St John Ogilvie's
A Roman Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh

St John Ogilvie's weekly Bulletins 2020

Please select the Bulletin you want using the buttons below.

Please note however that the last Bulletin published in 2020 was the one for 15th March 2020. This was because of places of worship being closed from 23 March 2020 on account of the coronavirus restrictions.

Publication of Bulletins did not properly resume until the first week of Advent 2021 (27/28 November 2021).

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Fairtrade Oblate Missions SCIAF Fresh Start

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 15 March 2020

Today is the Third Sunday of Lent,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 158)

"Stories at the Well"

Prayer for Peace - Service postponed: Our Annual Peace Hour Vigil which was to take place on Wednesday 18th March has been postponed due to the current situation with the corona virus. Hopefully we can re-schedule later in the year when the situation settles.

SCIAF: We welcome today Penelope Blackwell a speaker from SCIAF. This affords us an opportunity to learn of the difference we are helping to make in the lives of women and Children in the Congo.

Our annual SCIAF Collection will be taken up as a second collection this weekend.

Sleepover: This year the Sleepover will be Friday 27th March. Sign-up details can be found in the church porch today.

Parish Pastoral Council - Laura Eadie 100th Birthday: Laura’s 100th Birthday falls in Holy Week. As a Parish Community we wish to be part of her celebration. At our recent PPC we decided to have a Parish Celebration on Saturday 18th April 2 – 4pm. We plan an Afternoon Tea for Laura with her friends from St. John Ogilvie’s and her family.

To give us an idea of numbers for catering could you please add your name to the list at the back of the church.

LENT 2020

Stations of the Cross

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website - click here.

Also during Lent: Prayer around the Cross with Taize Chant, every Thursday during Lent at 7.00 pm.

And ... Lenten Eco Challenge - Re-Cycling: AAs stewards of God's creation you are invited to take part in a Lenten Eco Challenge to try to reduce our carbon footprint. With climate change and the destruction of our environment the time for change in our habits is more vital than ever. This week we ask you to consider RE CYCLING. Every week in the UK we produce enough rubbish to fill Wembley stadium and we put 70 million tonnes of rubbish into landfill. During Lent can we think REDUCE, RE-USE, RE CYCLE. Challenge your supermarket about unnecessary packing. Avoid buying products with unnecessary packaging especially single use plastic which ends up choking our oceans. Consider buying recycled paper items like printer paper, kitchen rolls, toilet tissue. Stop buying bottled water- use tap water. Buy reusable shopping bags, give up plastic bags. Use a sandwich lunchbox not cling film, donate unwanted household goods to Fresh Start. Donate outgrown school uniforms to the school uniform bank. Use the council's kerbside re-cycling service to re-cycle glass, plastic paper and cardboard.

Fair Trade Stall: Total sales at last weekend's Fair Trade Stall amounted to £285.10. Thanks for your support.

Parish Finance Report: The Parish Income/Expenditure Report for 2019 is available today on a separate sheet. This report has been approved by the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Committee and the Diocese. We are indebted to Laura Lang for her many hours of voluntary work in the management and recording of our financial situation. Also our gratitude to Charlie McGinley, Maurice Dougan and Alan Wilson who serve on the Finance Committee and manage the Gift Aid for the Parish.

Gender Recognition Bill consultation: The Scottish Government is consulting now on proposed changes to gender recognition legislation. These include removal of the current medical requirements and reducing the age limit for legally changing gender from 18 to 16. The Catholic Church believes that sex or gender cannot be reduced to a mere construct of society that is fluid and changeable. The Catholic Parliamentary Office has produced a briefing paper to help us understand the key issues. It is available online at the Catholic Parliamentary Office website. Please make your voice heard in this consultation which can be completed at The deadline for responses is 17th March.

The Two Popes film (St Catharine's Convent, 4 Lauriston Gardens): Cancelled due to Coronavirus.

Pastoral Letter: Copy of a letter from the Archbishop on Postgraduate courses available at Gillis from September 2020 is available at the back of the church. More details on courses and how to apply next week.

Anniversaries: : Peggy Cavanagh, Anne Wilson, Kathleen O’Kane, Sr Geraldine Kelly, Michael McDonagh, Helen Cairns Lumley, Pat Donnehy, Rose Ann Curran, Margaret Conway, Helen & James Skirving, Martin Heffron, Jeannie O’Neill, Pat Kilpatrick, Ron Ferguson, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Mary Doyle, Fr. Liam Duffy, O.M.I., Anne Murphy, Andrew Iggulden, Joseph Crere, Alex Paterson, Ellizabeth Steel, Keith Farries and Sr. Sheelagh Stapleton.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 8 March 2020

Today is the Second Sunday of Lent,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 155)

"Journey of Life and Death"

Fair Trade Stall – this weekend: In support of Fair Trade Fortnight a stall will be held in the parish after all Masses this weekend of 7/8th March 2020. The 2020 theme again is on Fair Trade Cocoa. When we choose to purchase Fair Trade cocoa or chocolate it means that the farmer who grew or produced the product benefits from the safety of the Fair Trade Minimum Price. By working together in co-operatives small-scale farmers can help each other and grow better quality cocoa. This in turn allows the farmers to provide better care and education for their families. Please come over and support the stall.

