urgent, Necessary or Desirable. The Parish Council agreed to appoint Adams Napier Partnership to supervise implementation of the work.

We published the parish synodal report and await the Archdiocesan and Scottish Hierarchy reports to Synod 2023. 90 bishops throughout the world have written an open letter about the German Synodal Way warning of its “potential for schism”. The letter is a rare public example of bishops criticising bishops. Signatories include four Cardinals, one English bishop and two Scottish bishops. Hopefully Pope Francis will be able to guide the Synod in the way of unity and truth.

Anniversaries: Guillermo Schroth, Duncan Robertson, Anton Gallagher, Terry Mallarkey, Maureen Glasgow, Charles Hornig, Nora Duffy, Annie McFadden, May Hornig, Maria Hughes, Frank McLaughlin, Marjorie Lowe, James Duff, Helen Anderson, Fr. Pat Towe. OMI, - Rab Harkins, Edith Howes, Brian Kilpatrick, Doreen Murphy, John Kidd (Snr), Agnes Miller, Doalty Sharkey, David Metcalf, Brian Flannigan, Vicky Duffy, Kyle Apter, Agnes Lochrin, Andrew O’Donnell, Andrew McGonagle, Letitia McAteer and Isobelle Renton.

Newsletter for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C

(24 April 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 258.

"You believe because you can see me.
Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe." Alleluia!

Parish Council – 28th April, 7.30pm
Parish Council meeting next Thursday April 28th 7.30 pm. Members of the Council please collect your Agenda and correspondence after Mass today.

Wee Box
Over the next few weeks please remember to return your Wee Box that you used during Lent to bank your donations for SCIAF. All monies will be forwarded 1st May.

Event for Married Couples – 8 May 2022
The Archdiocese is hosting an afternoon retreat for married couples at 3pm on Sunday 8 May at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. It will be led by Brian & Maureen Devine, a Catholic couple from England renowned throughout the UK for hosting inspiring retreats. To register for this free event click here or register by phone at 07833 208 211.

Catholics in health and social care – 14th May
The Archdiocese is hosting an afternoon retreat for married couples at 3pm Sunday 8 May at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. It will be led by Brian & Maureen Devine, a Catholic couple from England renowned throughout the UK for hosting inspiring retreats. Register for this free event by clicking here.

"Scottish Catholic", April 23rd on sale today £2.00
Includes item from Calum Timms an RE teacher at St Augustine’s High School. He was a presenter of the BBC’s Easter Sunday Reflections from the Quay programme. Also Archbishop Leo Cushley on the Synod.

Pregnancy Support
Are you or a loved one going through an unexpected pregnancy? Stanton is here to support you: 07526 480578 or We will work with women directly to help them emotionally and practically to help them continue their pregnancy and parent. Our motto is to ‘Protect and love them both’ We are all called to serve, this is my calling, to help women in crisis. To offer hope and light, for women to know there is someone to talk to, that they don’t have to do this alone and there are life affirming alternatives. Our aim as an organisation is to build a culture of life in our villages, towns and cities by offering ‘Hope’ to women in unexpected pregnancy care.
Stanton Healthcare Registered Charity sco51362.

SCIAF: Scottish support for Ukraine
We are delighted to announce that you have donated over one million pounds to our Ukraine Emergency appeal. So far, our Caritas partners have helped over 500,000 people with food, shelter and psychological counselling. They have also been providing extensive humanitarian assistance, including sorting and distributing aid.

This amazing sum of money, along with a donation of £500,000 from The Scottish Government, will provide vital support for our Ukrainian sisters and brothers.

The Universe Catholic Weekly
The Universe Catholic Weekly is thrilled to announce that we have launched our new online newspaper with the full support of our first subscriber none other than His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols.

Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE trial supply by calling Michelle on:0743 661 7650 or email:

Anniversaries: John Evan Jones, Sylvia Monroe, John Hickey, Brian Slater, Darren Kyle, Jean Reid, John McGinness, David McKenna, Lydia Thompson, Agnes Parry, Annie McTighe, Robert Burns, Greg Crombie, Doreen Johnston, Kathleen Finerty, John Scott, Mary Kilpatrick, Kevin Glasgow, Timothy O’Sullivan, Molly Williams, Catherine Burns, Margaret Edwards, Mary Murphy, Fr Pat Gahagan, Michael Kelly, Fr John Coakley OMI and Cathy Brunache.

Newsletter for Easter Sunday, Year C

(17 April 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Easter Sunday, Year C

Prayers and Readings page 258(Vigil: 223).

"Seeing in the Dark: The Beloved Disciple."

Holy Saturday - Vigil 7.30pm: Mass Book page 223
Service of Light
Exultet - Rejoice
Salvation History
Renewal of Baptism Promises and Eucharist

Easter Sunday: Mass at 10.00am only. Mass Book page 258

Easter Blessing

May the Lord bless you this Easter Time;
Bless you with hope, uplift you in despair;

Bless you with peace, calm you in trouble;
Bless you with joy, comfort you in sorrow;

Bless you with faith, guard you against doubt;
Bless you with love, keep you from fear;

Bless you with mercy; help you forgive;
So your heart may rejoice in the Risen Lord.

Parish Council – 28th April 2022
Next PPC is scheduled for Thursday April 28th. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough [chair] or Anna Allen [Secretary] by 23rd April or to the parish email at

Wee Box
Over the next few weeks please remember to return your Wee Box that you used during Lent to bank your donations for SCIAF. All monies will be forwarded 1st May.

Event for Married Couples – 8 May 2022
The Archdiocese is hosting an afternoon retreat for married couples at 3pm on Sunday 8 May at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. It will be led by Brian & Maureen Devine, a Catholic couple from England renowned throughout the UK for hosting inspiring retreats. Register for this free event at or register by phone at 07833 208 211.

Wedding Anniversaries – 18 May 2022
Archbishop Leo will celebrate a Mass for Married & Engaged Couples on Wednesday 18 May at 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh. All married and engaged couples are welcome on the night but if you are celebrating a significant anniversary this year, or know couples who are, the Archbishop would like to send a personal invitation. Please submit the names, address and number of years being celebrated to Fr Jeremy Milne:, 0131 334 1693.

