St John Ogilvie's
A Roman Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh

St John Ogilvie's weekly Newletters 2021

Please select the Newsletter you want using the buttons below.

Please note however that Newsletters were not published in 2021 on a regular basis until the first week of Advent 2021 (27/28 November 2021) although a one-off edition was published on 15 August 2021 to publicise the new Covid-19 guidance.

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Newsletter for Christmas Day 2021

(25 December 2021)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Christmas Day 2021

Readings page 97.

"“I Bring you news of great Joy."

"Today a Saviour has been born to us Christ the Lord"

Sunday 26th December Feast of the Holy Family. 10.00 am only
Monday 27th to Friday 31st December, Daily Mass at 12.00 Noon
No evening Mass New Year’s Day
Feast of the Epiphany, Sunday January 2nd, Mass 10.00am only (Booking required).

From the Archbishop 23.12.2021
Postponement of return to the Sunday Obligation

As you know, the Bishops had intended to restore the Sunday obligation from 2 January 2022. Due, however, to the rapid deterioration in the Covid situation in Scotland, this decision will now probably be postponed. The Bishops are in discussion about this now, so I will write to you again as soon as a statement has been agreed among us. (For update see Welcome page

Oblate Connections

Oblate Connections available today, please take one as you leave the church after Mass

Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading,
Still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect light.

May you and your family have Peace and Joy at Christmas.

Anniversaries: James Reid, Elizabeth McDade, Cissie Fairley, Katie Kerlin, Fr John Harding, Hughie Ward, Fr Ted McSherry, Peter Michael Martin, Melvyn Wood, Jill Paterson, Margaret O’Hare, Marilyn Leishman, Jim Byrne, George McFarlan, Margaret Oldroyd, James Butler, Eva Mather, Miriam Maher, Bill Stewart, John Carey, Thomas McCullagh, Margaret Lock, Hilda Findlay, Victor Rickis, Richard O’Rourke, Angel Pathmanathon and John Boyle.

Newsletter for 4th Sunday of Advent 2021

(19 December 2021)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES:: Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays: 9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C

Prayers and Readings page 90.

"I am the Handmaid of the Lord."

"Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?"


The Edinburgh City Deanery of St. Giles has arranged the following reflection for Synod 2023.

Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM Archdiocesan Synod Delegate, announced that two deanery level meetings were planned on 19 and 26 January at 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, to which each parish could send five delegates. There was discussion on how to generate enthusiasm and increase awareness of the idea of synodality (Sister mentioned videos produced by the Archdiocese: - click here.)

On the underlying motivations behind the Synod (Sister suggested this was less about changing governance structures as generating a culture of listening at all levels). Sister stressed that parish meetings should preferably take place in person, but that video meetings (or a combination of both) might be more suitable for some parishes.

Christmas Services

First Mass of Christmas
Friday 24th December - 6.30pm
(Carols during Mass)

Christmas Morning
Saturday 25th December
Mass 10.00am
(Carols during Mass)

Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday 26th December
Mass 10.00am
(No Vigil Mass on Saturday 25th December.)

Please ensure that you book for these Masses as we need to know how many are likely to attend Email:
by 22 December 2021.

If you do not have email the phone number is 0131 453 5035.

See, Judges and Acts. Pope Francis:

At the World Youth Day in Poland Pope Francis pointed to Mary as a model for young people.

  • Listen - not just hear but be attentive to practical realities.
  • Be decisive. Take the First Step - take action.
  • Operate out of Charity filled with Love.

Anniversaries: Fr. Terry Hynes, Catherine Taylor, Michael Kidd, Ina Turner, Fr Brian Flannagan OMI, Daniel Falsay, Jimmy Finn, Margaret McLaughlin, Margaret Munro, Thomas Heaney, Barry Greenan, Mary Tomaso, Betty McCarthy, Hugh Brady, John Ryan, John Bolan, Thomas Dooley, George Geddes, James Reid, Elizabeth McDade, Cissie Fairley, Katie Kerlin, Fr John Harding, Hughie Ward and Fr Ted McSherry.