Liturgy Group Meeting: Monday 9th March, 7.30pm in Church.

Jakub Kolek Fund: With our donation of £2,561.18 the Jakub Fund has reached its target of £63,000. Jakub and his parents will travel on the 17th April for the operation that will hopefully strengthen his limbs. The family are most grateful and appreciative for your generous response. What seemed a major hurdle in January has been overcome because you are people of the Beatitudes, Happy the Merciful theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Sleepover: This year the Sleepover will be 27th.March. Sign-up details next weekend.

Parish Pastoral Council: At the PPC meeting last Thursday, the council decided we would take the following preventative measures to help stave off threat of Coronavirus

  • Omit the Sign of Peace at Mass, or at least omit the gesture of shaking hands;
  • Omit reception of the host on the tongue;
  • Omit reception of the chalice;
  • Empty Holy Water fonts.

This is a helpful precaution, and the suspension’s strictly temporary.

A speaker from SCIAF will come to the parish next weekend, March 14th/15th, to share on the difference your contribution is making to the Congo.

Our annual SCIAF Collection will be taken up as a second collection on the weekend of 14/15th March.

Prayer for Peace: In our war-torn troubled world you are invited to join in an hour of Prayer for Peace on Wednesday 18th March at 7.30pm followed by a cup of tea or coffee in the hall.

Monsignor Brian Halloran: On Sunday last 1st March Fr Brian Halloran ordained in 1959, Provost of the Archdiocese died suddenly after Mass in North Berwick Parish, His Requiem will take place at Star of the Sea, Leith tomorrow Monday at 12.00 Noon. May he rest in peace.

LENT 2020

Stations of the Cross

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website - click here.

Also during Lent: Prayer around the Cross with Taize Chant, every Thursday during Lent at 7.00 pm. Commences Thursday next 9th March in the Day Chapel.

Also .... Lent Extra is a booklet to accompany you on a daily reflection during the 40 Days of Lent. Take a copy with you today - the reflection takes one minute to read, perhaps at breakfast or for your night prayer.

And ... Lenten Eco Challenge - Energy: As stewards of God's creation you are invited to take part in a Lenten Eco Challenge. With climate change and the destruction of our environment the time for change in our habits is more vital than ever. This week we ask you to consider the energy we use in our homes and suggest small changes to help reduce our carbon footprint. Don't leave electric goods on standby - 6% of UK energy consumption is by goods left on standby, the output of one nuclear power station. Change to LED light bulbs, turn down your heating thermostat by 1o, do the laundry @30o improve insulation, change to a green energy supplier,don't overfill the kettle only boil what you need. Every little change does make a difference.

St John Ogilvie: On Tuesday next, 10th March, we keep the Feast of St John Ogilvie, patron of our parish. John’s noble Scottish family was part Catholic and part Presbyterian. During his 3rd level studies on the Continent he became a Catholic and a Jesuit. He returned to Scotland incognito [as a soldier and a horse trader] to minister to the Scots who remained faithful after the Reformation. He was betrayed, tortured, sentenced to death and hanged on the scaffold in Glasgow on 10th March 1615. Canonised in 1976 he was the first Scottish saint canonised since St Margaret in 1250.

Anniversaries: : Philip Faccenda, Gerard McDonald, Pat McGilligan, Alison Welsh, Ian Allison, Minnie Bilberg, Shaun McAllister, Elsa Purcell, Leighann Miller' Patrick McQueen, Rodger Marshall, Joseph Conway, Anne McCaffrey, Sr Winifred Cleary, Rudy Capavanni, James Tait, John O’Donnell, Mgr. Tony McNally and Olive Grogan.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 1 March 2020

Today is the First Sunday of Lent,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 151)

"The Word of God that Questions Us"

Welcome: This weekend we welcome Darcie Grace McGuinness to God’s Family. Congratulations to Mark and Kathleen McGuinness on the birth of their daughter who was Baptised in St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday 29th. February. May Darcie bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Jakub Kolek Fund: Donations to the Jakub Fund last week came to £485.00 making a running total of £2,526.18. Your support is much appreciated. We are now half-way towards our target so please continue with this generosity in the hope that we will meet our £5,000 to assist with Jakub’s medical expenses. You may like to take Jakub as one of the beneficiaries of your Lenten charities.

Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday next 5th March at 7.30 pm. Council members please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass.