Xavier Society for the Blind
Do you know someone who would benefit from having readings, prayers and responses to Mass in Braille or large print? Visit Xavier Society for the Blind online at It has provided free braille and audio materials to blind and visually impaired people worldwide since 1900. Email

Anniversaries: Margaret Thompson, Bridget Gallagher, Monica Hanna, Breigh Scullion, Tommy McGovern, Joseph McFadden, Bishop Kevin Rafferty, Douglas Garvie, Theodore Monro, Monica Fraser, James O’Neill, William Brotherstone, John Donoghue, Mark Smith, Frank Thomas, Margaret Ndangali, Charlie Ward, Emma Taylor, Marion Taylor, Rose Murray, Barney Brogan, John McGonagle, Cathleen Logan, Mary O’Rourke, Agnes Martin, Lena Montgomery, Agnes Drysdale, Robert McDiarmid and Stephen Hunter. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for Palm Sunday, Year C

(10 April 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Palm Sunday, Year C

Readings page 184.

"Hosanna to the Son of David blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."

Palm Sunday - Mass at 10.00am only:
Weather permitting there will be a procession around the Church grounds after the blessing of the Palms. This is to recall the events in Jerusalem as Jesus entered in triumph before his arrest and trial.

Chrism Mass:
Takes place at 7pm on Tuesday 12 April at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Holy Thursday, 7.30pm:
Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7.30pm
Due to Covid no Washing of Feet
Rededication of Priest and People
Institution of the Eucharist.
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after ceremonies until 10.00 pm. (Quiet Prayer)

Good Friday - 3.00pm:
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.
Prayers for all peoples & Penance Service.
Veneration of the Cross from pew(no kissing>
Holy Communion.
A Day of Fast and Abstinence
Good Friday - 7.00pm: Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday - 12 noon:
Blessing of Food, a Polish Tradition*
Holy Saturday - 7.30pm:
Service of Light
Exultet - Rejoice
Salvation History
Renewal of Baptism Promises and Eucharist

Easter Sunday:
Mass at 10.00am only

*Blessing of Food: Weather permitting, in line with the Polish Tradition this blessing will take place in the Church Grounds. Bring your baskets to the steps of the church. Unlike Poland we will only have the one blessing, that will take place at 12.00 Noon. As part of the Liturgy we will sing some Polish Hymns, so brush up on your hymns and ensure your singing voice is in good order.

The custom of blessing food is to mark the end of a strict Lenten Fast. The three-part blessing is for the contents of the basket: meat, eggs cakes and bread.

Bread the Manna you fed to your people in the desert and in which you give yourself to us in the Eucharist. Cold cuts of meat in memory of the paschal lamb and eggs and Pisanki to share among families and friends as a sign of the Resurrection and New Life.

Ukrainian Crisis - From the Archbishop
I have been approached by some of you wishing to know if any of our empty diocesan properties might somehow be used to welcome Ukrainian refugees.

Having discussed the matter carefully with the Archdiocesan Trustees, I approached the Scottish Government about what the authorities wish from us and from our people. So far, the answer has been that they do not wish to use our properties wholesale (most of which do not meet the standards required), but that they do want us to welcome the Ukrainians into our communities, and to encourage our people to do so.

Anniversaries: Margaret McLaughlin, James Paterson, Bridget Heffron, Bill Thompson, Winnie Spencer, Sr. Margaret Nagel, Maureen McKay, David Pow, John McKay, John McNeish, Eamon Mullan, Roland Edgar, Peter White, Margaret Joyce, Bennie Fusco, Mary Jones, William Visick, Muriel White, Roddy McLean, Rose Murphy, Jackie Shandlands, Myles Duffy, Rab Skirving, Elizabeth Forbister. Hannah Danboy, Adam Connor, Paul Jones and Mary McQuade. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C

(3 April 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C

Readings page 176.

"Has no one condemned you? No one sir she replied. Neither do I condemn you, said Jesus.
Go away, and don’t sin anymore."

We welcome to God’s family Lucy Anna Kubis of Dumbryden Gardens. Lucy was Baptised at St. John Ogilvie’s this week. Congratulations to her parents Patryk and Marta Kubis. May she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

We regret to announce the death of Maria Musur-Grieve of Parkhead, though she lived in Edinburgh for the past 40 years, she will not be known to you as she associated with the Polish Church. Until the pandemic Veronica Gordon and Trish Muirhead visited her as Ministers of the Eucharist.

There will be a memorial Mass in Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston on Friday 8th April at 12.30pm.

We offer our sincere sympathy to her daughter and grandchildren. May she rest in peace.

Holy Week:
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, Palms will be blessed at the Vigil and Sunday morning Masses

Times of Holy Week Ceremonies

Thursday:  The Lord’s Supper 7.30 pm
Good Friday: 3.00 pm        Stations of the Cross 7.00 pm
Easter Vigil:  Saturday 7.30 pm
Easter Sunday:  Mass 10.00 am

Synod Report

As Chair of St John Ogilvie’s Pastoral Parish Council (PPC), I attach the summary of our Parish synod meeting.

This was the final outcome of many ways in which members of the parish have been kept informed and participated: through our weekly parish newsletter, on our website, discussions at our PPC, attendance by our parish priest, Fr Tony Quinlan and I at the Deanery Synod meeting and addresses at weekend Masses at which the purpose of the synod was explained.

We hope that it will bear good fruit for all concerned.

Kind regards J.A. McGeough

Parish synod meeting – summary

Name of Parish:          St John Ogilvie Catholic Church
Date/location of meeting:          26th February 2022 / Sighthill
Meeting leaders:          Trish Middlemist, Michael Ayanbowale and Joe McGeough
Nuumber of Attendees:          30

Discussion 1: Communion and Participation

What questions were discussed?

  1. What would my meaningful participation in the parish look like?

  2. How can we support and encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life?

  • Q1 Encourage participation of young people, have working and vibrant sharing groups in the parish and strengthen links with local schools and community. Also, to abolish the obligation to the attend mass; it doesn’t fit into current situation of life.

  • Q2 Follow the lead of other Christian churches with women priests, married priests and on another note encouraging vocations to the priesthood currently in place and not take years to make the changes needed. They are needed now.

Our parish is an international community that have people from all walks of life, various African countries, South America, Scotland, Asia especially India, Hong Kong and Poland. This reflects in the outcome of our meeting.

Our parish is served by the order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) and our Parishioners are very worried about our future and we strongly desire to have our parish operating for a long foreseeable future.

Discussion 2: Mission

  1. How can we reach out to those who don’t feel welcome or who no longer feel connected to our parish?

  2. How can our parish be a light to our local community, to share with others the love of Jesus and his saving truth?

  • Show compassion and empathy to those who have been hurt in the church or are suffering. Find time to listen.

