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23 October 2016
30 October 2016
06 November 2016
13 November 2016
20 November 2016
27 November 2016
04 December 2016
11 December 2016
18 December 2016
25 December 2016
The Raffle was drawn after the 11.00 am Mass last Sunday.
• 1st. Prize Christmas Hamper was won by Pat Sweeney;
• 2nd Prize of chocolates went to Bingo supporter Cillia.
Thanks for your support, proceeds of £270.00 goes to homeless charity of Fresh Start.
On Wednesday last I brought your gifts from the crib to residents at the REH, I played Santa after Mass. All patients from 33 to 93 were most appreciative. Thanks for your generosity and care.
Other Outreach from the Parish in December: Donations sent to:
• Brazil £1,200 to fund the salary of a mother & child nurse employed at an Oblate parish in Goiania in Brazil. (Bonusball);
• Malawi £499.80 to provide food to help cope with their famine situation. (Youth St. Andrew’s Dance)
Anniversaries: Hughie Ward, Fr Ted McSherry, Peter Michael Martin, Melvyn Wood, Jill Paterson, Margaret O’Hare, Marilyn Leishman, Jim Byrne, George McFarlan, Margaret Oldroyd, James Butler, Eva Mather, Miriam Maher, Bill Stewart, John Carey, Thomas McCullagh, Margaret Lock, Hilda Findlay, Victor Rickis, Richard O’Rourke, Angel Pathmanathon, John Boyle, Caroline Nessnau, Donald Lewis, Suzanne Anfry, Mary Ann Gordon, Francesca Peschiera, Miriam Livingstone, Maureen Payne and Nancy Ryan.
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Raffle tickets for the Fair Trade Christmas Hamper and Chocolate Box continue to be available at £1 per strip with the proceeds being donated to Fresh Start Homeless Charity. Draw will take place after the 11 o'clock Mass today
If you brought a gift for a patient in the REH please place it in the crib and I will deliver it during the coming week.
Cluster Meeting: Our third and final Cluster Meeting took place at St. John Ogilvie’s last week. A report of that meeting will be available on 22nd January. It is now decision time. The next step in the process will be for the 3 writers, one from St. Joseph’s and two from St. John Ogilvie’s to produce a final report for the Archbishop. The report will pull together the minutes from the three meetings plus individual contributions from parishioners who were unable to attend, and who sent in a written submission of their response to the Consultation.
Parish Christmas Card: There is a Parish Christmas Card on the table at the back of the Church, it is an opportunity to send greetings to fellow parishioners.
Parish Bingo: On Christmas break until Tuesday 10th January 2017.
Oblate Connections and 2017 Calendars: Winter "Oblate Connections" and 2017 Oblate Calendars available today, at the back of the church. Please take a copies.
Anniversaries: Bessie Woods, Bridget Davidson, Alex Inglis, Jean Roan, Fr. Terry Hynes, OMI, Catherine Taylor, Michael Kidd, Ina Turner, Fr Brian Flannagan OMI, Daniel Falsay, Jimmy Finn, Margaret McLaughlin, Margaret Munro, Thomas Heaney, Barry Greenan, Mary Tomaso, Betty McCarthy, Hugh Brady, John Ryan, John Bolan, Thomas Dooley, George Geddes, James Reid, Elizabeth McDade, Cissie Fairley, Katie Kerlin and Fr John Harding.
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Children’s Christmas Craft Afternoon – Today 2-4pm:
For the young creative, imaginative, self expressive children. today, 11th December 2.00pm till 4.00pm.
Crafts for Christmas, treats and Christmas film with Marie Johnson. Some of your work may be used to decorate the church at Christmas time.
There is a sheet up at the back of the church for names of those interested and permission forms for parents to sign.
Fair Trade:
Thanks for your tremendous support at the Fair Trade stall last weekend. Sales amounted to £307.00.
Raffle tickets for the Fair Trade Christmas Hamper and Chocolate Box continue to be available at £1 per strip with the proceeds being donated to Fresh Start Homeless Charity. Draw will take place after the 11 o'clock Mass on Sunday 18th December. Good Luck!
Christmas Masses:
Saturday 24th December:
Sunday 25th December:
Saturday 31st December:
Sunday 1 January 2017:
In the Crib today you will find labels with the name and ages of patients in the Royal Edinburgh Hospital; if you would like to give the named person a gift at Christmas please take the tag and bring your gift to the crib next Sunday.
Children’s Sacramental Programme: In your schedule for the Children’s Sacramental Programme the list includes 17th December, as families are busy that weekend preparing for Christmas that date is cancelled. The next date for the programme is Saturday 21st January.
Church Cleaning:
A church cleaning morning before Christmas is scheduled for Saturday 17th December at 10.00am. All hands welcome. You may have often wondered, what can I do to play my part in this community, this is your opportunity, turn up in your working gear and you will be allocated a job.
St. Andrew’s Dance: The youth group report a profit of £454.70 from the evening. This has been sent to the famine victims in Malawi the poorest country in Africa. People die of famine not just because their food crop has failed but also because they have no money to buy food on the world market. Your £454.70 may help them celebrate Christmas. Our thanks to the band for the music on the night and to the ladies who provided the food and catering.
Anniversaries: Martin Redpath, Ena McLatchie, Sarah Daly, Mary Ferry, Baby Bohdi Callaghan, Hugh Grieve, Carol Freston, Winfred Curran, Charles Stewart, Jean Watt, Tommy Neilson, Marjorie Gordon, Annie Forester, Rita Brotherston, Br. Tim Ahern, O.M.I., Bridget Carton, Tony Flak, Mary Quinn, Noreen Crossan, Michael Hickey, Julia Cairney, Ita McSorley, Dennis Gallagher, Nancy Butler, William McIntosh, Brian Clifford, Fr Christy Dunne and Flo Love.
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Cluster Meeting: On Thursday next 8th December we hold our 3rd Meeting on Clusters.
Format of meeting - parishioners from St. Cuthbert’s, St. Joseph’s, Currie and St. John Ogilvie’s gather at tables of 8 to discuss:
Proposals from this meeting will be added to findings from the first two meetings to form a report to the Archbishop. This is your final opportunity to make your contribution to plan the way forward.
Fair Trade Stall – 3/4th December:
A Christmas Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses this weekend 3/4th December where you can purchase Christmas goodies and gifts to suit all. Your purchases help to fight poverty and provide the means for people to support, educate and feed their families. Please come over and have a look.
Also available, raffle tickets at £1 per strip for our annual Fair Trade Christmas Hamper. The raffle draw will take place after 11 o’clock Mass on Sunday 18th December. Proceeds from the raffle this year will be donated to Fresh Start Homeless Charity.
Crib: The base of the Christmas Crib is now in place, next Sunday in the manger there will be names of long-term patients in the Edinburgh psychiatric Hospital [REH], if you feel like giving a Christmas present to one of them you can take the name and bring your gift to the crib on 18th December.
ACAT CHRISTMAS GREETINGS CARD CAMPAIGN 2016: Action by Christians Against Torture was formed in 1984 by the then British Council of Churches, supported by Amnesty International and is a Body in Association with Churches Together. An ecumenical charity, their aims are to work as Christians, and campaign for the abolition of torture worldwide, to increase awareness of the widespread and evil use of torture, and be a powerhouse of Prayer for those captured and tortured because of their faith. Cards with details of various individuals who have been tortured and imprisoned because of their faith are available on the table by the kitchen this weekend. You are invited to take part in this year's campaign by posting a card with a simple message letting the individuals know that they have not been forgotten and urge them not to lose hope.
Children’s Christmas Craft Afternoon – 11th December 2-4pm:
For the young creative, imaginative, self expressive children. Sunday 11th December 2.00pm till 4.00pm.
Crafts for Christmas, treats and Christmas film with Marie Johnson. Some of your work may be used to decorate the church at Christmas time.
There is a sheet up at the back of the church for names of those interested and permission forms for parents to sign.
Addresses for Christmas Greetings: Addresses of Priests & Sister who served at St. John Ogilvie’s:-
Frs. Michael O’Connor, John McFadden & Michael Phelan omi New Priory, Quex Road, Kilburn, London NW6 4PS
Frs Tony Clancy & Peter Clucas 118 Naas Road, Bluebell Dublin 12, Ireland
Fr Tom Scully,omi Oblate House of Retreat, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8, Ireland.
Fr Joe Daly omi, The Presbytery, 2 Rating Row, Beaumaris, Anglesey LL58 8AL Wales
Fr John Lee St. Joseph’s, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead SL6 7EG
Fr Frank Gormley omi, Rushmere, 32 Allanson Road, Rhos-on-Sea, Conway, Colwyn Bay LL28 4Hl N. Wales
Fr Leo Philomin omi, The Presbytery, Darndale, Dublin 17 Ireland
Sr. Cecilia Conway, Stella Maris Convent, Eaton Crescent, Swansea SA1 4QR
You are not required to send greetings to all or any on the list but it will save me looking for details when I get phone calls over the next few weeks.
Anniversaries: Floyd Paterson, Christina Gallo, Donna Hall, Brigid Ferry, Mary Smith, Carl Scott, Margaret Risi, Heather Reith, Bridget Gaughan, Margaret Sowiak, Robert Gormley, Michael Hickey, Mary Munro, Patrick Harrison, Mary Curran, Kami, Jess McKenzie-Wight, Baby Keigan Miller, John Hougen, Mary Nelson, Cathy McLeod, Annie Sharkey, Mary Watson, Ellen Sweeney, Sheila Ewen, Frank Mitchell and Jane Douglas.