Coronavirus will be on the agenda to decide what changes we may wish to make in respect of Sign of Peace and distribution of Holy Communion.

Fair Trade Stall - 7/8th March 2020: In support of Fair Trade Fortnight a stall will be held in the parish after all Masses over the weekend of 7/8th March 2020. The 2020 theme again is on Fair Trade Cocoa. When we choose to purchase Fair Trade cocoa or chocolate it means that the farmer who grew or produced the product benefits from the safety of the Fair Trade Minimum Price. By working together in co-operatives small-scale farmers can help each other and grow better quality cocoa. This in turn allows the farmers to provide better care and education for their families. Please come over and support the stall.

14th/15th March

A speaker from SCIAF will come to the parish the weekend of March 14th/15th to share on the difference your contribution is making to the Congo. SCIAF Wee Box is available at the back of the church. The suggestion is that you hold a box in your home during Lent and contribute to the BOX the amount of money you saved by abstaining from luxuries. SCIAF will forward your donation, plus a matching amount from the UK Government, towards the wellbeing of Congo people.

Boxes available at the back of the Church today.

Prayer for Peace: In our war torn troubled world you are invited to join in an hour of Prayer for Peace on Wednesday 18th March at 7.30pm followed by a cup of tea or coffee in the hall.

LENT 2020

Stations of the Cross

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website - click here.

Also during Lent: Prayer around the Cross with Taize Chant, every Thursday during Lent at 7.00 pm. Commences Thursday next 9th March in the Day Chapel.

Also .... Lent Extra is a booklet to accompany you on a daily reflection during the 40 Days of Lent. Take a copy with you today - the reflection takes one minute to read, perhaps at breakfast or for your night prayer.

And ... Lenten Eco Challenge: As stewards of God's creation you are invited to take part in a Lenten Eco Challenge to try and reduce our carbon footprint. With climate change and the destruction of our environment the time for change in our habits is more vital than ever. Every little change does make a difference. During Lent various topics will be suggested and you will be invited to consider making small lifestyle changes.

Today we are highlighting WATER - during recent weeks we have seen floods all over the country, destroying people's homes and businesses and yet too many people around the world still do not have clean drinking water. Please try and preserve this vital commodity. Don't leave the tap running while cleaning your teeth, have a shower instead of a bath, fix dripping taps, collect rain water for the garden.

Anniversaries: : Michael McFadden, David Scott, Shaun McRitchie, Fr Eugene Forde OMI, Margaret Sharkey, Maureen Hunter, Catherine Coleridge, Mina McGhee, John Elwyn Jones, Denholm Isbister, Edward Taylor, Lillias Sikora, Annie Glancy, Mary Castle, Marion Sinclair, Mgr. David Gemmell, Kate Donald, Kathleen Mahon, Rose Calvey, Sr Mildred Ryan, Karen Thomas, Agnes Adams, Mary Garry, Vera Spence and Maria Pereirra.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 23 February 2020

Today is the 7th Sunday of Ordinary time,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 139)

"Sermon on the Mount: Love of Enemies"

Ash Wednesday - 26th February Wednesday next 26th February is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Masses at St. John Ogilvie’s on Wednesday at 9.00 am & 7.30 pm.

Ashes will be distributed after the Gospel of Mass with the invitation:

"Repent and believe in the Gospel"

Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Since Vatican ll the Church does not detail from what you fast & abstain, it is up to each individual to decide on the form of fast and abstinence - e.g. cigarettes, alcohol, food, sweets, harassment, etc. An important aspect of the fast & abstinence is that your decision should benefit others.

Jakub Kolek Fund: Donations to the Jakub Fund last week came to £355 making a running total of £2,041.18. Your support is much appreciated. Please continue with this generosity in the hope that we will meet our target to assist with his medical expenses. You may like to take Jakub as one of the beneficiaries of your Lenten charities.

The WEE Box

This year’s WEE BOX is focused on violence and abuse in the Congo. Lent appeal highlights the devastating impact of sexual violence is having on women in the Congo. A harrowing topic to discuss but it’s a crucial part of SCIAF’s work. Sexual violence and rape are widespread. Women’s rights are often ignored. Conflict and chaos in large parts of the country have left a legacy of brutality and lawlessness in many areas. Today many thousands of women and girls are left injured, traumatised and in urgent need of assistance.

From Feb. 21st to May 20th all donations to the WEE Box will be doubled by the UK government - Every £1 = £2.

Boxes available at the back of the Church today.

Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday 5th March at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Joe McGeough (Chair) or Anna Allen (Secretary) or posted in the church Suggestion Box before Friday 28th February.

Stations of the Cross

During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on the parish website - click here.

Lent Extra: Lent Extra is a booklet to accompany you on a daily reflection during the 40 Days of Lent. Take a copy with you today - the reflection takes one minute to read, could be at breakfast or for your night prayer.