  • The church needs to develop a better capacity for dealing with hurtful behaviour such as sex abuse by priests and other clergy. There must be better understanding of human psyche.

  • Transgender issues must be addressed by the church for those who need and want to practise their Christian faith.

  • Conversations are needed with young people as to why they feel disconnected with the church.

  • More ecumenical gatherings with other Christian churches and other faith groups.

Anniversaries: John Lang, Joseph Rodgers, Isobel Butchart, Donald Reid, John Henderson, John Ryan, Michael Ryan, Lesley Fraser, Patrick Kilty, Agnes Dougall, George Lavery, Agnes Rae, Ella Green, John McGinley, Canon Michael Cassidy, Fr. Michael Bagan, Madge Fitzgerald, Gladys Saddler, Bobby Geddes, George Geddes, Thomas Malone, Martin Daly, Margaret Pearson, Alex Sim, Josie O’Connell and Maurice Moriarty. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year C

(27 March 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Third Fourth of Lent

Readings page 168.

"Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.”
Quick put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. This son of mine was lost and now is found,."

We welcome to God’s family Poppy Anne Scott of Badger Way. She was Baptised at St John Ogilvie’s yesterday. Already with her granny she is a regular at the Vigil Mass. Congratulations to her parents Eric and Claire Scott. May she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Bishop Toal:
A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Toal is available today (click here). In his letter Bishop Toal reminds us of a special Lenten collection for: Papal, Episcopal and SCIAF Charities. The collection is forwarded to Gillis and apportioned to each of the charities by the Archbishop.

Lenten Retreats:
Lenten Retreat with the Oblates Wednesday 30th March at 7.00pm. Speaker: Sr Patricia Gonzalez OMI.If you haven't done so already, you can register by emailing and you will be sent on the link for the Zoom meeting.


If you prefer the Jesuits in Glasgow - Fr. David Birchall SJ.

The choice is yours.

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website

Mothering Sunday
This is Mothers’ Day, a reminder to say thanks and appreciation to your mother for her patience, encouragement and unconditional love.

From the Archdiocese:
The Archdiocesan Pro-Life Stations of the Cross takes place online each Tuesday on Zoom at 7:45pm. It will feature a reflection from Fr Michael John Galbraith of St James’ Parish in St Andrews. To register please click here.

Edinburgh Easter Play is back – Saturday 16th April:
Edinburgh is blessed in that we have a wonderful opportunity to tell the Easter story in the heart of our city, in Princes Gardens. Due to COVID it is 2 years since it was produced. It is back live on Easter Saturday 16th April at 2.00 pm.

This year’s play will be a modern retelling of the story but with traditional aspects highlighting the timeless aspect of the Good News. There will be BSL interpreters to make it more fully accessible. It is planned to livestream the production.

Origin Scotland:


Sunday April 17th 7.30 pm
Usher Hall Edinburgh

Free Tickets available from or call 0131 541 0117.

Stanton Healthcare (East of Scotland:
Stanton Healthcare (East of Scotland) is a Scottish charity set up by Catholic lay people in our Archdiocese to provide practical pregnancy support. The organisation has a pro-life and Christian ethos.

The Archdiocese supports Stanton’s work through the Pro-Life Office.

Visit the website at or find them on Facebook. You can also contact Donna Cameron, Executive Director of Stanton Healthcare (East of Scotland) by email at

Catholics in health and social care – Saturday 14th May:
If you work in health and social care and are interested in learning about the ethical challenges, register now for Catholics in Health and Social Care. It’s a Zoom event and is ideal for those who missed the same event which took place recently at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh. It takes place 11:30am-4:45pm on Saturday 14 May. To register click here.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
On Friday 25th. March the Feast of the Annunciation, Pope Francis consecrated the world especially the Ukraine and Russia for Peace. Amen.

Anniversaries: Jim Berry, Baby Philip Reid; Rose Romaniak, Mary Sharkey, Peter Carroll, Suzanne Miller, Pope John Paul II, Karen Rae, David Sutherland, Sean Cummings, Tom McHale, Br. Blackburne OMI, Gerry McDade, Mr. Kuczynski, Mary Loy and David Murphy. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace

Newsletter for the Third Sunday of Lent, Year C

(20 March 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Third Sunday of Lent

Readings page 160.

"The Lord is Compassion and Love."

We welcome to God’s family Chikamso Mildred Nwosu of Calder Drive, who was Baptised on Thursday. Congratulations to her parents Nnamdi and Rosemary Nwosu. May she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Lenten Retreats:
Lenten Retreat with the Oblates Wednesday 23rd March at 7.00pm. Speaker Sr Anne Donnelly DHS.If you haven't done so already, you can register by emailing and you will be sent on the link for the Zoom meeting.


If you prefer the Jesuits in Glasgow - Fr. David Birchall SJ.

The choice is yours.

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website

2022 Church Envelopes:
The New Financial Year begins in April. Your 2022 Collection Envelopes are available at the back of the church today.

If you pay tax and use the envelopes or direct debit for your Sunday Collection, the parish can claim 25 pence on every £1.00 you donate to the Church Collection, e.g. if your weekly collection to the church is £1, then over the year your donation becomes £65 at no cost to you, the extra £13 is tax you already paid in PAYE. The revenue requires you to agree that this tax be paid to the parish. Mr Charlie McGinley is available to arrange this agreement. This Gift Aid benefits the parish annually between £4,000 - £5,000 it depends on how many parishioners take a pack envelopes and sign the agreement that the church can claim your tax back from the Inland Revenue.

Gift Aid Forms available from Charlie McGinley or Fr Tony after Mass today.

Safeguarding vacancy:
Emma Boothroyd, our safeguarding advisor, is retiring in the summer. She has done a great job in what is a challenging role. On your behalf I would like to thank her warmly and wish her well for the future. The Archdiocese hope to recruit a replacement soon to ensure a smooth handover from Emma to her successor.

Pope Francis:
Pope Francis has now begun the tenth year of his pontificate.

Nine years after he became the first Jesuit ever to be elected to the papacy; many in Rome say Jorge Mario Bergoglio's pontificate is clearly well into its second half. And they insist that his favorite issues, well known to all, are the top priorities of this stage of his pontificate.