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Advent Wreath:
A Symbol of Advent is our wreath. Shaped in a circle to symbolise the eternity of God, the evergreen foliage expresses God’s undying love for us. The four candles, one for each week of Advent, represent those thousands of years when the people of God awaited their Messiah. They represent Salvation History – Creation – Covenant – Prophets – Mary – John the Baptist.
During Advent the reader will introduce the theme of the Mass each week and ask a parishioner or a family to come to light the candle.
Advent: New Mass Books available today for Advent Year A, Lemon Cover. Please return your Year C 2 book.
Advent Extra: Advent Extra is a booklet with a reflection for each day of December. Take a copy home to help you and your family keep focused on the main event as you journey towards Christmas. Special children’s section in booklet to help them get the true Christmas Spirit.
Parish Council: Meeting on Thursday next 1st December at 7.30 pm. Members please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.
Fair Trade Stall – 3/4th December: A Christmas Fair Trade Stall will be held after all Masses next weekend 3/4th December where you can purchase Christmas goodies and gifts to suit all. Your purchases help to fight poverty and provide the means for people to support, educate and feed their families. Please come over and have a look. Also available, raffle tickets at £1 per strip for our annual Fair Trade Christmas Hamper. The raffle draw will take place after 11 o’clock Mass on Sunday 18th December. Proceeds from the raffle this year will be donated to Fresh Start Homeless Charity.
First Holy Communion: Today at the 11.00 am Mass two teenagers Ewa and Angelika Bohdan will make their First Holy Communion. We congratulate them and thank Trish Middlemist who prepared them for the Sacraments over the past 18 months.
Reminder: The next full meeting of the cluster will take place here at St John Ogilvie’s on Thursday 8th December, at 7.30pm.
ACAT CHRISTMAS GREETINGS CARD CAMPAIGN 2016: Action by Christians Against Torture was formed in 1984 by the then British Council of Churches, supported by Amnesty International and is a Body in Association with Churches Together. An ecumenical charity, their aims are to work as Christians, and campaign for the abolition of torture worldwide, to increase awareness of the widespread and evil use of torture, and be a powerhouse of Prayer for those captured and tortured because of their faith. Cards with details of various individuals who have been tortured and imprisoned because of their faith are available on the table by the kitchen this weekend. You are invited to take part in this year's campaign by posting a card with a simple message letting the individuals know that they have not been forgotten and urge them not to lose hope.
Betty Viscogliosi: Last week we were saddened by the sudden death of Betty and we prayed for her and her family. The funeral arrangements for Betty are as follows:
Requiem at St. John Ogilvie’s Tuesday 29th at 9.00am
Followed by Cremation at Warriston 10.30am
May she Rest in Peace.
Blessing of Nativity Scene and Carol Service.
Today, Sunday 27th November at 3.00 pm St. Andrew's Square.
Bishop Cushley, Bishop John Armes,
Rev James Dewar, Moderator Presbytery Edinburgh,
Donald Wilson, Lord Provost
the Exile Gospel Choir.
Mary McFadden: We offer our sincere sympathy to Fr John McFadden on the death of his Mother, Mary. Her funeral took place on Saturday 26th November, may she rest in peace.
Anniversaries: - Ann Patterson, Fr. Andy Horgan, OMI, Nan Bolan, Mary McGinley, Steve Cassey, Jade Mason, Baby Rebecca Louise Young, Sr Mary Dympna, Jacquie Reid, Joseph Cairney, Catherine Mazs, William O’Neill, Angus McDonald, George Fraser, Aggie Clarke and Maureen Gibson.
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Liturgy Group Meeting: Liturgy Group meeting to discuss the Advent and Christmas Liturgy Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
Welcome Fr Paschal Dillon OMI: Today Sunday 20th November Fr Paschal Dillon will make his annual appeal on behalf of the Oblate foreign missions. If you have a Mission Box that is nearly full you are invited to bring it to church this weekend.
St. Andrew’s Night – Friday 25th November:
Dance in aid of the Malawi Famine victims organised by the Parish Youth Group. All profits will be channelled through SCIAF. This effort will be part of a youth project for their Caritas Award.
Music by our local Parish Quartet.
Tickets available after Mass today - Adults £5, accompanied children free, buffet provided, BYOB.
Fresh Start Cookers for Christmas Appeal: Christmas is a time for family and friends to share food, laughter and happiness. But for some who have experienced homelessness a cooker can be a luxury they cannot afford. Fresh Start's campaign helps those struggling by providing a refurbished cooker and your small donation to the appeal can help make a huge difference to someone's Christmas. Please give what you can. Details and donation forms on the JPIC table at the back of the church. As always your support is greatly appreciated by Fresh Start and their clients.
Charismatic Meeting: Charismatic meeting at St. John Ogilvie's, Saturday 26th November 10.30
Cluster Meeting: Meeting of core group to plan third meeting will take place at St. Joseph's, Broomhouse on Thursday 24th November at 7.30 pm.
Parish Council: Meeting of PPC on Thursday 1st December at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler [Chair] or Anna Allen [Secretary] before Friday 25th November.
Blessing of Nativity Scene and Carol Service.
Sunday 27th November at 3.00 pm St. Andrew's Square.
This is an ecumenical event with Bishop Leo Cushley, Bishop John Armes, Rev. James Dewar, Moderator Presbytery Edinburgh, Donald Wilson, Lord Provost and the Exile Gospel Choir.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
An Evening of Prayer for Advent
Magdalen Lawler SND and Tom McGuinness SJ
7.30-9.00pm Monday 28th November
The Gaze and the Glory
This Evening in the first week of Advent will be an opportunity to prepare for Christmas in a prayerful setting. There will be reflective images of Advent Icons for prayer, with scripture and poetry. The evening will include some time to share and times of quiet.
Betty Viscogliosi: We regret to announce the sudden and unexpected death of Betty Viscogliosi of Parkhead Loan. We offer our sincere sympathy to her daughter Adrianna in Edinburgh and her son in Australia. Funeral arrangements later.
Anniversaries: Edward Fraser, John McGlynn, Jackie Bryon, Kathy Grace, Betty Fraser, Tim Daly, May Michaud, Connie Hunter, Jean McKay, Louie Carberry, Catherine Linton, Mary Appolinari, Audrey Taylor, Danny Boyle, Robert Storrie, Mary Wilkie, Catherine McHugh, Mary Murphy, Francis Power, Margaret Brogan and Jessie Burnett.
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November Armistice: At the 11th hour, on the 11th Day of the 11th month in 1918, the First World War ended. Today, Sunday November 13th, the 11am Mass will be offered for all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, and those who died in Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Altar by our Veteran Laura and Parkhead Residents.
St. Thomas of Aquin’s Memorial Mass – 14th November: On Monday 14th November at 7pm, the annual November Memorial Mass will be offered in St Thomas of Aquin's High School for all deceased former pupils, staff and relatives. All are welcome to attend.
Justice/ Peace and Integrity of Creation: Meeting at the Chapel House on Wednesday 16th November at 7.30pm.
Children’s Sacramental Programme: Next meeting Saturday 19th November at 10.30am.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit - Stepping Stones to my Journey of Faith.
Each lesson in your child’s book has a section for parents' collaboration in the programme.
Fr Paschal Dillon OMI – Sunday 20th November: On Sunday 20th November Fr Paschal Dillon will make his annual appeal on behalf of the Oblate foreign missions. If you have a Mission Box that is nearly full you are invited to bring it to church that weekend.
Liturgy Group Meeting: Liturgy Group meeting to discuss the Advent and Christmas Liturgy will be held on Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
St. Andrew’s Night – Friday 25th November:
Dance in aid of the Malawi Famine victims organised by the Parish Youth Group. All profits will be channelled through SCIAF. This effort will be part of a youth project for their Caritas Award.
Music by our local Parish Quartet.
Tickets available after Mass today - Adults £5, accompanied children free, buffet provided, BYOB.
November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar. Don’t include money in your envelope.
Date for you Diary: For the young creative, imaginative, self expressive children,Sunday 11th December 2.00pm till 4.00pm. Crafts for Christmas, treats and Christmas film with Marie Johnson. Some of your work may be used to decorate the church at Christmas time.
There is a sheet up at the back of the church for names of those interested.
Cluster Meeting: On 3rd November the second “Cluster Meeting” was held at St. Joseph’s, Broomhouse the report of that meeting will be available on Sunday 27th November. Only one more meeting/opportunity to make your voice heard.
The final meeting will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on 8th December at 7.30pm.
Origin Scotland Presents:
Light of the World
An evening of Christmas music and Carols with Origin Scotland band and Orchestra, Saturday 3rd December at 7.30pm.
Barclay Viewforth Church, 1 Wright’s Houses, Edinburgh EH10 4HR.
Free Tickets www, or Tel: 208-0095
Christmas Cakes Sold in Aid of Fresh Start: Orders are now being taken for Deluxe Christmas Cakes being sold in aid of Fresh Start. Please see JPIC notice board for further details.
New Rotas for Eucharistic Ministers available at the back of the Church.
Anniversaries: Bernard Reilly, Lennie Capavanni, Sheila King, Ronald Fusco, Desmond McLaughlin, Brian Coates, Elizabeth Walker, Maureen Eadie, Elizabeth Somerville, Tom Hyde, Benny Heynes, Philip Donoghue, Frank Murphy, Betty Baird, Peter Skirving, Nan Lyons, William Bruce, Catherine Wyllie, Jim Ferguson, Tony Sweeney, Lilian Panton, Patricia Smith, Hazel Leetion, Margaret Rae, Stephen Brown, Brigid Ramsay, Mike Donnelly, Janet Devlin, Madge McGuire and Nellie O’Hagan.