  • Week 1 Be READY
  • Week 2 Be STRONG
  • Week 3 Be HOPEFUL
  • Week 4 Be BRAVE

Life is a Journey. When we stop, things don’t go right.

New Readers Rota available at the back of the church.– Please take your copy.

Gender mini-symposium – 29th February: The Marriage & Family Commission has organised a mini-symposium on the issue of gender, entitled "Male and Female He Created Them". It will take place at 2.00pm - 5.00pm on Saturday next 29th February at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. The speakers are Dr Adrian Treloar of the Catholic Medical Association and Sr Andrea Fraile of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. Free. Register on Eventbrite or on the Archdiocesan Facebook page. Alternatively, call 0131 623 8900.

SCIAF: A speaker from SCIAF will come to the parish the weekend of March 14th/15th to share on the difference your contribution made to the Congo.

Anniversaries: : Julia Ness, Patrick Murphy, Baby Rosemary Meagher, Ian Scott, William Robertson, Mary Barclay, Lee Duncan, Bro. Denis Kelly OMI, Fr. McGough OMI, Ronnie Winton, Stephanie Clark, Mary Hannon, Patrick Carroll, Mary Clements, Catherine Abbott, John McTighe, Rose Tait, Fr. Charles Barclay, Baby Rachael Butler, Sandy Eadie, James McGhee and Danny McKinney.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 16 February 2020

Today is the 6th Sunday of Ordinary time,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 136)

"Sermon on the Mount: The New Vision"

Welcome: Today we welcome Caitlin Aileen De Souza to God’s Family. At the 11.00 am Mass Caitlin daughter of Louis and Elsa De Sousa, of Calder Park, will receive the Sacrament of Baptism. We pray that she will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.

Jakub Kolek Fund: Donations to the Jakub Fund last week came to £105 making a running total of £1,686.18. Your support is much appreciated. Post-Christmas bank balances can be very low so please continue with this generosity in the hope that we will meet our target to assist with his medical expenses.

Microphones of God - Romero Pilgrimage to Holy Island, Saturday 4th April: To coincide with the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of St Oscar Romero, local celebrations of his life will focus around a one-day pilgrimage to Holy Island (Lindisfarne) taking place on Saturday 4th April. A bus will leave Sacred Heart Church, 28 Lauriston Street at 8.00am. The cost of this pilgrimage will be £14.50. Booking information to follow soon. Contact Br Ken Vance, SJ: for more information.

Gender mini-symposium – 29th February: The Marriage & Family Commission has organised a mini-symposium on the issue of gender, entitled "Male and Female He Created Them". It will take place at 2.00pm - 5.00pm on Saturday 29th February at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. The speakers are Dr Adrian Treloar of the Catholic Medical Association and Sr Andrea Fraile of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. Free. Register on Eventbrite or on the Archdiocesan Facebook page. Alternatively, call 0131 623 8900.

Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation: Meeting of Parish JP & IC in the Chapel House on Tuesday next 18th February at 7.30 pm. New members always welcome.

Justice & Peace

"Think Global, Act Local"

Local Responses to Climate Change
A Workshop on Saturday 7th March 2-4pm
At Mayfield Salisbury Church, Newington, Edinburgh

David Bethune
, former coordinator for Eco Congregation Scotland
Adam McVey, Leader of City of Edinburgh Council.

All Welcome.

Change of Location: At a recent Parish Council meeting it was decided to move the Defibrillator from the church parch and mount it on the wall close to the Boiler House. This location will make it available to the local community. Instruction on use are contained inside.

Remembering Service: A service will take place for those who have lost a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, on Sunday 8th March at 6.00pm, St John the Baptist Church, Corstorphine.

This service may be helpful to anyone who feels that they have not had the opportunity to acknowledge and grieve for their loss. It’s also for those who wish to come in love and support. The service is ecumenical and open to all.

Barbara Heron: We regret to announce the death of Barbara Heron of Baberton Mains Drive, only seven months after the passing of her husband. We offer our sincere sympathy to her daughter Nicola and son Mark. Funeral Service at St. John Ogilvie’s on Friday next 21st February at 11.30 am followed by burial at Corstorphine Hill at 12.30 pm. May she Rest in Peace.