Attention to migrants and refugees, for instance, continue to occupy a central place in the pope's speeches, as do issues such as "integral ecology", the "peripheries" of the world - whether they be geographical or existential - and the "throw-away culture".

Francis's closest aides say that, despite his 85 years of age, the pope has maintained a very high pace of work, disabusing those who would like to see his pontificate slowly fade away.

Congratulations to 16 young people from our parish who celebrated their Rite of Reconciliation this weekend. Our appreciation and thanks to Julia McGuire, Trish Middlemist, Laura Lang and Agnieszka Kiersztejn who gave up their Saturday mornings to prepare the children for the Sacraments

Oblate Connections:
Spring edition of “Oblate Connections" available today. FREE

The Margaret Sinclair Story:

The online Premiere of The Margaret Sinclair Story will be broadcast live on Tuesday 29 March at 7.00pm. The Story of Venerable Margaret Sinclair, from Edinburgh, is vividly brought to life in this docu-drama. Watch live by clicking here around 7.00pm on Tuesday 29 March. After the premiere, Rachel (who plays Margaret in the film) and director Stephen Callaghan will host a public Zoom chat from 8:00pm - click here.

Anniversaries: Ellizabeth Steel, Keith Farries, Sr Sheelagh Stapleton, Isobella O’Farrell, Frances Robertson, James Nairn Fortune, James Henderson, Josephine Muir, Isa Cherry, Edward Smith, Margaret Flannery, Anna Gahagan, Pat McDade, Tony Paterson, Sharon Tscel opsuce, Thomas Waugh, James Duffy, John McDougall, David Nicholson and Madge Devine. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Second Sunday of Lent, Year C

(13 March 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Second Sunday of Lent

Readings page 156.

"The Lord is my Light and my Help."

Lenten Retreats:
Lenten Retreat with the Oblates Wednesday 16th March 7.00pm speaker Fr Irvin Morostil omi.If you haven't done so already, you can register by emailing and you will be sent on the link for the Zoom meeting.


If you prefer the Jesuits in Glasgow - Fr. David Birchall SJ.

The choice is yours.

Stations of the Cross:

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website at:

2022 Church Envelopes:
The New Financial Year begins in April. Your 2022 Collection Envelopes are available at the back of the church today.

If you pay tax and use the envelopes or direct debit for your Sunday Collection, the parish can claim 25 pence on every £1.00 you donate to the Church Collection, e.g. if your weekly collection to the church is £1, then over the year your donation becomes £65 at no cost to you, the extra £13 is tax you already paid in PAYE. The revenue requires you to agree that this tax be paid to the parish. Mr Charlie McGinley is available to arrange this agreement. This Gift Aid benefits the parish annually between £4,000 - £5,000 it depends on how many parishioners take a pack envelopes and sign the agreement that the church can claim your tax back from the Inland Revenue. See Charlie McGinley or Fr Tony for more information.

Holy Hour:
The Archbishop has asked that we have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in thanksgiving for our exit from Covid 19 and in thanksgiving for those who served on the front line. During this coming week in our Day Chapel there will be Mass at 9.00 am followed by an hour of silent prayer. Come and go as you wish.

Safeguarding vacancy:
Emma Boothroyd, our safeguarding advisor, is retiring in the summer. She has done a great job in what is a challenging role. On your behalf I would like to thank her warmly and wish her well for the future. The Archdiocese hope to recruit a replacement soon to ensure a smooth handover from Emma to her successor.

SCIAF Ukraine Appeal:
If you want to make a donation, please click here.

Synod - From the Archbishop:
All our deanery Synod meetings are now complete. Thank you very sincerely to the parishes that hosted the meetings and all clergy who attended to show their support. Thanks also if you held, or are holding, a parish Synod meeting. Deanery syntheses will be published on the archdiocesan website as they become available.

Synod - Parish:
Our thanks to Joe McGeough, Trish Middlemist and Michael Ayanbowale who facilitated a Parish Meeting in response to Pope Francis’ invitation to the whole world to engage in reflection on the Church, where it is and where it should be. The sub-group of the PPC reported to the Parish Council at our meeting on Thursday last 10th March. The report will be forwarded to the Archbishop and will be subsumed into the Diocesan Report. The diocesan report for Rome and the Scottish report will both be carried in the Archdiocesan WEB when all reports from Deaneries and parishes are to hand.

Lourdes Pilgrimage:

The Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage is back! Demand is expected to be high for this popular and life-enhancing trip so booking now is recommended. It takes place from 8-15 July and will be led by Archbishop Cushley. All the details you need can be found by clicking here.

"Scottish Catholic":
On sale today - £2.00.

Anniversaries: James Tait, John O’Donnell, Mgr Tony McNally, Olive Grogan, Peggy Cavanagh, Anne Wilson, Kathleen O’Kane, Sr Geraldine Kelly, Michael McDonagh, Helen Cairns Lumley, Pat Donnehy, Rose Ann Curran, Margaret Conway, Helen and James Skirving, Martin Heffron, Jeannie O’Neill, Pat Kilpatrick, Ron Ferguson, Mary Doyle, Fr Liam Duffy, OMI, Anne Murphy, Andrew Iggulden, Joseph Crere and Alex Paterson. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the First Sunday of Lent, Year C

(6 March 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

First Sunday of Lent

Readings page 153.

"Man does not live on Bread Alone."

Lenten Retreats
In the Parish Newsletter 27.02.2022 we gave details of a Lenten Retreat presented by the Jesuits in Glasgow. Today on page 2 of the Newsletter we give an option of a Retreat for each Wednesday of Lent presented by the Oblates. Take your choice.

If you haven't done so already, you can register by emailing and you will be sent the link for the Zoom meeting.

Parish Council – 10th March
Next Meeting Thursday 10th March at 7.30 pm in the Day Chapel.

Feast of St. John Ogilvie 10th March:
Our Patron Saint, see biography of his life on Parish WEB.

In our Parish Web there is a communication from the Oblate Superior of our Delegation in the Ukraine, our Province has given financial support 15,000 Euro to The Mission. If you wish to contribute to their effort you will find details in the Parish WEB. Guaranteed it is safe.

Sacramental Programme – 12th March:
“Discipleship of the Saints” next Saturday March 12th, 10.00 am.


The Parish meeting of 26th February made some the following points: Involve Laity more in Services; Choir; Children’s Liturgy; Engage with local schools; Abolish “Obligation” for Mass attendance; Vocations - women priests, married priests; Compassion for those who have been hurt by Church; Better understanding of human psyche; Homily on parish WEB; Ecumenical gatherings; Parish food bank; Bring back the Bingo and social events.