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Annual Mass for Deceased – Friday 11th November:
As announced last week the November Mass for our deceased will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on 11th November at 7.30 pm.
When the name of your loved one is called please come to the altar to light a candle in their memory.
St. Andrew’s Night – Friday 25th November:
Dance in aid of the Malawi Famine victims organised by the Parish Youth Group. All profits will be channelled through SCIAF. This effort will be part of a youth project for their Caritas Award.
Music by our local Parish Quartet.
Tickets: Adults £5 accompanied children free, buffet provided, BYOB.
November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar. Don’t include money in your envelope.
November Armistice: At the 11th hour, on the 11th Day of the 11th month in 1918, the First World War ended. Next Sunday November 13th, the 11am Mass will be offered for all those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, and those who died in Korea, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Altar by our Veteran Laura and Parkhead Residents.
Christmas Cakes Sold in Aid of Fresh Start: Orders now being taken for Deluxe Christmas Cakes being sold in aid of Fresh Start. Please see JPIC notice board for further details.
MAMI: On Sunday 20th November Fr Paschal Dillon will make his annual appeal on behalf of the Oblate foreign missions. If you have a Mission Box that is nearly full you are invited to bring it to church that weekend.
Date for you Diary: For the young creative, imaginative, self expressive children,Sunday 11th December 2.00pm till 4.00pm. Crafts for Christmas, treats and Christmas film with Marie Johnson. Some of your work may be used to decorate the church at Christmas time.
There is a sheet up at the back of the church for names of those interested.
Confirmation Date 2017: Together with the other parishes in our Cluster, the children of our parish who are following the Sacramental Programme will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Cushley at St Cuthbert’s Church on Thursday 11th May at 7pm.
Parish Pledge: October is the 2nd part of the year for the balance of the 2016/17 Parish Pledge. Envelopes are available at the back of the church, you are invited to use these over the next few months and give your “Gift Aid” number. This Parish Pledge replaces the old Autumn Fair. Budget was for £2,700 in 2015 it came to £3,415. Please continue with a generous heart.
Success: The only real failure is one from which we learn nothing.
Anniversaries: James Neilson, Maggie O’Donnell, Archie McCann, Esther Horne, 5 year old Reilly, Joe McKessick, Barbara Carroll, Marjorie Fullerton, Mary Boner, Rom Ziems, Br. Pat Murphy, OMI, Jim Clarke, Agnes Higgins, Rev. James McLeod, John Lowe, Nora Mitchell, Thomas Pullman, Agnes Toal, Fr. Joe Ryan, OMI, Maureen Loy, Hildegarde Ostwald, Joan Davidson, Frances Gallagher, John Todd, Mary Watson, Jean Dignan and Mary Dixon.
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Welcome to God’s Family: Arron Mieszczak son of Daniel and Natalia of Parkhead Avenue. Arron will be baptised today at the 11.00 am Mass. Congratulations to his parents Natalia and Daniel on the birth of their second child. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Feast of All Saints – Wednesday 1st November: Wednesday 1st November the Feast of All Saints is a Holiday of Obligation. Masses at St. John Ogilvie’s at 9.00am and 7.30pm.
Cluster Meeting – Thursday 3rd November: The second Cluster Meeting of the parishes of St. John Ogilvie’s, St. Joseph’s, St. Cuthbert’s and Currie will take place at St. Joseph’s Broomhouse on THURSDAY 3rd of November at 7.30 pm. Topics for discussion are:
Consolidated Statistics for these topics available at meeting.
Requiem: We regret to announce the death of Georgina Devlin of Calder Grove. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband and son Owen Devlin on the death of a beloved mother and wife.
Requiem at St. John Ogilvie’s on Thursday 3rd November at 11.30 am followed by interment at Saughton Cemetery.
November Envelopes: Envelopes for the names of your deceased relatives and friends are available at the back of the Church. Masses will be offered throughout November on Sundays and Tuesdays for those whose names are placed in the box at the Altar. Don’t include money in your envelope.
Annual Mass for Deceased – Friday 11th November:
As announced last week the November Mass for our deceased will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on 11th November at 7.30 pm.
There is a list at the back of the church where you are invited to write the name of those for whom you wish to light a candle at the Mass. Pen your name on the sheet as the person to come forward to light a candle.
Cancelled – 9am Mass Thursday 3rd November: As there is a requiem on Thursday at 11.30am, the 9.00am Mass is cancelled.
Confirmation Date 2017: Together with the other parishes in our Cluster, the children of our parish who are following the Sacramental Programme will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Cushley at St Cuthbert’s Church on Thursday 11th May at 7pm.
St. Andrew’s Night – Friday 25th November:
Dance in aid of the Malawi Famine victims organised by the Parish Youth Group. All profits will be channelled through SCIAF. This effort will be part of a youth project for their Caritas Award.
Music by our local Parish Quartet.
Tickets: Adults £5 accompanied children free, buffet provided, BYOB.
Youth Meeting – Friday 4th November 6pm: Youth Meeting (secondary pupils) Friday 4th November at 6pm in Chapel House.
Oblate Connections: Autumn edition available at the back of the church today.
Anniversaries: Patrick O’Rourke, Madeline Parish, Jane Manzie, Cathy McCaskey, Patricia Smith, Flora Haddow, Christopher Norris, Hugh White, Mary Smith, Margaret Mary O’Donnell, Sarah Sweeney, Mary Hind, Douglas Bree, Christopher McKenzie, Anne Scott, Freddie Chalmers, Mary Guthrie, Mary Flannigan, Fr. Tony Farmer, OMI, Edith Nagel, Irene Martin, Robert Roberts, Pat O’Donnell, Quie Lawrence, Jean McGregor, Isobel Cocker, Molly Kerr, Helen Gilchrist, Tom McIntosh, Fr Jim Henderson SJ, Joe Stanislaus and Dave Parry.
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Mission Sunday: Today is Mission Sunday. The Propagation of the Faith annual collection will be taken at all Masses throughout Scotland in support of foreign missions.
Gabrielle Donald: In her 105th year, Gabrielle Donald, mother of Helena McKay passed to her eternal reward at Lorimer House last Sunday. We offer our sincere sympathy to her daughter Helena and to her sons Ian and Christopher and to her extended family of grand children and great grandchildren.
Her Requiem will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on Thursday 27th October at 10.30am followed by internment at Mount Vernon. May she Rest in Peace.
Parish Pledge: Parish Pledge envelopes for the 2nd instalment of 2016/17 are available at the back of the church today.
Annual Mass for Deceased – Friday 11th November:
As announced last week the November Mass for our deceased will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on 11th November at 7.30 pm.
There is a list at the back of the church where you are invited to write the name of those for whom you wish to light a candle at the Mass. Pen your name on the sheet as the person to come forward to light a candle.
Oblate Connections: Autumn edition available at the back of the church today.
Cancelled – 9am Mass Thursday 27th October: As there is a requiem on Thursday at 10.30am the 9.00am Mass is cancelled.
Christmas Fair – Little Sisters of the Poor – 29th October: The Little Sisters of the Poor are holding their Christmas Fair on Saturday 29th October from 1pm at St. Joseph's Home for the Elderly, 43 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh.
The Lady Shrine: This weekend you will notice the Lady Shrine has received planning permission for an extension. The statue is a gift from the Oblates, Inchicore, Dublin and for the woodwork and surrounds we are indebted to the talents and generosity of Norman and Maureen Gore. Thank you.
St. Joseph’s Broomhouse:
FRIDAY 4th Nov. 2016 @ 7.00 pm
Contact: to book tickets.
Confirmation and Holy Communion – 5th November, 10.30am: Next meeting for the children preparing for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion is Saturday 5th November at 10.30am.
"The Holy Spirit brings Strength and Courage"
St. Andrew’s Night – Friday 25th November:
Dance in aid of the Malawi Famine victims organised by the Parish Youth Group. All profits will be channelled through SCIAF. This effort will be part of a youth project for their Caritas Award.
Music by our local Parish Quartet.
Tickets: Adults £5 accompanied children free, buffet provided, BYOB.
Anniversaries: Margaret Conway, William Foren, Patrick Hanley, Connie Wilson, Fred Menelaws, Tony Swain, Andrew Gillon, Noran McCann, James Christie, Cepta McMorrough, Colum Sharkey, Patricia Monaghan, Bill Robertson, Sarah Milne, Cissie O’Donnell, Patricia McKessick, Fay Smith, Stephen Harte, Peter Spencer, Kitty Summerville and Andrew McElvanney.
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St. Joseph’s Broomhouse:
FRIDAY 4th Nov. 2016 @ 7.00 pm
Contact: to book tickets.
Cluster Group Report: Available today, please take a copy to keep in touch with the reflection and thinking of your fellow parishioners within the Cluster. (Click here to see "Cluster News" and a copy of the Report of the fisst Cluster Group meeting.) The Archbishop has promised that, when a decision is made on the future of our Archdiocese, he will take our final report on board.
Reminder: The next full meeting of the cluster will take place at St. Joseph’s Hall, Broomhouse, EH11 3UE on Thursday 3rd November at 7.30 pm.