Newsletter for 3rd Sunday of Advent 2021

(12 December 2021)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Third Sunday of Advent Year C

Prayers & Readings page 87.

"Rejoice in the Lord always again I say rejoice."

Sr. Patsy McMahon:

We regret to announce the death of Sr. Patsy McMahon at Edinburgh Infirmary on Tuesday last the 7th December. Sister was a member of the Sacred Heart Congregation. Her whole life was dedicated to teaching in Dundee and Edinburgh. Patsy lost her brother, sister and sister-n law since lockdown. All had been significant people in her life.
May she rest in peace.

Thinking of a career in Teaching?

There has never been a better time to consider a career in teaching, and Catholic schools all over Scotland are looking for committed and ambitious new teachers. You can be a vital part of a community of faith and learning, making a real difference and helping future generations to believe and achieve. Talk to your guidance teacher, contact Gillis or visit Education website at

"Scottish Catholic"

The Scottish Catholic Magazine is available as you exit from the church by the side-door. Cost £2.00. The first two issues were free but from today this fortnightly magazine will sell at £2.

Inside this edition:

  • Assisted Suicide
  • Palliative Care
  • Catholic whistle-blower
  • Judith Ralston BBC Weather

Christmas Services

First Mass of Christmas
Friday 24th December - 6.30pm
(Carols during Mass)

Christmas Morning
Saturday 25th December
Mass 10.00am
(Carols during Mass)

Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday 26th December
Mass 10.00am
(No Vigil Mass on Saturday 25th December.)

Daily Mass during Christmas week
Monday to Friday
12.00 Noon

Please ensure that you book for the Masses on 24th, 25th and 26th December as we need to know how many are likely to attend Email:
by 22 December 2021.

If you do not have email the phone number is 0131 453 5035.

Shepherds, sages, and scribes,
drawn by angels and stars,
discovered this divine simplicity,
then hurried from the hillside
with news that amazed them all.

Anniversaries: Sarah Daly, Mary Ferry, Baby Bohdi Callaghan, Hugh Grieve, Carol Freston, Winfred Curran, Charles Stewart, Jean Watt, Tommy Neilson, Marjorie Gordon, Annie Forester, Rita Brotherston Br. Tim Ahern, O.M.I., Bridget Carton, Tony Flak, Mary Quinn, Noreen Crossan, Michael Hickey, Julia Cairney, Ita McSorley, Dennis Gallagher, Nancy Butler, William McIntosh, Brian Clifford, Fr Christy Dunne, Flo Love, Bessie Woods, Bridget Davidson, Alex Inglis and Jean Roan.

Newsletter for 2nd Sunday of Advent 2021

(5 December 2021)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Second Sunday of Advent Year C

Prayers & Readings page 84.

"A voice cries in the wilderness: prepare a way for the Lord."

Synod 2023:

What part of the Church requires new energy, renewed efforts, some fresh vitality, in order to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the contemporary world? How do we begin? We begin at a local level in the parish by listening to each other. When we gather, Pope Francis asks "us not to soundproof our hearts; let us not remain barricaded in our certainties. So often our certainties make us closed. Let us listen to one another." (homily October 2021)

Now is the time to face whatever needs renewal in the Church. We are now called into service of God’s way of bringing the Church to new life. Let us discover the same confidence that the Prophet Ezekiel had in the valley of the dry bones. It was the movement of God’s Spirit that came upon the Dry Bones that restored flesh to them. We cannot renew the Church by surveys or questionnaires. The voice of God must always reframe questions about how the Church fulfils its vision and mission, since the Church is something God makes. The Spirit of God is will energise the dry bones of our Church.

Advent Evening Retreat:

"Advent, the Synod and the Whole Church
You are invited to participate in a weekly evening retreat each Tuesday in Advent from 7 - 8pm. This event is hosted by Fr Ray Warren OMI, director of De-Mazenod House, Oblate Retreat and Spirituality Centre in Tower Hill, in the heart of London. Each week will feature a different speaker and we will have time for sharing, discussion, commentary, questions and prayer. We hope you can join us in these weeks of preparation and waiting for the season of Christmas on the theme of the Advent and the Synod of the Whole Church: Communion - Participation - Mission. The meetings will take place using Zoom.