The WEE Box:
The suggestion is that when you deny yourself a luxury that you put what you save in the Wee Box to help people in Malawi.

OMI Lent Retreat:

Anniversaries: Karen Thomas, Agnes Adams, Mary Garry, Vera Spence, Maria Pereirra, Philip Faccenda, Gerard McDonald, Pat McGilligan, Alison Welsh, Ian Allison, Minnie Bilberg, Shaun McAllister, Elsa Purcell, Leighann Miller; Patrick McQueen, Rodger Marshall, Joseph Conway, Anne McCaffrey, Sr Winifred Cleary and Rudy Capavanni. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(27 February 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Eighth Sunday of the Year

Readings page 144.

"Why do you observe the splinter in your brother’s eye and never notice the plank in your own."

Today we welcome Raymond Ashiru of Hailsland Place to God’s Family. Congratulations to Raphael and Keninde on this the birth of their second son. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Ash Wednesday - 2 March 2022
Wednesday next the 2nd March is Ash Wednesday, Mass at 9.00am. Ashes will be blessed at Mass but not distributed, the ashes will be placed in a bowl on the Altar and you are welcome if you so desire to sprinkle some ashes on yourself.

Report from the Parish Synod Meeting will be carried in the Newsletter next weekend

  • we are Church together,
  • on the way,
    under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,

Fr Martin Moran:
Fr Martin Moran from Leith will take the Masses this weekend as Fr Tony has gone to Ireland to celebrate his sister's Requiem.

A Lent Retreat with the Jesuits:

For details see the Newsletter of the 7th Sunday of the year. ( Fr. David Birchall SJ, Director, Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Glasgow, G3 6PE. 0141 354 0077. Skype: iscglasgow


Act in Hope this Lent

This Lent, we’re asking you and your parish to offer up as many Acts of Hope as you can as part of your Lenten practice.

Your Acts of Hope could include changing what you eat, how you travel, or how much you waste during Lent, to show your solidarity with those living on the front line of the Climate Emergency, and to protect our Common Home here in Scotland

The WEE Box
WEE BOX appeal, which is helping families in places like Malawi who are facing extreme hunger and life on the edge of survival.

The suggestion is that when you deny yourself a luxury that you put what you save in the Wee Box to help people in Malawi.

Please remember totake your WEE Box after Mass today.

Anniversaries: Patrick Carroll, Mary Clements, Catherine Abbott, John McTighe, Rose Tait, Fr Charles Barclay, Baby Rachael Butler, Sandy Eadie, James McGhee, Danny McKinney, Michael McFadden, David Scott, Shaun McRitchie, Fr Eugene Forde OMI, Margaret Sharkey, Maureen Hunter, Catherine Coleridge, Mina McGhee, John Elwyn Jones, Denholm Isbister, Edward Taylor, Lillias Sikora, Annie Glancy, Mary Castle, Marion Sinclair, Mgr David Gemmell, Kate Donald, Kathleen Mahon, Rose Calvey and Sr Mildred Ryan. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace

Newsletter for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(20 February 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Seventh Sunday of the Year

Readings page 141.

"The Lord is Compassion and Love."

A Lent Retreat with the Jesuits :
Greetings from the Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Glasgow.

Could I ask you to be so kind as to pass on the word about our online retreat for Lent. You might even like to organise your own local group. This year we have some face to face groups as well. The online retreat is open to all and this year to celebrate the 500 years since the conversion of St. Ignatius Loyola is based on his life. Each day of Lent the retreat we provide an episode from the life of Ignatius, Music, Art, a reading from Scripture and a reflection. Participants can join an online group for a weekly meeting with others to share the fruits of their prayer. The retreat is available on the web by cliking here.

It is not just a complicated word, but "synodality" is also a new one in the Catholic tradition.

Yet, in its basics, it is very simple. It can be expressed in three simple points:

  • we are Church together,
  • on the way,
  • under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,

Synodality soon gets complicated, because synodality has to do with the participation of believers in the life of the Church.

How do you organize a process that takes the participation of 1.3 billion Catholics worldwide seriously?

Synod at St John Ogilvie's
Parish Gathering
Saturday 26 February, 2.00pm – 4.00pm. No booking required

(Facemasks to be worn)

The format of the 2 hour meeting will be:-

  • Groups seated at tables reflect on suggested subjects.
  • Feedback for report to Archbishop and Rome.
  • Break for Tea/ coffee, served at table.
  • Some set topics plus individual suggestions on Church.
  • Feedback for report to Rome and Archbishop.
  • If time allows, additional feedback from individuals.

Sacramental Programme – Saturday 26th February:
Saturday 26th February at 10.00am: “Being a Disciple”, Lesson 6.

Fairtrade Fortnight Mon. 21 February to Sunday 6th March:
Fairtrade Foundation: “Meet the Fairtrade farmers taking on the climate crisis”, Monday 21 February 2022, 1:30pm and 7.00 pm online - click here for more information.

Anniversaries: Elizabeth Paten, Tommy Robertson, Jimmy Boyle, Euen Dunlop, James McCarron, Alex Hunter; Josephine Pathmanathan, Frances Healy, Billy Cleghorn, Paul Shirpke, Frances Doherty, Julia Ness, Patrick Murphy, Baby Rosemary Meagher, Ian Scott, William Robertson, Mary Barclay, Lee Duncan, Bro Denis Kelly, OMI, Fr McGough, OMI, Ronnie Winton, Stephanie Clark and Mary Hannon,. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace

Newsletter for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(13 February 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Sixth Sunday of the Year

Readings page 139.

"Happy the man who has placed his trust in the Lord."

Synod – Parish Gathering – Saturday 26 Feb 2022:
There is still an opportunity to send in your thoughts relating to the Synod but we would appreciate feedback by this weekend. You can comment on how you would like to see the worldwide Catholic Church moving forward, or simply suggest what we could be doing, as St John Ogilvie’s Parish, to support and encourage one another in living out our Christian faith.

Response can be via e mail to or handed in to the church in paper form. Your feedback will form the basis of our Parish Gathering on Saturday 26 Feb 2.00pm – 4.00pm. There is no booking required.

It has been such a long time since we have come together to talk with, and listen to, one another. We hope you can join us in this opportunity to be together as a community. Tea and coffee will be provided.