Annual Mass for Deceased – Friday 11th November: As announced last week the November Mass for our decease will take place at St. John Ogilvie’s on 11th November at 7.30 pm.
There is a list at the back of the church where you are invited to write the name of those for whom you wish to light a candle at the Mass. Pen your name on the sheet as the person to come forward to light a candle.
Oblate Connections: Autumn edition available at the back of the church today.
Mission Sunday: Sunday next is Mission Sunday; the Propagation of the Faith annual collection will be taken at all Masses throughout Scotland in support of foreign missions.
Confirmation and Holy Communion – 22nd October: Meeting of children who have registered 22nd October 10.30 – 11.45am. "Called by Name" - The Holy Spirit in the Lives of Jesus, Mary and Me.
St. Andrew’s Night – Friday 25th November: Dance in aid of the Malawi Famine victims organised by the Parish Youth Group. All profits will be channelled through SCIAF. This effort will be part of a youth project for their Caritas Award.
Music by our local Parish Quartet.
Tickets: Adults £5 accompanied children free, buffet provided, BYOB.
Parish Pledge: In the month of October each year we invite you to donate your second instalment to the Parish Pledge. This parish pledge was established in the year 2000 to take the place of the old annual parish fete, the idea being to pledge the sum of money you would expect to spend at the parish fete.
Envelopes for your donation are available at the back of the church today.
Martin Luther: In 2017 we commemorate 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. Pope Francis says "I think that the intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken. He was a reformer. Perhaps some methods were not correct. But in that time he made a medicine for the Church."
Anniversaries: Raymond Dunlop, Ewen McLeod, Michael Gallagher, Anne Manners, John Cleghorn, Kenneth Davidson, Jim Blaney, Charles Flynn, Catherine Doherty, Mary Martinez, John Murphy, Robert Dickson, Daryl McLaughlin, Drew Hornig, John Connolly, Annie Scott, Jean Rafferty, Helen Hunter, William Priest, James Clark, Steven Curran, Dennis Brownhill, Catherine Kozubal, Neil McLean and Hilary Muir.
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Sacramental Programme 2016/17: Registration for children who wish to follow the Parish Sacramental Programme today after the 11.00am Mass.
Venue - Children’s Liturgy Room
Time - 12.00 Noon.
This meeting will deal with Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Core Cluster Group: The Core Cluster Group is charged with the responsibility to plan for our second meeting. The core group will meet at Currie church hall on Thursday next 13th October at 7.30 pm.
Focus of this second meeting is:
People, Plant, Finance and Celebrations:-
Reminder: The next full meeting of the cluster will take place at St. Joseph’s Hall, Broomhouse, EH11 3UE on Thursday 3rd November at 7.30 pm.
SCIAF: Second collection today is to help SCIAF respond to the Malawi Famine. The Scottish government will match every £1 raised for Malawi, up to £70,000. Please give what you can and remember the people of Africa in your prayers.
St. Catherine’s Homeless Project: Sr Aelred writes, thanks to all members of St. John Ogilvie’s Congregation for the generous donation of fruit, vegetables and groceries from your Harvest Mass. It means so much to us here at St. Catherine’s to have such support from you in our work with the city’s homeless population who seem to be constantly on the increase.
News from the PPC
Dates for your diary:
Anniversaries: - Charlie Gallagher, Annie Mcguire, William Loftus, Walter Stewart, Shaun Cooney, Alex Brown, Pat Cooney, Alice Smith, Kathleen McKinnon, Ann Ralph, Becky Hogg, Bill Dignan, Ronald Nolan, Kathleen Ellis, Sandra Brownhill, Br. Peter Fitzpatrick, OMI, Patricia Kennedy, Barney McCarron, Thomas Eadie, Brian Dougan, Matilda Henry, Mary Boner, Bill Bell, Margaret Mills, Janet (Nettie) McGowan, Lawrence Higgins, Sarah Rigg, Marian Secka, John Higgins, Nora Masson, Margarida Cortereal, Charles Devine, Christian Janczuk, Wattie Robb and Pedro Duffy.
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Assemble in the School Theatre with a talk from the Headteacher Mr McGhee at 4.00 pm, followed by a guided tour of the school.
Broomhouse Road, EH12 9AD
Tel: 334-6801
Sacramental Programme 2016/17: On Sunday 9th October there will be a meeting for parents who wish to present a child for the Parish Sacramental Preparation 2016/17.
Venue - Children’s Liturgy Room
Time - 12.00 Noon.
This meeting will deal with Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Harvest Festival: Thanks to our Justice Peace & Integrity of Creation group who prepared the Liturgy for our Harvest Mass last Sunday. Also our gratitude to parishioners who brought their fresh vegetables and fruit and those who donated tinned food. All the fresh produce was given to the Homelessness Project at Srs of Mercy Lauriston and the tinned food will be held at the Chapel House for people from the area who come seeking help at the church.
Children from Murrayburn School visited the church on Monday to view their artwork and reflect on harvest Time.
Parish Council: Meeting of the Parish Council Thursday next 6th October 7.30 pm. Members of the Council please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.
VENERABLE MARGARET SINCLAIR PILGRIMAGE 2016: The annual pilgrimage to pray for the beatification of Venerable Margaret Sinclair will take place today Sunday 2nd October at St Patrick’s in Edinburgh’s Cowgate from 2pm to 6pm.
The day will begin at 2pm with a Holy Hour followed by a performance of the play "The Margaret Sinclair Story", recently debuted at the Edinburgh Festival. Holy Mass is at 4.30pm with Archbishop Cushley as principal celebrant. Please bring your own refreshments. All are very welcome.
Cluster Meeting: Next week’s newsletter will carry a report on the Cluster Meeting held at St Cuthbert’s on 22nd September.
SCIAF: Bishop Toal, President of SCIAF, has written with an emergency appeal by SCIAF on behalf of the people of Africa where millions are going hungry due to the worst drought to hit eastern and southern Africa for 50 years. SCIAF is getting life-saving food to those who need it most but many more families need your help. Mass over the weekend of 8/9 October 2016 will be dedicated to SCIAF with a second collection for the emergency appeal. The Scottish government will match every £1 raised for Malawi, up to £70,000. Sciaf are also reaching out to people in Ethiopia and South Sudan. Please give what you can and remember the people of Africa in your prayers.
Anniversaries: Maisie McKay, Paul Boyle, Jane Halliday, Patricia Fletcher, Gilbert Russell, Andrew McCulloch, Catherine Ryan, Cathie Baillie, Alex Mazs, James Kane, David Scott, - Fr. Larry Keogh, OMI, Robert Meriless, Canon Harold Parker; John-Joseph Mullholland, Dominick Boner, Penny Clark, Harold Benert, John Smith, Susan Conway, Alice Brownhill, Edward Scully, Mary Gallagher, Viv McKay, Sr. Margaret Connor and Angela Boyle.
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This year The World Council of Churches theme for Harvest time is "Followers of Jesus, Caring for Creation".
If you brought a donation of fresh or tinned food please place it in front of the Altar at the offertory of the Mass.
The Art work at Mass today is from the children at Murrayburn School.
Sacramental Programme 2016/17: On Sunday 9th October there will be a meeting for parents who wish to present a child for the Parish Sacramental Preparation 2016/17.
Venue - Children’s Liturgy Room
Time - 12.00 Noon.
Please bring notice of this Registration to the attention of parents who attend Mass elsewhere but who wish to enroll their child in our parish programme.
This meeting will deal with Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Reminder: If you were unable to attend the Cluster meeting last Thursday you can submit in writing your reflections on pages with questions available at the back of the church and post it in the "Suggestion Box". Or via the Website:
Readers Rotas: New Rotas for readers available at the back of the Church. Please take your copy.
Parish Council: Next meeting of the Parish Council is Thursday 6th October . Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler (chair) Anna Allen (Secretary) or placed in the "Suggestion Box" before Thursday 29th September.
VENERABLE MARGARET SINCLAIR PILGRIMAGE 2016: The annual pilgrimage to pray for the beatification of Venerable Margaret Sinclair will take place on Sunday 2nd October at St Patrick’s in Edinburgh’s Cowgate from 2pm to 6pm.
The day will begin at 2pm with a Holy Hour followed by a performance of the play, The Margaret Sinclair Story, recently debuted at the Edinburgh Festival. Holy Mass is at 4.30pm with Archbishop Cushley as principal celebrant. Please bring your own refreshments. All are very welcome.
Prodigal: One of the greatest stories ever told. Featuring Philip Todd as the Prodigal Son. Foot Stomping Gospel Band – Music from Queen, Eva Cassidy, Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Brown, Billy Joel, James Morrison, Eric Clapton, The Proclaimers, and much more.
Saturday 1st October 7.30 pm.
Carrubbers Christian Centre, 65 High St. EH1 1SR
Tickets £10 (£5 under 16) from or phone 0131 208 0095.
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
Anniversaries: Margaret Moriarty, Charlie McGonagle, Margaret Thatcher, Fr John Dunlea, Cathy Simm, Fr. Peter O’Neill, OMI, Jean Robertson, Susan Ward, Fr Brian Ivers OMI, Neily Boyle, Bridie Miller, Val Waugh, John Browne; Maria Jones, Beatrice McQuillan, James Sweeney, Violet Hudson, Janet Glen, Margaret Anderson, Mary Ferrier, Alan Kilmack, Jessie Reid, Jim Gahagan, Janet Todd and Maisie Butler
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Sacramental Programme 2016/17: On Sunday 9th October there will be a meeting for parents who wish to present a child for the Parish Sacramental Preparation 2016/17.