Anniversaries: : Nan McMahon, John Rodgers, Gina Binnie, Sarah McDonald, Kate Docherty, Alice Quinn, William Goodall, Janet Sinclair, Mary Devine, Thomas Summerville, Mary Goonan, Dante Donofrio, Alexander Ogilvie, John Lewis, John Muirhead, Jessie Kinnaird, Fr. Jack Collins, OMI, Mary Doran, Maureen Donaldson, Owen Power, Monica Winkel, John Kilpatrick, Pearl McPhail, Nellie Lukow, Elizabeth Paten, Tommy Robertson, Jimmy Boyle, Euen Dunlop, James McCarron, Alex Hunter, Josephine Pathmanathan, Frances Healy, Billy Cleghorn, Paul Shirpke, and Frances Doherty.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 9 February 2020

Today is the 5th Sunday of Ordinary time,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 133)

"Sermon on the Mount: Sharing the Light"

Jakub Kolek Fund: Donations to the Jakub Fund last week came to £231 making a running total of £1,581.18 your support is much appreciated. Post Christmas bank balances can be very low so please continue with this generosity in the hope that we will meet our target to assist with his medical expenses.

World Day of the Sick – 11th February: Tuesday next 11th February is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes -- World Day of the Sick. This feast commemorates the 18 appearances of Our Blessed Lady to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858 in her home village in the south of France. Our Lady invited pilgrims to come in prayer and penance. On this day the Holy Father suggests we visit a sick friend or neighbour or send a greeting by mail or phone.

The 9.00am Mass on Tuesday will be offered for the sick of our parish.

The annual pilgrimage from Edinburgh in 2020 is from 10 – 17 of July. The Oblate Pilgrimage from Dublin, Liverpool, London & Edinburgh travel 19 - 24 of September.

Remembering Service: A service will take place for those who have lost a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, on Sunday 8th March at 6.00pm, St John the Baptist Church, Corstorphine.

This service may be helpful to anyone who feels that they have not had the opportunity to acknowledge and grieve for their loss. It’s also for those who wish to come in love and support. The service is ecumenical and open to all.

Lourdes 2020: Young adults (16-30) are invited to travel to Lourdes as part of the helper team for the annual Archdiocesan pilgrimage this summer, 10 - 17th July. Find out more at a meeting after Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, 3pm on Sunday next 16th February at St Cuthbert’s, Slateford Road, Edinburgh (meeting to begin at 4:15pm). The pilgrimage is open to people of all ages – find out more at

Augustinians: St Joseph's Parish in Broomhouse, celebrates 70 years since its opening and 25 years of service from the Augustinian Order. The parish is inviting all friends and former parishioners to a Mass being celebrated on Thursday 19th March at 7.00pm with Archbishop Leo Cushley as the principal celebrant. There will be light refreshments in the hall afterwards.

Lent Talks: "Love Lent: The Call to Holiness". These talks take place at the Gillis Centre on 1st, 15th and 29th March, from 5pm-7pm. They feature three different stories on God’s call, from Archbishop Cushley (1st), Sister Mirjam Hugens (15th) and Fr Andrew Garden (29th). The talks will conclude with prayer followed by pizza and a chance to socialise. There’s no need to register.

"The Two Popes"

(A Screening of the latest film)

St Catharine's Convent, 4 Lauriston Gardens
Thursday 19th March, 7.30pm

Entry by donation

Oblate Connections: Latest edition available today - FREE!

Anniversaries: : Edith Graham, James Farrell, Cathy Paterson, John Baxter, Sr Therese, Shaun Roberts, Phyllis Robertson, Bridget McGonagle, Catherine Glynn, Mamie McTighe, Peter Allan, Mary Mancias, Effie Kay, Ann Gaughan, Margaret Roberts, Christine Kenny, Agnes Jamieson, John Kidd, Patrick McCann, Mary Slater and James Dalrymple.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 2 February 2020

Today is the presentation of the Lord,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 300)

"The child was filled with Wisdom & God’s Favour was with Him"

Annual Safeguarding: The annual safeguarding statement will be read out by our parish safeguarding co-ordinator at Masses today Sunday 2 February 2020. The Archdiocese and our parish welcome the special responsibility we have for all children, young people and vulnerable adults in our community.

Jakub Kolek Fund: Donations to the Jakub Fund last week came to £70.18 making a running total of £1,350.18 your support is much appreciated. Post-Christmas bank balances can be very low so please continue with this generosity in the hope that we will meet our target to assist with his medical expenses.

Married Couples Retreat: - 15th February: "Together before the Lord - A Valentine's Day idea for married couples that goes beyond the usual dinner and movie". This takes place on Saturday 15th February 2020. The Marriage & Family Commission have invited Fr Bart Parys SVD to Edinburgh to lead an afternoon of prayer and reflection for married couples at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road. Fr Bart is currently a regional moderator for Domestic Church circles in Dublin and is an experienced leader of couples retreats. Register on Eventbrite. No charge.

Thursday 13th February 7.30pm

Suzie Stark

(CoS Chaplain at St Columba’s Hospice Edinburgh)

"End of Life Care"

Senior Citizens Party: Saturday last we had a most enjoyable afternoon at our annual Senior Citizen’s Party. Much appreciation was expressed by both parishioners and visitors, a very fitting conclusion to Church Unity Week to share a meal with 80 friends and neighbours. In imitation of Christ it is important to move our mission from Temple to Table.