If you are able to help with the tea and coffee, please let Fr Tony, or one of us, know as we will need volunteers.
Trish Middlemist, Michael Ayanbowale, Joe McGeough.

Praying for victims and survivors:
The Day of Prayer for those who have suffered abuse takes place on Friday 4 March. The Bishops of Scotland are preparing liturgical resources and these will be shared when they are available.

World Day of Prayer:
World Day of Prayer is an ecumenical initiative led by Christian women and it also takes place on 4 March. A Worship Service document and more can be found on the resources section by clicking here.

Making Disciples Seminar:
Learn how God is at work in your life and in the lives of others in this three-day seminar. It will sharpen your evangelisation skills and show how each of us can be an instrument in God’s hand as we walk as His disciples. It takes place from Friday 25 - Sun 27 February at St Kentigern’s Church, 26-28 Parkgrove Avenue, Barnton, EH4 7QR. To register and for more info click here.

Events for married/engaged couples:
The Archdiocese is hosting events for married and engaged couples in the lead-up to the 10th World Meeting of Families (Rome 22-26 June 2022). These events are for couples to come before the Lord together in reflection on the Catholic vision of marriage and family life, thanksgiving for the gift of this calling and prayer for the blessing of their love. To register click here.

  • Sunday 6 March 2022, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 4.00-5.00pm - Holy Hour with Archbishop Leo.

  • Sunday 3 April 2022, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 4.00-5.30pm - Testimony and Holy Hour with Anton and Angela Colella.

  • Sunday 8 May 2022, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 3.00-5.30pm - Afternoon Retreat with Brian and Maureen Devine.

  • Wednesday 18 May 2022, St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, 7.00pm - Mass for Married and Engaged Couples.

From the Bishops of Scotland:

  • The obligation for Catholics to celebrate Sunday as a Holy Day by gathering together for Mass will be restored from the First Sunday in Lent, Sunday 6th March.

  • Given the easing of restrictions in every other walk of life, the Church looks forward to welcoming Catholics back to Mass. As always, the obligation does not apply to those who are sick and their carers or to those aware of their greater vulnerability to the virus.

"Scottish Catholic" :
11th February edition February available today £2.00

Anniversaries: Kay McGlone, Effie Kay, Ann Gaughan, Margaret Roberts, Christine Kenny, Agnes Jamieson, John Kidd, Patrick McCann, Mary Slater, James Dalrymple, Nan McMahon, John Rodgers, Gina Binnie, Sarah McDonald, Kate Docherty, Alice Quinn, William Goodall, Janet Sinclair, Mary Devine, Thomas Summerville, Mary Goonan, Dante Donofrio, Alexander Ogilvie, John Lewis, John Muirhead, Jessie Kinnaird, Fr. Jack Collins, OMI, Mary Doran, Maureen Donaldson, Owen Power, Monica Winkel, John Kilpatrick, Pearl McPhail and Nellie Lukow. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(6 February 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Fifth Sunday of the Year

Readings page 135.

"They left everything and followed him."

Covid Update:
The Archdiocese has advised that with immediate effect parishes may dispense with taking contact details of people attending Mass. So, no need any longer to log people in when they arrive for Mass. But face coverings are still a legal requirement (unless exempt) in places of worship. A Pass keeper/ steward will continue at the door to check that the face covering rule is observed. The latest “rule” on hand sanitising is that we are required to make sanitiser available.

Pastoral letter - Sunday obligation:
Bishops of Scotland have announced that the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday is to be restored from Sunday 6 March. Pastoral letter from Bishop Hugh Gilbert, President of the Bishops’ Conference to be read at all Masses today. Read it here.

African/Caribbean Mass - 6th February, 1pm:
The first African/Caribbean Mass for the Archdiocese will be celebrated in St Patrick's, Cowgate, at 1.00pm on the First Sunday of each month.

Help for married couples:
Reports in the media indicate that Lockdown and isolation during COVID 19 put pressure on marriage relationships. Retrouvaille is a Catholic programme for couples having difficulties in their marriage and it may be helpful for some for parishioners. The next Retrouvaille Weekend is online 3-6 March.

The Retrouvaille programme offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. Many headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending and using the tools provided. There is no group therapy or group work. For confidential information or to register for the programme, which begins with a virtual weekend 3-6 March, call/text 0788 7296983 or email: .
The web: is at .

Parish Synod Meeting:
Parishioners are reminded to submit their comments on the questionnaire by Sunday 6 February, and to indicate their preferred dates for the Parish gathering - Wednesday 23 February at 7pm, or Saturday 26 February at 2pm.

National Synod event – Saturday 12th February 2pm:
The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (BCOS) hosts ‘Synodality in the Life & Mission of the Church’ at 2pm on Saturday 12 February. The keynote speaker will be Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops. This online event will be streamed on the Bishops’ conference of Scotland YouTube channel at

The Archdiocese is recruiting an Adviser in Religious Education (primary schools). While the post is full-time, applicants looking for part-time or flexible working patterns are also encouraged to apply.

Click here for more information about the post and about how to reply.

Called and Gifted Workshop:
You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Come and discover these charisms in you at the Called and Gifted Workshop. It takes place from 8:30am-5:30pm on Saturday February 19th at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. To register and for more info Click here.

From the Archbishop:
"On Tuesday 1 February 2022, at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, Rev Martins Enegbuma, a priest of the Diocese of Auchi, Nigeria, was found guilty of a sexual assault in Edinburgh in 2020.

When the allegation against Fr Enegbuma was brought to the attention of the Archdiocese in March 2021, he was immediately removed from active ministry in line with safeguarding procedures. The Archdiocese has cooperated fully with the Police Scotland investigation.

It will now be for the court to determine a sentence, following which Fr Enegbuma will face a canonical investigation.

The Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh offers a profound apology to the person who was subject to this assault and commends their courage in reporting it."

Anniversaries: Rose Benert, Daniel Thorpe, Margaret Gallen, Mary Sullivan, Moses Townsley, Catherine Carey, May Fitzpatrick, John Ndangali, Fred Bilgerg, May Tansey, Andrew Horne, Eddie O’Donnell, Edith Graham, James Farrell, Cathy Paterson, John Baxter, Sr Therese, Shaun Roberts, Phyllis Robertson, Bridget McGonagle, Catherine Glynn, Mamie McTighe, Peter Allan, and Mary Mancias. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(30 January 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Fourth Sunday of the Year

Readings page 132.