Venue - Children’s Liturgy Room
Time - 12.00 Noon.
At this meeting you will receive:
This meeting will deal with Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Cluster Meeting – Thursday 22nd September 7.30pm: At the Masses last weekend Pat Saddler, Joe McGeough and Michael Ayanbowale from our Parish Council spoke on the importance of our input to the discussion on Parish Clusters to help shape the future of the Church in our Archdiocese of St. Andrew’s and Edinburgh. You have an opportunity on Thursday 22nd September to engage with members of our neighbouring parishes, St. Cuthbert’s, St. Joseph’s and Our Lady’s Currie.
The meeting will be held at St. Cuthbert’s Hall 7.30 – 9.00pm.
This year The World Council of Churches theme for Harvest time is "Followers of Jesus, Caring for Creation".
Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund: Second collection today for Aged and Infirm Clergy.
There is a short-fall in this fund. It is not able to meet current expenditure. The Archdiocese has directed that two collections should be taken this year with special yellow envelopes available to Gift Aid your donation.
Reminder: If you are unable to attend the Cluster meeting next Thursday you can submit your reflection on pages 5-7 of the Handbook to Fr Tony or post it in the "Suggestion Box".
Copy of printed sheet available at the back of the church today, or click on the Website:
Special SCIAF Collection 8/ 9 October to relieve famine in Malawi. This collection will be matched by the Government up to £70,000.
During 2015 SCIAF Campaigns for change included:
Readers Rotas: New Rotas for readers available at the back of the Church. Please take your copy.
Anniversaries: Susan Spencer, Olivia Watson, Jane Watson, Norrie Lamb, Denis Meenan, Darren Mills, Fr Gerard Clenaghan, Vera Smith, Michael Lundberg, Kenny Bush, Kathleen Eadie, Patrick McMahon, Sr Maura Carey, Bill Anderson, Anne McCaskey, Eddie Aitken, Allan Thompson, Rebecca Gore, James Davidson, Barney Law, Mary Monkman, Olivia Duthie (2 yrs), Thomas Pullman, Edward Goll, Margaret Ryan, Dorothy Grant, Fr Denis Cormican, Thomas Quinn, Andrena Hardie, Victoria Wallace, Boreis Liston and Sylvia Benert.
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Alan Thomas: Alan Thomas who lived alone in Dumbryden Grove died recently. Since his unexpected death the police have endeavoured to contact relatives or next of kin but without success. A funeral service for Alan will take place at Seafield Crematorium on Tuesday 13th September at 11.00am. May he rest in Peace.
Cluster Meeting: A member of the Parish Pastoral Council will speak at each Mass this weekend. Decision time is closer. As a community together with the four churches in the Cluster we need to reflect on the part we may play in contributing to the ongoing development of the Church in the Diocese of Edinburgh.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre
The Church and non-violence just peace or just war?
Pat Gaffney – Secretary General of Pax Christi UK
Wednesday 14th September 7.30pm
"What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family." (St Teresa of Calcutta)
Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund - Second collection on Sunday next 18th September: There is a short-fall in this fund. It is not able to meet current expenditure. The Archdiocese has directed that two collections should be taken this year with special yellow envelopes available to Gift Aid your donation.
Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves alone again through divorce, separation or widowhood.
The weekend will take place from 30th September - 2nd October at the Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. For further details contact Ros on: 0131-669-0003 or email:
This year The World Council of Churches theme for Harvest time is "Followers of Jesus, Caring for Creation".
SCIAF: In 2015 the total income for SCIAF came to £5.5 Million. 90 pence of every £1 raised helped:
Special SCIAF Collection 8/ 9 October to relieve famine in Malawi. This collection will be matched by the Government up to £70,000.
Clusters - FAQ: Q. How do I engage in the process if I am unable to attend the meeting on 22nd September?
A. The questions on pages 5-7 of the Handbook are posted on the parish website. This is to facilitate those unable to attend the meeting of 22 September to submit feedback electronically. The sheet can be found on our Parish Website at
Anniversaries: Terry Parkinson, Annie Clarke, Dan Rafferty, Sr. Maria Goretti, Eric Gallo, Doris Burrows, Bernard Conway, Margaret McBennett, Bill Clarke, Margaret Brown, Tina Armit, Fr. Ben Beary Ena oy, Pauline Rainsford, Albert McCurragh, Annie Hurry, Gerrard Paterson, William McIntosh, Fr John Delaney, David Campbell, Theresa McAllister, Sr. Raphael McAllister, Henry Doran, Kathleen Myles, Bridget Forker, Patrick McCarron, Teresa Hoy, Anthony Fraghetti, Agnes Law and Fr Patrick McMahon.
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This year The World Council of Churches theme for Harvest time is "Followers of Jesus, Caring for Creation".
We are asked to consider our relationship with the environment and nature. Pope Francis calls us all to celebrate this opportune moment to "reaffirm our personal vocation to be stewards of creation, to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which He has entrusted to our care, and to implore his help for the protection of creation, as well as His pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live". With this in mind our parish Harvest Mass will take place at the weekend of 24/25 September and you are invited to donate tins and non perishable food for the parish food cupboard. These can be brought up at the offertory and placed in the boxes at the front of the Altar. The fresh produce from the Harvest table, some of which will be donated from a parishioner's allotment and local farm will be delivered to St Catherine's Homeless Project. As always thanks for your support.
"It is not God’s will for some to have everything and others to have nothing." (Oscar Romero)
Mill Hill Missionary Appeal: Fr Bernard Fox of the Mill Missionary Society wrote to say he enjoyed very much his stay last weekend and the genuine welcome he received from very participative parishioners. He is most grateful for the Mission collection which came to £704.40.
Cluster Parishes: Collect your FLYER and HANDBOOK at the church today.
Fresh Start's Quarterly Newsletter: The latest quarterly newsletter from Fresh Start is available on the JPIC table at the back of the church. Please take one.
National Pilgrimage To Carfin: Today Sunday September 4th 2016. Grotto Mass 3.00pm
Lauriston Jesuit Centre
The Church and non-violence just peace or just war?
Pat Gaffney – Secretary General of Pax Christi UK
Wednesday 14th September 7.30pm
Prodigal: One of the greatest stories ever told. Featuring Philip Todd as the Prodigal Son. Foot Stomping Gospel Band – Music from Queen, Eva Cassidy, Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Brown, Billy Joel, James Morrison, Eric Clapton, The Proclaimers, and much more.
Saturday 1st October 7.30 pm.
Carrubbers Christian Centre, 65 High St. EH1 1SR
Tickets £10 (£5 under 16) from or phone 0131 208 0095.
Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund - Second collection on Sunday 18th September: There is a short-fall in this fund. It is not able to meet current expenditure. The Archdiocese has directed that two collections should be taken this year with special yellow envelopes available to Gift Aid your donation.
"Always borrow from a pessimist: he won’t expect it back." (Oscar Wilde)
Anniversaries: Matt McGuire, Terrence Spillane, Sr Mary Gilligan, Baby Kathryn Crawford, George Miller, Fr. Eddie Connolly, OMI, Charlie Gilligan, Mary Higgins, Michael Jackson, Josie McCormack, Marion Gillan, Anne Bryce, Reno Florean, Derrick Fleming, Gertrude Fleming, Alexander Muir, Caroline Campbell, Christina Leitch, Margaret Watson, James O’Hara, Jane Heaney, Catherine Dimmer, Fr Paddy Sheridan, Moira Hughes, "Rory", Robert Jones, Fr John Cribben, Patrick McGoohan, John Stoddart, Marianne Stokes, Margaret McLaughlin and Martin Kelly.
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Mill Hill Missionary Appeal: This weekend 27/28th August Fr Tollan will make the annual MISSIO appeal on behalf of the Mill Hill Missionary work in Africa.
World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation - 1st September 2016:
Pope Francis Prayer for all Creation
God of all creation,
your spirit dances throughout the earth.
You give drink to the trees,
shade for the birds,
bread for the hungry.
You bring life and make all things holy.
Flood our hearts with your grace,
so we may sow seeds of love, justice and beauty,
and reflect your kingdom here on earth.
We ask this through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
National Pilgrimage To Carfin Sunday September 4th 2016 3pm: The Pilgrimage is in honour of St Margaret, Patroness of Scotland, an exemplary witness to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Grotto Mass 3.00 pm.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre
The Church and non-violence just peace or just war?
Pat Gaffney – Secretary General of Pax Christi UK
Wednesday 14th September 7.30pm
Cluster Parishes Together Handbook: Available at the back of the church, it gives the process for our “Cluster Meetings”, suggest you familiarise yourself with contents before 22nd September.
Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves alone again through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place for 30th September - 2nd October at the Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. For further details contact Ros on 0131-669-0003 or email:
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome: Archbishop Leo Cushley will lead a pilgrimage to Rome for the ceremony of the closure of the Holy Door. 16th to 23rd November 2016. Further information and to book a place on this pilgrimage contact Annemarie Cairns at Alba Tours – Tel: 01698242941.
Church Break-in: Before repairs to the internal doors in church are carried out we have to get approval of the insurance assessor.
Sam Martinez: With sadness we received news of the death of our oldest parishioner, Sam Martinez at 106 years of age. Sam was a friend to all. May he rest in peace.
Youth Meeting: Monthly youth meeting (secondary pupils) at the Chapel House on Friday 2nd September at 6.00 pm.