Our thanks to the PPC and to so many volunteers who built such a joyful occasion. Purchasing, preparing and serving the victuals. The 4 course meal of Haggis, Tatties and Neeps was most appetising. It was also Rabbie Burns’ Night and the Chinese New Year so those in the hall were in union with local and worldwide celebrations. Long hours of rehearsal by our resident music makers provided dulcet sounds to suit all tastes. A special treat this year was Marie on the accordion rendering a nice touch of Scottish Airs.

Safeguarding: An Audit on Safeguarding in our Archdiocese was carried out by two external agencies - The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in conjunction with Children in Scotland.

The audit involved examining case material, a review of policies and procedures for safeguarding and conversations with key clergy and lay staff involved in safeguarding within the Diocese. Auditors were given free access to the files and documentation they requested.

The auditors met with or received written submissions from a wider group of interested parties (contributors). This group of 30 included survivors of clerical abuse, their families, clergy, Catholic groups, laity and multi-agency partners.

The 50 page Report is available to download in PDF format by clicking here.

Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 13th - 15th March 2020. At Kinnoull Monastery, Perth. For details contact Catherine on 0130-665-3383 or e-mail:
by clicking here. Completed Applications must be returned by 29th February.

Anniversaries: : Elizabeth Dewar, Agnes Morris, Martha Shiels, John Glasgow, Nell Williamson, Helen O’Neill, Annie O’Donnell, Peter Scott, Christopher Abbott, Peggy Scougall, Rose Benert, Daniel Thorpe, Margaret Gallen, Pat Sweeney, Mary Sullivan, Moses Townsley, Catherine Carey, May Fitzpatrick, John Ndangali, Fred Bilgerg, May Tansey, Andrew Horne and Eddie O’Donnell.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 26 January 2020

Today is the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 127)

"They left their Nets and Followed Him"

Prayer for Unity: Forgiving God, set us free from the painful memories of the past, that wound our shared Christian Life. Lead us to reconciliation so that, through the Holy Spirit we may overcome hatred with love, anger with gentleness, and suspicion with trust.

God giver of life, we thank you for the gift of your compassionate love which soothes and strengthens us. We pray that our churches may be always open to receive your gifts from one another. Grant a spirit of generosity to all as we journey together in the path of Christian Unity. We ask this in the name of your Son who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

David Birchall, SJ

(Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Glasgow)

"LGBTQ+ and Catholic Tradition"
Thursday 6th February, 7.30pm 

Jakub Kolek: Donations to the Jakub Fund last week came to £705. Your support is much appreciated. Post-Christmas bank balances can be very low so please continue with this generosity in the hope that we will meet our target to assist with his medical expenses.

Concerts in the Cathedral – 6th/7th March: Two fantastic shows at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. Proceeds in aid of the Cathedral. Tickets cost £25 per person, per event, available from Eventbrite.

Friday 6 March: Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham

Go to Eventbrite for this event

Saturday 7 March: Barbara Dickson

Go to Eventbrite for this event

Twitter: Our Archdiocese now has a separate Twitter account. Follow it at the address @archedinburgh.

Modern Slavery event: - 5th February: An Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Training event takes place at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 5th February, 7.00-9.00pm. It features Alister Bull from the Global Anti-trafficking charity Hope for Justice. The evening will help participants identify signs of trafficking and exploitation and respond appropriately to help victims. Exploitation is happening in the Archdiocese and across Scotland and this is an excellent event to help people take practical steps to tackle it. Register for free on Eventbrite, the Archdiocesan Facebook, or by calling 0131 623 8900.

Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: - 8th February: A day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion takes place on Saturday 8th February, 11am-2:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Father Jeremy Milne will be the main speaker and there will be a practical reflection followed by a Q&A session. Register on Eventbrite or on the Archdiocesan Facebook page. Alternatively, call 0131 623 8900.

Married Couples Retreat: - 15th February: "Together before the Lord - A Valentine's Day idea for married couples that goes beyond the usual dinner and movie". This takes place on Saturday 15th February 2020. The Marriage & Family Commission have invited Fr Bart Parys SVD to Edinburgh to lead an afternoon of prayer and reflection for married couples at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road. Fr Bart is currently a regional moderator for Domestic Church circles in Dublin and is an experienced leader of couples retreats. Register on Eventbrite. No charge.

St Catherine’s Appeal: Thanks to everyone for your very generous donations of towels & toiletries, to the homeless Project last weekend. The Sisters experience an ever increasing demand for the services they provide and are very grateful for your support.