"In short, there are three things that last: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love."

This weekend Danny O’Donnell celebrates the big 90th. Ninety years of love and service to his family and community. Long may he continue to show us the way, the truth and the life. Many happy returns.

Requiem – 31st January, 10am:
Requiem Mass for Thomas Robertson in St. John Ogilvie’s tomorrow Monday 31st January at 10.00 am, followed by interment at Morton Hall 11.30 am. May he Rest in Peace.

Children’s Sacramental Programme:
Saturday next 5th February 10.00 am. Choosing to be a Disciple.

Parish Synod Meeting:
Parishioners are reminded to submit their comments on the questionnaire by Sunday 6 February, and to indicate their preferred dates for the Parish gathering - Wednesday 23 February at 7pm, or Saturday 26 February at 2pm.

Annual Safeguarding Announcement:
It is the responsibility of clergy and lay people to ensure that the church is a safe and welcoming place for everyone and to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are protected.

Our Safeguarding co-ordinator for St. John Ogilvie’s is John Rafferty. The Diocesan Statement will be read today in all Masses throughout the Archdiocese. It is also available in Polish on the Notice Board at the back of the church.

Beginning Experience:
The beginning experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 25th. To 27th. March 2022. For details contact: Catherine on 0131 665 3383 or email: click here. Completed Applications must be returned by 12th March 2022.

During the weekend participants are given an opportunity to deal with their feelings; begin to come to terms with their loss and grief; start to live again and not just exist. The weekend could benefit them and their families.

Synod 2023:
The second Deanery/Diocesan Synod meeting took place at the Cathedral Café last Wednesday 26th January. Eighteen tables of 6/4 people engaged. They represented parishes from Portobello to Currie and St. Albert’s to Craigmillar. St. John Ogilvie’s was represented by Joe McGeough [chair] and Tony Quinlan Parish Priest.

Sr Anna Marie McGuan and Fr John Deighan facilitated the 90 minute meeting. Participants at each table discussed the two questions set by the Archdiocese:-

  • How can we foster and deepen each person’s relationship with God through Christ? What do we maintain and what needs improving?
  • How can we reach out to the lapsed, the disillusioned, the wounded, the angry, the apathetic?

Diocesan Directory:
The 2022 Diocesan Directory is available today cost is £3.00.

Oblate Calendar:
The Oblate Calendar 2022 is available on the table as you leave the church by the side door. FREE. Take them also for families and friends.

"Scottish Catholic":
On sale at side-door, cost £2.00.

Anniversaries: Mary Ann Baillie, Marie Annis, Philip Ewing, John Gallagher, Irene Koning, Jim Murphy, Fr. Smits, O.M.I., Ina Dawson, Isabella Connor, Jim Ryan, Rose McMaster, Cilla Mitchell, Elizabeth Dewar, Agnes Morris, Martha Shiels, John Glasgow, Nell Williamson, Helen O’Neill, Annie O’Donnell, Peter Scott, Christopher Abbott, Peggy Scougall, Rose Benert, Daniel Thorpe, Margaret Gallen and Pat Sweeney. Eternal Rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Newsletter for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(23 January 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Third Sunday of the Year

Readings page 129.

"He has sent me to bring good news to the poor to bring liberty to captives to set the downtrodden free."

Christian Unity Week 18th to 25th January - Christian Unity Prayer:
God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, “that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …” We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.

This year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service will take place at 7pm on Monday 24th January 2022 at City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh EH8 9BX. In order to follow the current government guidelines regarding COVID 19, all those attending should take a lateral flow test before attending and wear masks (unless exempt) at all times when in the building. Once seated, please remain in your seat unless directed otherwise. Contact details for track and trace purposes will also be required as you enter the church. With appropriate distancing for safety there is less capacity in the building than normal. To keep everyone as safe as possible you should only attend if you are feeling well and not demonstrating any symptoms of illness. We very much look forward to seeing you there!

The service will be live-streamed on YouTube - click here.

Imogen Gibson , Communications and Administration Officer,
Edinburgh Churches Together

Children’s Sacramental Programme:

For children preparing for the Sacraments at St. John Ogilvie’s on:
Saturday next 29th January at 10.00 am
"Empowerment of the Holy Spirit".

Parish Synod:
Today Joe McGeough chair of our Parish Pastoral Council and member of our parish Synod sub-committee will speak at the Vigil and Sunday Masses. A printout update from the sub-committee is available on the table as you leave the church.

Diocesan and Deanery Synod meeting:
Meeting in the Cathedral York Place on Wednesday 26th January at 7.00 pm.


  • How can we foster and deepen each person’s relationship with God. What are we doing well that needs to be maintained.? What needs improving?

  • How can we reach out to the lapsed, the disillusioned the wounded, the angry, the apathetic?

Find out more about the Synod process in our Archdiocese:

On Wednesday last I joined in the Synod Holy Hour in the Cathedral, no problem with observation of the 2m distance as congregation numbered total of 50.

Beginning Experience: The beginning experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 25th. To 27th. March 2022. For details contact: Catherine on 0131 665 3383 or email: click here. Completed Applications must be returned by 12th March 2022.

Anniversaries: John McDonald, Neil Harkins, Michael Henry, Gina Fortune, Mary McLaren, Salvatore Peschiera, Derek Sweeney, Patrick Mullan, Rose Downie, Teresa Nicol, Tony Boak, John Donoghue, Allen Young, Patrick Daly, Peter Donald, Jonathan Johnston McHugh, Nora Gielty, Fr Jim Ryan, Frances Rennie, Nancy Thomson, Fr. O’Dowd, OMI, Fr Feigherty, OMI, William Findlayson, Brian Sprott and Francis Rickis.

Newsletter for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(16 January 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Second Sunday of the Year

Readings page 127.

"Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples."

Thomas Robertson

The Requiem for Thomas Robertson at St. John Ogilvie’s on Monday 31st of January at 10.00am followed by committal at Morton Hall Cemetery at 11.30 am. We offer our sincere sympathy to his son Keith and daughters Frances, Margaret, Lesley and Amanda. May he rest in peace.

Parish Council Report

  • Approved financial support for parishioners who wish to enrol in diocesan “Diploma in Catechetics”.
  • Call a Parish Meeting in February devoted to Synod 2023
  • Invite more applications to cost and implement Parish Building Survey carried out in 2020.