SCIAF's Climate Change Lobby - 29TH September 2016: On Thursday 29th September, SCIAF supporters will be descending on the Scottish Parliament to tell MSPs we want them to turn climate ambition into climate action.
If you can’t make it on the day you can still make your voice heard by writing a message on a paper tag. We’ll hang all the tags like leaves on small trees we’ll give to MSPs on the day. This will really help make an impression and show them that thousands of us want strong action to cut Scotland’s carbon emissions. Feel free to write what you like but please include your name and postcode so MSPs know you’re a real constituent. Tags available on the JPIC table at the back of the church.
Thank you for being a voice for a just world.
Anniversaries: Moira Stewart, Mary White, Ewen Bryden, Janet Allen, Eva McKay, David Whitelaw, Gillespie Munro, Paul Canning, Tommy McGregor Watson, Ina Stewart, Dennis Farrell, Ann Rogojinski, Peter Wilson, Mary Brown, Sr Josephine Secco, Paul McGuire, Lawrence McGowan, Ian Moyes, James Douglas, Patrick Donoghue, Margaret Lackie, Anne O’Driscoll, Margaret Conway and Jessie McGuinness.
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Fair Trade Stall: Thanks to everyone who very generously supported last week's Fair Trade Stall. Total sales amounted to £311.84. Your support is much appreciated, many thanks.
JPIC – Wednesday 24th August at 7.30pm: Justice and Peace Committee meeting at the Chapel House.
Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 25th August 7.30pm: Members of the Council please collect your Agenda and correspondence after Mass today.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre – Wednesday 14th September 7.30pm::
The Church and non-violence just peace or just war?
Pat Gaffney – Secretary General of Pax Christi UK
Pat recently attended the conference in Rome on Non-violence and Just Peace. This conference delivered an appeal to the church to re-commit to the centrality of Gospel nonviolence. Come along and hear more about that conference, about the work of Pax Christi and about what Christians can do for peace in Scotland.
For more information contact
Church Cleaning Teams: New Rotas for Cleaning Teams available at back of Church, please take your copy. New helpers always welcome.
Mill Hill Missionary Appeal: Next weekend 27/28th August Fr Tollan will make the annual MISSIO appeal on behalf of the Mill Hill Missionary work in Africa.
Cluster Meetings: A Cluster Core Group (CCG) meeting comprising of St. John Ogilvie’s, St. Cuthbert’s, St. Joseph’s and Currie took place at St. John Ogilvie’s on 16TH August 2016. Representatives of the four PPCs and the priests made the following decisions:-
1. Meeting venues, dates and times for 3 Cluster gatherings were confirmed as:
2. Each meeting would follow the format outlined in the Cluster Parishes Together Handbook.
3. The meetings will use a small group (8-10) structure, to encourage participation in discussions.
4. The conclusions reached at the meetings will be used to form the basis a final report to be submitted to the Archbishop on behalf of the cluster.
5. Parishioners are to be encouraged to attend these meetings through announcements and publicity material.
Tea and coffee will be available from 7-7.30pm with the meetings beginning promptly at 7.30, aiming to end no later than 9pm.
Anniversaries: - Ian Smith, Kathleen Flynn, Jamesina Geddes, Mark Dale, Mary O’Donnell, John West, Jessie Gibson, Sr Mary Oliver, Nan Murray, Willie Devlin, Roy Geddes, Andrew Hynd, Jr, Sid Jones, James Barclay, Mary Gillespie, Angela Martone, Mira Fakhoury, Elizabeth McKellock, Joe McGinley, Sr. Agnes Canning, Ian Ross, Johanna McGeough and Mgr. Michael Regan.
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Fair Trade Stall this Weekend: A Fair Trade Stall this weekend after all Masses. Please come over and have a look - there will be something for all and the opportunity to support Fair Trade/Ethical producers.
Feast of the Assumption – 15th August: This is NOT a Holiday of Obligation in Scotland.
Back to School:
Return to School Prayer
Lord, please protect all kids and adults heading back to school for the new year...keep them in Your loving care, and help them to stay focused on their studies, and goals. Please help them to grow in holiness, and to serve You and others, during their busy days. Please keep them safe from harm and evil, and may they stay close to You always.
In Jesus' name, we pray...Amen.
Del Brownhill: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Del Brownhill on 1st August. Del's funeral took place on Friday. Our condolences go to Del's son Brian. May she rest in peace.
Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 25th August: The next PPC meeting is Thursday 25th August. If you have any item for the Agenda, please pass it to Pat Saddler (Chairperson), Anna Allen (Secretary) or place it in the Suggestion Box at the back of the Church by today, 14th August.
Date for your Diary (Correction): Sunday 4th September - National Pilgrimage for Year of Mercy at Carfin.
Hibernian – History Handbook: An updated History Reference Book detailing all major events affecting Hibernian Football Club, including the recent Scottish Cup win and a mention of Sammy Martinez, is on sale now at the back of the Church. Written by our very own Maurice Dougan each copy costs £5 with £1 from each sale will going to SVDP.
Anniversaries: - Cecilia Devine, John Manzie, Jim Ward, Doug Killin, Sean Ryan, Fr. Maurice Gallagher, OMI, Mary Wardlaw, Sally Wytaska, Hugh Hart, James Eagan, Ramsay Smith, Vincent Timoney, Bridget Evans, Anna Marie Boner, Bernadette Dixon, Frances McDougall, Irene Mowat, Harold Greig and Ella Gray.
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The Margaret Sinclair Story: This is a brand new one-woman play dramatising the life, times and everyday sanctity of Edinburgh’s beloved Margaret Sinclair (1900-1925). Written and directed by Stephen Callaghan. Performed by Mary Frances Jennow.
Venue: St Patrick’s Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh.
Dates: August 6-12 at 7.45pm and August 9 and 11 at 3pm.
Tickets: £6 waged and £5 unwaged/concession.
Second Collection: Collection next Sunday 14th August for African Missions and Holy Places.
Feast of the Assumption – 15th August: This is NOT a Holiday of Obligation in Scotland.
Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 25th August: The next PPC meeting is Thursday 25th August. If you have any item for the Agenda, please pass it to Pat Saddler (Chairperson), Anna Allen (Secretary) or place it in the Suggestion Box at the back of the Church by Sunday 14th August.
Date for your Diary: Saturday 3rd September - National Pilgrimage for Year of Mercy at Carfin.
Hibernian – History Handbook: An updated History Reference Book detailing all major events affecting Hibernian Football Club, including the recent Scottish Cup win and a mention of Sammy Martinez, is on sale now at the back of the Church. Written by our very own Maurice Dougan each copy costs £5 with £1 from each sale will going to SVDP.
Parish Bingo: The parish bingo team will continue to operate the Tuesday Bingo throughout the summer. No holidays from Bingo.
Reflection – Bridging the Gap: To become neighbours is to bridge the gap between people. As long as there is distance between us and we cannot look in each other’s eyes, all sorts of false ideas and images arise. We give them names, make jokes about them, cover them with our prejudices, and avoid direct contact. We think of them as enemies. We forget that they love as we love, care for their children as we care for ours, become sick and die as we do. We forget that they are our brothers and sisters and treat them as objects that can be destroyed at will.
Only when we have the courage to cross the street and look in one another’s eyes can we see there that we are children of the same God and members of the same human family. (Henri Nouwen).
Anniversaries: - Rachel Townsley, Bobby Woods, Richard Wisley, Anne Gall, Linda Thomas, Fr Martin Byrne, Beryl Douglas, Mary McLaaughlin, Alexander Donoghue, James Conway, Thomas Reilly Winters, James Mooney, Leao Guterres, David McLaughlin, Peter Donoghue, William Curran, Margaret Ward-Hood, Jackie Dunlop, Baby Ebony Millar, Ross Reid, Maire McGinley and Stephen Edgar.
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Welcome to God’s Family: This week we welcome to God’s Family George Osemudiamen Aimua son of Andrew and Joy Onon Aimua of Murrayburn Place. We congratulate Andrew and Joy and pray that George will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
The Margaret Sinclair Story: This is a brand new one-woman play dramatizing the life, times and everyday sanctity of Edinburgh’s beloved Margaret Sinclair (1900-1925). Written and directed by Stephen Callaghan. Performed by Mary Frances Jennow.
Venue: St Patrick’s Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh.
Dates: August 6-12 at 7.45pm and August 9 and 11 at 3pm.
Tickets: £6 waged and £5 unwaged/concession.
Lourdes Water: Lourdes Water is available in the Sacristy if anyone would like some. Bring your own small bottle.
Rag Bag: Cheque received for £44.40 from Rag Bag donations, thank you for your continued support.
Hibernian – History Handbook: An updated History Reference Book detailing all major events affecting Hibernian Football Club, including the recent Scottish Cup win and a mention of Sammy Martinez, is on sale now at the back of the Church. Written by our very own Maurice Dougan each copy costs £5 with £1 from each sale will going to SVDP.
Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 25th August: The next PPC meeting is Thursday 25th August. If you have any item for the Agenda, please pass it to Pat Saddler (Chairperson), Anna Allen (Secretary) or place it in the Suggestion Box at the back of the Church by Sunday 14th August.
Parish Bingo: The parish bingo team will continue to operate the Tuesday Bingo throughout the summer. No holidays from Bingo.
Reminder - Cluster Meeting Dates: Dates for Cluster Meetings are as follows:
Please put these dates in your diary. The core group may suggest a change to some of the above dates. We will give advanced notice of any change.