Anniversaries: : Fr. O’Dowd, OMI, Fr. Feigherty, OMI, William Findlayson, Brian Sprott, Francis Rickis, Elsa Barrett, Raymond Duval, David Whyte, Charlie Parry, Baby Rosie Fyfe, Mary Mansfield, Dario Zappa, Martina Feeney, Philip Puzey, Mary Ann Baillie, Marie Annis, Philip Ewing, John Gallagher, Irene Koning, Fr. Smits OMI, Ina Dawson, Isabella Connor, Jim Ryan, Rose McMaster and Cilla Mitchell.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 19 January 2020

Today is the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time,Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 125)

"The Witness of John"

Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 25th January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.

On this the Parish 50th Anniversary Year it would be wonderful to have a good Parish representation.

St. Joseph’s Parish Broomhouse: The Augustinian Fathers have announced that they will leave St Joseph’s Parish, which they have served since 1995. There will be a thanksgiving Mass in the parish on Thursday 19 March 2020, which also happens to be the 70th anniversary of that parish, and the 25th anniversary of the OSAs’ presence there. Their departure will take place on the Friday of Easter Week.

Concerts in the Cathedral – 6th/7th March: Two fantastic shows at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. Proceeds in aid of the Cathedral. Tickets cost £25 per person, per event, available from Eventbrite.

Friday 6 March: Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham

Go to Eventbrite for this event

Saturday 7 March: Barbara Dickson

Go to Eventbrite for this event

Church Unity – 18th to 25th January: Edinburgh Churches together will hold a service on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 7.30 pm at City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9BX. The guest preacher will be Rt Rev John Armes of the Scottish Episcopal Church. The theme is taken from the Acts of the Apostles Chp: 27 & 28. Reconciliation; Enlightenment; Hope; Trust; Strength; Hospitality; Conversion & Generosity.

St. Catherine's Appeal - Toiletries & Towels – 18/19th January: Donations of toiletries and used towels are invited today in support of St Catherine's Homeless Project and would be greatly appreciated by the Sisters and their clients.

Prayer for Unity: Forgiving God, set us free from the painful memories of the past, that wound our shared Christian Life. Lead us to reconciliation so that, through the Holy Spirit we may overcome hatred with love, anger with gentleness, and suspicion with trust.

God giver of life, we thank you for the gift of your compassionate love which soothes and strengthens us. We pray that our churches may be always open to receive your gifts from one another. Grant a spirit of generosity to all as we journey together in the path of Christian Unity. We ask this in the name of your Son who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Gemma Simmonds, CJ

(Director of the Religious Life Institute at Cambridge University )
'Women in the Church’
Thursday 30th January, 7.30pm

Jakub Kolek: Last weekend we launched an appeal in aid of Jakub Kolek, a 4 year old boy, who lives with his parents and sister in the Calders. £63,000 is needed for medical care abroad. See image in church and also our chart which shows progress towards our £5,000 target. To date we have around £700 in the Fund. Envelopes are available for your donation.

"The man who moved the mountain began by carrying away small stones."

Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 13th - 15th March 2020, at Kinnoull Monastery, Perth. For details contact Catherine on 0130-665-3383 or e-mail: by clicking here. Completed Applications must be returned by 29th February.

Anniversaries: : Frank Chalmers, Edward McKay-Ferguson, Terry Cuthbert, James Fielding, Jean Power, Josephine Nichol, Maggie McSparron, Christine Murphy, John McDonald, Neil Harkins, Michael Henry, Gina Fortune, Mary McLaren, Salvatore Peschiera, Derek Sweeney, Patrick Mullan, Rose Downie, Teresa Nicol, Tony Boak, John Donoghue, Allen Young, Patrick Daly, Peter Donald, Jonathan Johnston McHugh, Nora Gielty, Fr Jim Ryan, Frances Rennie and Nancy Thomson.

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 12 January 2020

Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 118)

"Funding People for Change"

Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 25th January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.

On this the Parish 50th Anniversary Year it would be wonderful to have a good Parish representation.

Parish Bingo - 14th January: Returns from Christmas Break this Tuesday 14th January.

Gemma Simmonds, CJ

(Director of the Religious Life Institute at Cambridge University )
'Women in the Church’
Thursday 30th January, 7.30pm

David Birchall, SJ

(Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Glasgow)
'LGBTQ+ and Catholic Tradition’
Thursday 6th February, 7.30pm 

Suzie Stark

(CoS Chaplain at St Columba’s Hospice Edinburgh)
'End of Life Care’

St. Catherine's Appeal - Toiletries & Towels – 18/19th January: Donations of toiletries and used towels are invited next weekend 18/19th January, in support of St Catherine's Homeless Project and would be greatly appreciated by the Sisters and their clients.