From Archbishop Cushley

Diploma in Catechetics: The classes commence on 27th January and take place each Tuesday at 7.30pm on zoom until 8th December (with a break over the summer holidays). The cost is £200 for the entire year – but reductions and bursaries are readily available. Speak to Father Tony. Or contact for information about bursaries, student rates, and scheduled payments. Register simply through Eventbrite:

Diocesan and Deanery Synod: Meetings in the Cathedral York Place on 19th & 26th January. All welcome to both events.


St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
7:30pm, Wednesday 19th January - Holy Hour

St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh 7:00pm, Wednesday 26th January - Conversations

Find out more about the Synod process in our Archdiocese:

Christian Unity Week 18th to 25th January - Christian Unity Prayer:
God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, “that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …” We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Synod: Pope Francis is true to the traditions of social teaching matured under his predecessors and has expanded the categories to include the environment Laudato Si and personal relations Fratelli Tutti. On issues touching gender and sexual morality he is more inclined to start from messy human reality than from clinical text book idealism.

Anniversaries: Owen McLeod, Archie Donald, George Blaney, Arthur McKay, Mary Hanlon, Margaret Deans, Frank Nagel, John Gahagan, Veronica Turner, Hugh McGonagle, Rose Jones, Frank Masson, David Norris, Keith Tranent, Francis Sawyer, William Dalrymple, Arthur James Davie, Alexander Moore; Aileen Goll, Vincent McDevitt, Fr Noel Coughlan, Frank Chalmers, Edward McKay-Ferguson, Terry Cuthbert, Jim Snedden, James Fielding, Jean Power, Josephine Nichol, Maggie McSparron, and Christine Murphy.

Newsletter for the Feast of the The Baptism of the Lord

(9 January 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Feast of the Baptism of The Lord

Readings page 118.

"This is my Son the Beloved Listen to Him."

Thomas Robertson

We regret to announce the unexpected death of Thomas Robertson, of Baberton, at the Western General on Tuesday 4th January. We offer our sincere sympathy to his son Keith and daughters Frances, Margaret, Lesley and Amanda. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. May he rest in peace.

Parish Council
Meeting of PPC in the Day Chapel on Thursday next 13th of January at 7.30pm. Members please collect your Agenda and correspondence after Mass this weekend.

Deanery Synod
Meetings in the Cathedral York Place on 19th & 26th January at 7.00 pm.

Christian Meditation
TExperience how Christian Meditation with others leads you to the joy of God´s healing. We meditate in person at 63 York Place on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. Afterwards you are welcome for refreshments and to socialize. On Wednesdays at 7.00pm. We meditate online on Zoom. To see the up-to-date schedule please here.

Diploma in Catechetics
The Archdiocesan Diploma in Catechetics starts again at the end of January. This Diploma has borne more positive fruit than any other initiative. Last year over 150 lay people from all over the Archdiocese participated. Their feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

The Diploma, co-ordinated by Sr. Anna Marie, is a wonderful way for lay people in parishes to deepen their understanding of the faith and to be prepared for leadership in our communities.

The classes commence on 27th January and take place each Tuesday at 7.30pm on zoom until 8th December (with a break over the summer holidays). The cost is £200 for the entire year – but reductions and bursaries are readily available. Speak to Father Tony. Or contact for information about bursaries, student rates, and scheduled payments.

Register simply through Eventbrite click here.

Each week, content is delivered via Zoom from a variety of instructors from all over the Archdiocese. Please go to the parish website for a list of the modules and classes –

After each module, participants have a one to one interview with Sr. Anna Marie, the course leader, to go over the content and revisit questions they may have.

Anniversaries: Hugh Boyle, Mary Birmingham, Peggy Paddock, James Kidd, John Cochrane, Bernard O’Donnell, Nnabyenyi Peter Ugwu, Cathy Sweeney. Alice Payne, John Brogan, Daniel McManus, Bett Sutherland, Nicholas Saddler, Gordon Harvey, David Bowman, Teresa Inglis, Richard Hughes, Terry Tinney, Mary & Robert Smith, Bella Ward, John Hunter, Michael Quinn, Evan Jones, Patricia Agu, Kitty O’Donnell, Vera Walker, Adeline Dewar, Bill Docherty, Fr. Ray McEvoy, O.M.I., Mary Scott, Jack Glen and Sarah Baxter.

Newsletter for the Feast of the Epiphany

(2 January 2022)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Feast of the Epiphany 2022

Readings page 115.

"Where is the Infant King of the Jews?” they asked

"We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him Homage."

Sunday Obligation
On December the 23rd. Scottish bishops gave notice to reintroduce the Sunday Obligation from 2nd January. In view of the latest development of OMICRON this has been postponed until further notice. Currently there is no obligation to attend Mass on Holy Days or Sundays.

Booking for Mass
From today (2nd January 2022) it will not be necessary to book for Mass at St John Ogilvie’s. We have found over the past few months that there is sufficient space in the church to provide a seat for everyone who wishes to attend either the Saturday vigil Mass or the Sunday morning Mass. We are, however, still required to record the contact details of those who attend any of our services. In order to speed up access to the church, we intend to allocate each family with a number which they would quote when they arrive for Mass. Your number will be sent to you in the next few days (or you may already have a note of it).

Email addresses
We use email to get in touch with parishioners and for them to get in touch with us. Unfortunately, we do not have an email address for all parishioners. If you have email would you please let us have a note of your email address. Send an email to with your name and email address and we will add your details to the list so that we can more easily get in touch with you if necessary. Thank you.

Sacamental Programme
The next meeting is on Saturday 8th January at 10.00am in the Church and the topic will be “Encountering the Holy Spirit”.

May you and your family have a Blessed New Year.

Close the door on hate,
And open the door of love, all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift,
And blessing with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil, by the blessing Christ brings.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

Anniversaries: Caroline Nessnau, Donald Lewis, Suzanne Anfry, Mary Ann Gordon, Francesca Peschiera, Miriam Livingstone, Maureen Payne, Nancy Ryan, John Payne, Fr. Walter Carolan, Margaret McDonald, Jane Heenan, David Lopes, Kenneth Tranent, Helen Burden, Catherine Holmes, Eileen Wasyliszyn, Louis Gibson, James Quinn, Betty Crow, Fr. Paul Winters, Isabel Geddes, John Prior, Nancy Johnston, Mary Duffy, Sr Mary Celine Ryan, Ross Graham, Rachel Conroy, Baby Connie Kimberley Wright and Agnes McWilliams.