Anniversaries: John Nicol, Fr. Frank Dromey OMI, Barbara Koerber, Jean London, Moira Wilson, Peter McWilliam, Peg O’Shea, George Fee, Della McKenna, James McDonald, Guiseppe Gramazio, John Ramage, Juilian Roginski, Robert McKenzie and Alice Cappavanni.
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Welcome to Fr Peter Clucas: For the next three weeks Fr Peter Clucas will serve as Locum at St John Ogilvie’s. Fr Peter is no stranger to the parish. He served here as assistant from 1980 to 1986. Over the past 30 years he had responsibility for the ministry of vocations within the Oblates and developed a youth group throughout these islands who assist with the sick on the annual Oblate Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Due to ill health Fr. Peter has recently resigned from his responsibility as parish priest in a Dublin parish. We appreciate his generosity in making himself available to St. John Ogilvie’s Parish during the coming weeks.
Fr Tony will return from holidays in Ireland on 16th August.
The Margaret Sinclair Story: This is a brand new one-woman play dramatizing the life, times and everyday sanctity of Edinburgh’s beloved Margaret Sinclair (1900-1925). Written and directed by Stephen Callaghan. Performed by Mary Frances Jennow.
Venue: St Patrick’s Church, Cowgate, Edinburgh.
Dates: August 6-12 at 7.45pm and August 9 and 11 at 3pm.
Tickets: £6 waged and £5 unwaged/concession.
Fr Tony McDonald: Fr Tony former PP at South Queensferry retired in 2014 when diagnosed with motor neuron disease. He joined the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage last week and sadly died on his return to Gilmore Place. Before studying for the Priesthood, Fr Tony taught French at St Augustine’s. Requiem will take place at St. Margaret’s Queensferry on Wednesday August 3rd at 12 noon. May he rest in peace.
Lourdes Water: Lourdes Water available in the Sacristy if anyone would like some. Bring your own small bottle.
Time for Reflection: During the holidays you may like to reflect on the salient points made by the Pope in his recent publication: -
The Joy of Love (Amoris Laetitia)
Anniversaries: Eileen Smith, Mary Killorn, Sr Bernadette Ryan UJ, Margaret Dever, Cezary Walnuk, Frank Doherty, Jackie Anderson, Celia Gallagher, Fr. Pat Sharkey OMI, Rosemary McDevitt, Bill Brennan, Carol Brooks, Bridget McGonagle, Moira Stevenson, Fr. Bill Lawlor, OMI, John Garland, Kate Doig, Pat Lodge, Sr. Clare Harrington, Walter Liddle and Lawrence Mulligan.
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Welcome to God’s Family: Lisa Tadei daughter of Yuda and Lilian Tadei of Dumbryden Gardens will be Baptised at the 11..00 am Mass today. Congratulations to Yuda &Lilian on the birth of their daughter, Mays she bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome: Archbishop Leo Cushley will lead a pilgrimage to Rome for the ceremony of the closure of the Holy Door. 16th to 23rd November 2016. Further information and to book a place on this pilgrimage contact Annemarie Cairns at Alba Tours – Tel: 01698242941.
Review of cluster meetings (Priests’ Council): Just over 7000 people took part in the initial stage of the consultation across the Archdiocese. The Archbishop expressed satisfaction at this level of support, as well as the way in which people seemed to be engaging with the process. In the Archbishop’s experience, people had been cordial, receptive and positive
However, numbers have dwindled significantly since the Archbishop’s visit. In one cluster the roll call went from 160, then to 90, then to 60. (Sunday Mass attendance in the Archdiocese 31,500 - 22% attended the meetings with the Archbishop.)
Parish Garden – Volunteers Required: Any time you can spend would be much appreciated.
Parish Bingo: The parish bingo team will continue to operate the Tuesday Bingo throughout the summer. No holidays from Bingo.
Children’s Liturgy at Mass during school holidays: A number of the leaders of the Children’s Liturgy at the 9.00 &11.00am Masses are on holidays these weeks. In keeping with the directives of PVG we are required to have two Disclosed Adults accompanying the children during their liturgy. In the event that leaders are absent on holidays, the children’s liturgy sheet is available in the church, we ask parents to accompany children in following the Gospel message on the leaflet.
Anniversaries: Fr Barney Corley, OMI, Patrick Cavanagh, Adam Mitchell-Mickiewicz, Patrick Carey, Jim Cuthbert, Tommy McNulty, Mary Hickey, Constance Harris, Patricia Linn, Allan Thomas-Glenn, Robert Robertson, Margaret Muirhead, Margaret Reid, Margaret Menzies, Jane Liddle, Audrey Middlemist, Sarah Bradley, Jeanette Ford, Jimmy Bree, William Nelson, Hank Flannery and Gino Viscogliosi.
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Welcome to God’s Family: God’s Family Hubert Sucharski son of Patryk and Anna of Murrayburn Place. Hubert will be Baptised at the 11.00 am Mass today. Congratulations to his parents Patryk and Anna on the birth of your baby. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Oblate Spirituality: You are invited to a Reflection Day with:
Fr. Frank Santucci omi
Oblate School of Theology, Texas, USA.
At Our Lady Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street Leith, EH6 6AW.
Saturday 16th July - 10.00am -- 4.00pm
Please bring a packed lunch.
Free tickets available at the back of the church - Donations welcome. Spirituality is a word that we tend to apply to saints and mystics - but never to ourselves. We will explore the concept of spirituality and the key phases of its development. Then looking at Eugene deMazenod’s life and spirituality as an example, each participant will be invited to begin to work at expressing their own spirituality.
Children’s Liturgy at 11.00 am Mass: A number of the leaders of the Children’s Liturgy at the 11.00 am Mass are on holidays this week. In keeping with the directives of PVG we are required to have two Disclosed Adults accompanying the children during their liturgy, in the absence of personnel, liturgy sheets are available for the children.
Our Lady of Aberdeen: This week we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Aberdeen. Bishop Gavin Dunbar was the Bishop of Aberdeen from 1518 to 1532. Straight away on his appointment, Bishop Dunbar hired Father Alexander Galloway to design a bridge over the river Dee. However, there was the difficulty of exactly where to put the bridge. Bishop Dunbar a very devout man, prayed to Our Lady for inspiration. Then he saw, in a vision, the exact location to build the bridge, and that is where it was constructed, and where it is today.
This inspired him to dedicate the bridge to Our Lady, which is pivotal to the story of the statue. A 4’ 3” oak statue of Our Lady of Good Counsel was carved a erected in a chapel at the bridge.
The Reformation came slowly to north east Scotland. It was a turbulent time in our history. On the 12th November 1593 a decree was passed that Catholics must either give up their faith or emigrate. The statue was taken to Brussels and given to the Augustinian Friars for safe keeping. The diocese of Aberdeen requested a return of the statue, even asked the Pope to intervene but sadly to no avail. In Brussels Church the statue has been visited by many Scottish soldiers returning from the two world wars, they come to give thanks for a life spared. It is still a place of thanksgiving and prayer for people from all over the world.
DIY Recycling: Craigsbank Church are undertaking some building work and there will be floorboards looking for a new home. They are engineered boarding with an ''oak top" which look very like plywood and are 175mm x25mm and estimated 2 or 3 metres long. Joiner advised best to be used externally.
The work starts on the 25th July so any interest needs to be expressed very quickly! I presume you would need to collect them yourself.
More information from Anne Currie
Anniversaries: Later
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Justice and Peace: Thanks for your most generous response to the "Fresh Start" appeal last Sunday. Your donations will help families who have come to Wester Hailes to make a new beginning.
Justice Matters Petition: The JPIC Group invite you to sign the Justice Matters petition which can be found on the table at the back of the church together with further details.
News from the recent Oblate Provincial Council Meeting Concerning Future Appointments:
Parish Garden – Volunteers Required: It’s the time of year again when the garden is blossoming but help is needed to control weeds, strim edges, cut hedges and clear rubbish. Any time you can spend would be much appreciated.
Cluster Meetings: Last week in the Parish Newsletter we carried dates and venues for the three proposed Cluster Meetings.
Specific Tasks of the Meetings:
A report from the Cluster to the Archbishop by Easter 2017. A common framework will be given for this. Archbishop Leo will use this to discern the way ahead for our parishes.
While sunbathing in Majorca, climbing the Cairngorms in Scotland, island hopping in Greece, relaxing in Nigeria or visiting grandparents in Poland, you could reflect on the above three topics.
Peace to this House: In today’s Gospel, Jesus recommends this greeting when we enter a house. A traditional Irish greeting is “God save all here” also used even on entering a public house. Such a greeting serves to set a good tone for the visit.
Rosa Park in 1954 had the opposite experience in the USA when she sat in a bus seat reserved for whites - she was arrested.
Anniversaries: Maime Canning, Annie Sweeney, Ester Douglas, John Nolan, Anne Edie Lily Clachars, Anne Eadie, Ellen Mazs, Consuelo McClintock, Janes McHugh, William McLaughlin, Hugh Greenan, Fr Tom O’Brien, OMI, Briget McCarron, Iwan Sowiak, Bridget Sharkey, David Ewen, Hazel Thomson, Luke Igoe, Isabel Igoe, Rosmary Butler, Margaret Edgar, Alwin Wyllie and Dennis Brownhill.
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Holyday of Obligation: Wednesday next 29th June is the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul a Holyday of Obligation. Masses on Wednesday at 9.00am and 7.30pm.
Cluster Meetings: The priests from St. Cuthbert’s, Currie, St. Joseph’s and St. John Ogilvie’s met last Monday to arrange dates and venues for our Cluster Meetings.