As the faithful People of God, during this Season of Advent, you are invited to actively participate through scripture, prayer, reflection and sharing.

The Synod of the whole Church is in a listening attitude. What do you want to say?

The next event in the series is on Tuesday 7th December - "A time to Dream

Please register by emailing:

These reflections will also serve as an introduction to SYNOD 2023 which will begin in our parish January 2022.

Archdiocese Advent talks:

Mondays during December at 7.30pm. Canon Hugh White gives an Advent reflection on Zoom - Click here or use webinar ID 891 89514801

Addresses for Christmas Greetings of Priests & Sister who served at St. John Ogilvie’s:

Fr Michael O’Connor,OMI, The Presbytery, Darndale, Dublin 17 Ireland
Fr John McFadden, OMI, Benedictine Priory, Mackerston Place, Largs, KA30 8BY
Fr Michael Phelan, OMI New Priory, Quex Road, Kilburn, London NW6 4PS
Frs Tony Clancy, OMI & Peter Clucas, OMI Oblate House of Retreat, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8, Ireland.
Fr Joe Daly, OMI, The Presbytery, 2 Rating Row, Beaumaris, Anglesey, LL58 8AL Wales
Fr John Lee St. Joseph’s, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7EG.
Fr Leo Philomin, OMI, 118 Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12, Ireland
Sr. Cecilia Conway Stella Maris Convent, Eaton Crescent, Swansea SA1 4QR.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception - 8th December

Blessed John Duns Scotus, a Scotsman of 13th century, was one of the greatest champions of this Dogma - The Immaculate Conception. There was a famous debate of the saints in the University of Paris between St Thomas Aquinas and Scotus. Eventually Scotus won the day.


A sub- committee of the Parish Council, Michael Ayanbowale, Joe McGeough and Trish Middlemist have prepared an outline for discussion on Synod 2023. Please take a copy as a first step towards the Synod. 2023. (Click here for PDF version.)

Anniversaries: Teresa Sparrow, Floyd Paterson, Christina Gallo, Donna Hall, Brigid Ferry, Mary Smith, Carl Scott, Margaret Risi, Heather Reith, Bridget Gaughan, Margaret Sowiak, Robert Gormley, Thomas Pettigrew, Michael Hickey, Mary Munro, Patrick Harrison, Mary Curran, Kami, Jess McKenzie-Wight, Baby Keigan Miller, John Hougen, Mary Nelson, Cathy McLeod, Annie Sharkey, Mary Watson, Ellen Sweeney, Sheila Ewen, Frank Mitchell, Jane Douglas, Martin Redpath and Ena McLatchie.

Newsletter for 1st Sunday of Advent 2021

(28 November 2021)

159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

First Sunday of Advent Year C

Prayers & Readings Purple Mass Book page 82.

"Stay awake, your liberation is near at hand."

Advent Wreath:

A Symbol of Advent is our wreath. Shaped in a circle to symbolise the eternity of God, the evergreen foliage expresses God’s undying love for us. The four candles, one for each week of Advent, represent those thousands of years when the people of God awaited their Messiah. They represent Creation - Salvation History – Covenant – Prophets – Mary – John the Baptist.

During Advent the reader will introduce the theme of the Mass each Sunday and arrange for a parishioner or a family to come forward and light the candle.

Advent Evening Retreat:

"Advent, the Synod and the Whole Church
You are invited to participate in a weekly evening retreat each Tuesday in Advent from 7 - 8pm. This event is hosted by Fr Ray Warren OMI, director of De-Mazenod House, Oblate Retreat and Spirituality Centre in Tower Hill, in the heart of London. Each week will feature a different speaker and we will have time for sharing, discussion, commentary, questions and prayer. We hope you can join us in these weeks of preparation and waiting for the season of Christmas on the theme of the Advent and the Synod of the Whole Church: Communion - Participation - Mission. The meetings will take place using Zoom.

As the faithful People of God, during this Season of Advent, you are invited to actively participate through scripture, prayer, reflection and sharing.

The Synod of the whole Church is in a listening attitude. What do you want to say?