Jakub Kolek: Jakub Kolek is a 4 year old boy who lives with his parents and sister in the Calders. Sepsis has impeded his ability to walk - see picture at the back of the church. Due to sepsis he lost all his toes and some of his fingers. There is no further treatment available for him on the NHS. His parents have been made an offer of surgery in the USA to strengthen his limbs. Cost of treatment is £63,000. Currently his family has raised £11,000. Our PPC decided to set a target for the Parish of £5,000 to be raised by donation before the 1st of March. Envelopes are available today at the back of the church. Please take one and ask your friends and families also to donate.

Saturday 8 February - Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: A day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion takes place on Saturday 8th February, 11am-2:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Father Jeremy Milne will be the main speaker and there will be a practical reflection followed by a Q&A session. The day concludes with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and Confessions. Register on Eventbrite or on the Archdiocesan Facebook page. Alternatively, call 0131 623 8900.

Parish Council: No volunteers or proposals of new members at our inaugural meeting of the year.

The guidelines for term of office is 3 years, renewable for another three. Most of the current members have served 12 years. They deserve a break and you owe it to them to give them a rest. Your Parish NEEDS YOU.

Anniversaries: : Kitty O’Donnell, Vera Walker, Adeline Dewar, Bill Docherty, Fr. Ray McEvoy, OMI, Mary Scott, Jack Glen, Sarah Baxter, Owen McLeod, Archie Donald, George Blaney, Arthur McKay, Mary Hanlon, Margaret Deans, Frank Nagel, John Gahagan, Veronica Turner, Hugh McGonagle, Rose Jones, Frank Masson, David Norris, Keith Tranent, Francis Sawyer, William Dalrymple, Arthur James Davie, Alexander Moore, Aileen Goll, Vincent McDevitt and Fr Noel Coughlan..

St John Ogilvie's Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for Sunday 5 January 2020

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, Year A

(Prayers & Readings page 115)

"God Revealed in Christ"

Day of Prayer for Peace: In Scotland today 5th January the Feast of the Epiphany is a Day of Prayer for Peace.

A letter from Bishop William Nolan, Bishop of Galloway is available at the back of the Church. A collection for the work of justice and peace in Scotland will take place today at the Masses.

Parish Pastoal Council: Meeting of the PPC on Thursday next 9th January at 7.30 pm. Members of the council please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.

Also at the beginning of the calendar year we endeavour to refresh membership of the PPC. We welcome proposal of names for membership. Names can be given to any member of the current council or placed in the Suggestion Box at the back of the church.

Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 25th January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.

Bioethics Day - 25 January 2020

What's the Catholic view of assisted suicide and how crucial is palliative care in resisting the culture of death? Dr David Jones, director of Anscombe Bioethics Centre, Oxford, will discuss the major issues surrounding assisted suicide at a Bioethics Day event at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Hoad, Edinburgh, on Saturday 25th January. He will be joined by Evelyn Howie, a retired Senior Palliative Care Nurse, who will reveal the impact of palliative care in combatting the culture of death. The event is on from 11.Q0am - 2.30pm. Register on Eventbrite by clicking here or visit the events section of the Archdiocesan Facebook page. Alternatively call 0131 623 8900

Eucharistic Ministers Rota: New rota available at the back of the Church. Please take envelope with your name on it.

Canon James Friel RIP: The remains of the late Canon Jim Friel will be received at St Mary's Haddington on Sunday 5TH January 2020 at 5:00pm. The Requiem Mass will be offered on Monday 6th January at 12.00 noon, with the burial taking place immediately afterwards in St Mary's Cemetery, Haddington at 1:15 pm. May he rest in peace.

Catholic Directory: Th catholic Directory for the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh is available at the back of the church. Cost £3.00.

Oblate Calendat 2020: The 2020 Oblate Calendar is available at the back of the church today, take one for yourself and your friends FREE.

Church Unity: Edinburgh Churches Together invite you to 2020 unity service. The service will be held on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 7.30 pm at City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9BX. The guest preacher will be Rt Rev John Armes of the Scottish Episcopal Church. There will be refreshments following the service. The materials for this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity have been chosen by the churches of Malta and Gozo. The theme is taken from the Acts of the Apostles when St Paul and those with him encountered unusual kindness from the inhabitants of those islands where he was shipwrecked.

Anniversaries: : John Prior, Nancy Johnston, Mary Duffy, Sr Mary Celine Ryan, Ross Graham, Rachel Conroy, Baby Connie Kimberley Wright, Agnes McWilliams, Hugh Boyle, Mary Birminingham, Peggy Paddock, James Kidd, John Cochrane, Bernard O'Donnell, Nnabyenyi Peter Ugwu, Cathy Sweeney, Alice Payne, John Brogan, Daniel McManus, Bett Sutherland, Nicholas Saddler, David Bowman, Teressa Inglis, Richard Hughes, Terry Tinney, Mary and Robert Smith, Bella Ward, John Hunter, Michael Quinn, Evan Jones and Patricia Agu.