  • Tuesday 30th November - A time to Listen
  • Tuesday 7th December - A time to Dream
  • Tuesday 14th December - A time to Journey
  • Tuesday 21st December - A time to Witness

Please register by emailing:

These reflections will also serve as an introduction to SYNOD 2023 which will begin in our parish January 2022.

Mass Books and Hymn Books available today they have been sanitized. You are still required to wear a Facemask at Mass and when singing, unless you are under 12 or exempt for medical reasons.

Edinburgh Christmas Crib:

Today November 28th at 3.00 pm Archbishop Cushley will bless the Nativity Scene in St. Andrew’s Square. The Blessing and Carol Service, is an ecumenical celebration. All welcome to attend and sing carols with St Columba’s Choir and the Salvation Army Brass Band.

Origin Scotland

Christmas Special Celebrate With the:
Origin Scotland Band, Singers and Orchestra
Saturday 11th December at 7.30 pm
Usher Hall Edinburgh

Free tickets from 0131-541-0117 or online at

Anniversaries: Fr Andy Horgan, OMI, Nan Bolan, Mary McGinley, Steve Cassey, Jade Mason, Baby Rebecca Louise Young, Sr Mary Dympna, Jacquie Reid, Helen and Stephen Loftus, Joseph Cairney, Catherine Mazs, William O’Neill, Angus McDonald, George Fraser, Aggie Clarke and Maureen Gibson.


159 Sighthill Drive EH11 4PY    0131 453-5035
Email:     Charity No. SC008540
Fr. Tony Quinlan omi
MASS TIMES::  Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.30pm; Sunday: 10.00am; Weekdays:  9.00am

Confessions Saturday 7.30pm

Feast of the Assumption Year B
Our Lady of Aberdeen leading us to Jesus

Covid-19: Updated guidance for Parishes: The Archbishop has issued updated guidance for parishes in the Archdiocese. I intend to examine this with the Parish Pastoral Council on my return from holiday to see what new arrangements we might introduce here in St John Ogilvie’s. The main points of the guidance include:

Physical Arrangements

  • maintain good hand hygiene - everyone should sanitise their hands on entering and leaving the Church;
  • practise respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette;
  • wear face coverings;
  • ensuring there is good ventilation and consider improvements in ventilation;
  • continue to engage with Test and Protect and to self-isolate when symptomatic or have tested positive;
  • we should maintain a “respectful distance” from one another or one family from another. (This replaces the 2metre/1metre “social distancing” requirement.);
  • alternatives to sanitising surfaces after each Mass might be considered, but some parishes may wish to continue the present practice of sanitising.

Liturgical Arrangements

  • Holy water stoops should not be used;
  • Holy Communion should remain under one kind only;
  • Reception of Holy Communion should remain on the hand;
  • Holy Communion should be received during the Mass as normal;
  • A one-way system to restrict movement of parishioners is no longer required;
  • Offertory collection and procession may be reinstated but online and contactless giving would be preferred;
  • The physical "Sign of Peace" is still not allowed at this time;
  • Votive candles may be used with caution paying attention to the fact that hand sanitiser may be highly flammable;
  • Hymn books and newsletters may be used;
  • The use of enclosed spaces for Confession should be discouraged;
  • Assembling at entrances and exits should be avoided.

I will also examine with the Parish Pastoral Council when we might reintroduce music and hymn singing at Mass.

Holidays: I plan to take a break in Ireland next week. Fr Peter Clucas will serve in the Parish during my absence.

During my absence we will continue with the two weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil Mass 6.30pm and Sunday Mass 10.00am; Weekday Mass Monday to Friday 9.00am.

Parish Council Items for the agenda for the next PPC should be sent to Joe McGeough [chair) or Anna Allen [Secretary].

Synod A universal Synod will be launched by Pope Francis in October 2021.

A Synod is not a decision making body but an opportunity for everyone to walk with others and speak your truth.

A period of consultation and discernment for dioceses begins on Sunday 17 October. In our diocese it will take place under the direction of Archbishop Cushley.

Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM has been appointed lead Delegate by Archbishop Cushley. The process which will take 3 years to complete.