A core group meeting of the Cluster is planned for 16th or 18th August. The core group will consist of the priests from the four parishes plus two members of the Parish Councils from each parish.
Dates for Cluster Meetings are as follows:
Please put these dates in your diary, the core group may suggest a change to some of the above dates, we will give advanced notice of any change.
St Joseph’s Parish Broomhouse: Fr George Donaghy OSA has been transferred to London to serve as Hospital Chaplain at Hoxton. Fr Stefan Park has been appointed as Administrator at St Joseph’s.
The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.
Peter’s Pence: Today, 26th June, throughout the Catholic World there will be a collection for Peter’s Pence. This collection is sent to Pope Francis to enable him to respond to world disasters especially at short notice, such as a famine, an earthquake, a Tsunami, etc.
Fresh Start – 25th/26th June: The Parish Justice and Peace Group will hold a Fresh Start Weekend on 25/26th June. You are invited to donate kitchen utensils surplus to your requirements. These pots, pans crockery, curtains, cleaning materials, etc will be given to people making a fresh start in a home in Wester Hailes.
First Holy Communion: Congratulations to Brendan Hardie and his cousin Charlie McGinley who celebrated their First Holy Communion at St. Joseph’s last Sunday.
Parish Administrator Portobello: The Parishes of St John the Evangelist and St Mary Magdalene are seeking an open-hearted and experienced administrator to come and join the pastoral team on a flexible, part-time basis to support our two Parishes.
The Administrator will be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Sister Parishes, working closely with the Parish Priest and the Pastoral Team. Informal enquiries and to receive full details of the role and how to apply are available from Fr Jock Dalrymple (, Tel: 0131 669 5447.
Closing date for receipt of applications is Monday 4th July with interviews anticipated on Tuesday 12th July 2016.
Anniversaries: Charlie Brady, James Pryde, Eric Rafferty, May Schourder, Gregor McGregor, Fr John Dore, OMI, Dom Dean, Betty Fitzsimmons, Bernard Maxwell, Brian Callaghan, Anne Glen, Sean McFadden, Helen McGregor, Jean Sneddon, Andrew Hynd, Eleanor Hynd, Eleanor Cochrane, Sr Margaret O’Dwyer, Dolly McIntosh, Baby Gavin Fortune, Joan Devlin, Elsie Colvin and Magnus Gallagher.
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Father’s Day 19th June: Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, was 16 years of age when her mother died giving birth to her 6th child. Sonora’s father William, a Civil War veteran raised the family alone. Eldest of all children, Sonora raised the enormity of hardships that were to be faced by her father - as She watched him take care of children with devotion and making endless sacrifices so that his children lived better.
The Idea of Celebrating Father's Day came to Sonora as she listened to a Sunday Sermon on Mother's Day in 1909. Loving daughter of a devoted father, Sonora wondered that if there is a day to honor mothers why is there no corresponding day to honour all fathers. The question left a deep impression on her mind and she resolved to get fathers their due respect in the society. Soon her idea took hold in the USA and today is worldwide.
Don’t forget Dad’s always need ties, socks and hankies.
Fresh Start – 25th/26th June: The Parish Justice and Peace Group will hold a Fresh Start Weekend on 25/26th June. You are invited to donate kitchen utensils surplus to your requirements. These pots, pans crockery, curtains, cleaning materials, etc will be given to people making a fresh start in a home in Wester Hailes.
Peter’s Pence: Sunday next 26th June throughout the Catholic World there will be a collection for Peter’s Pence. This collection is sent to Pope Francis to enable him to respond to world disasters especially at short notice, such as a famine, an earthquakes, a Tsunami, etc.
Holyday of Obligation – 29th June, Solemnity of St. Peter & St Paul: Wednesday 29th June Masses at 9.00 am and 7.30pm.
Parish Garden – Volunteers Required: It’s the time of year again when the garden is blossoming but help is needed to control weeds, strim edges, cut hedges and clear rubbish. Any time you can spend would be much appreciated.
Patricia "Pat" Reid: Pat Reid, 79 years of age, of Dumbryden Gardens passed to her heavenly home last week. We offer our sympathy to her nephews and nieces on the death of their special Aunty Pat. Patricia who was born in St James’ Square (Cathedral Parish) lived in Pilton and moved to Wester Hailes after the death of her mother. There will be a Graveside Service at Mount Vernon on Tuesday next at 11.00 am. May she rest in peace.
Edinburgh Lourdes Pilgrimage 2016 – 8th to 15th July: Last chance to join this year’s pilgrimage from 8th to 15th July. Anyone wishing to join the pilgrimage should contact Tangney Tours on 01732-886666 or visit the Edinburgh Lourdes website ( for more details. Pilgrims who require supported care should contact the Accueil Saint Frai Booking Secretary 6l Hailes Gardens, Edinburgh, EH 13 0JN, Tel: 0131 441 1939.
St Mary’s Star of the Sea Picnic to Nunraw 19th June, 1.00pm: Today Sunday 19th June, Star of the Sea, Leith have planned a Picnic at Nunraw Monastery. An invitation has been extended to St. John Ogilvie’s to join them for the afternoon. No transport available, bring your own packed Lunch, tea and coffee provided.
Anniversaries: Jim Wight, Fr Nick Forde OMI, Fr David Power OMI, Bill Grant, John Heffron, Mollie Duffy, Julie Kelly, Margaret Campbell, Peggy Geraghty, Margaret Slater, Ida Devlin, Mary Marr, Nora Devine, Frances Malone, Elizabeth Jones, James Drysdale, Michael Gerraghty, Fiona McSorley, Catherine Nelson and Mary McNulty.
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Today is the 11th Sunday of the Year C
"Showing Love"
(Prayers & Readings page 95)
Baptism: Today we welcome to God’s Family Lucky Somtdchukwu Chukwukadibia Nwachukwu. Congratulations to his parents, Lucky and Esther Nwachukwu. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund (AICF): A second collection will be taken today for AICF. Please take copies of the letters from the Archbishop and the Finance Director, with a report on the fund. If you are a tax payer and you wish to include Gift Aid on your second collection today, there are special envelopes available at the back of the church.
St. Margaret of Scotland – Today 12th June: Dunfermline Pilgrimage today. Gather at 3pm at the gates of Pittencreiff Park for procession through the town, then Mass led by the Archbishop at St. Margaret’s Memorial Church at 4.00 pm.
Fresh Start – 25th/26th June: The Parish Justice and Peace Group will hold a Fresh Start Weekend on 25/26th June. You are invited to donate kitchen utensils surplus to your requirements. These pots, pans crockery, curtains, cleaning materials, etc will be given to people making a fresh start in a home in Wester Hailes.
Parish Garden – Volunteers Required: It’s the time of year again when the garden is blossoming but help is needed to control weeds, strim edges, cut hedges and clear rubbish. Any time you can spend would be much appreciated.
Clustering and Parish Meeting: At our May PPC meeting, we decided to hold a Parish Meeting on Saturday 25thJune. Monsignor Duffy at St Cuthbert’s also had plans for a parish meeting at St Cuthbert’s. Meanwhile Mgr Duffy and myself have endeavoured to move on "Cluster Meetings" for the four parishes. Fr George Donaghy parish priest of St. Joseph’s, Broomhouse has been on an ongoing formation course for the past four months. He planned to return in May and then in June but due to ill health the time has again been extended. It is important that all four parishes move together in planning for our future. To avoid confusion and the danger of misunderstanding, the possibility of sending the wrong message to parishioners of St Joseph’s, Mgr Duffy and myself have decided not to proceed with parish meetings this month lest we create antipathy between parishes before the process begins.
A meeting of the acting parish priest of St. Joseph’s Fr Stefan together with Mgr. Tony Duffy and myself has now been scheduled for Monday 20th June.
Make a Noise in Libraries – 15th June: Sighthill Library will hold a drop-in afternoon for the blind, visually impaired and other interested people in support of the RNIB.
On Wednesday 15th June 2.00 – 5.00 pm, Audio Book Library and Online Services.
New Dawn in Scotland - 4th-8th July2016: Catholic Pilgrimage Conference,
St Andrew’s Madras College, Kilymont Road
For further information contact: or telephone: 447-6153. (Also see website
Anniversaries: Carol Tierney, Tom Coogan, Norman Gore, Graham Faulds, Janice Telford, Bridget Gallagher, Jean Daly, Josephine Heaney, Tom McPhillipps, Sr. Kathleen Gilligan, Fallon Hind, Ian Caddell, Christina Johnston, Irene McGonagle, Peggy Brown, Thomas Burns, Betty Glynn, Christopher Quinn, Martin Kelliher, Lily McDonnell, Fr. John Wall OMI, Grace Ward, Agnes Bungay, Bill Gibson, Eileen Cowie, Anne Agnew, Francis Lawless, Mary Pettigrew, Annie Lynskey, Brenda Havard, Elizabeth Mackie, James Hind and Michael Cribben.
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Today is the 10th Sunday of the Year C
"Otherwise Engaged"
(Prayers & Readings page 93)
The Christian Way: Our task is not to protest the world into a certain moral conformity, but to attract the world to the saving beauty of Christ.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
Gero McLoughlin SJ
The Ignatian Tradition
Monday 6th June 7.30pm
Venue: Lauriston Jesuit Centre, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ
Make a Noise in Libraries – 15th June: Sighthill Library will hold a drop-in afternoon for the blind, visually impaired and other interested people in support of the RNIB.
On Wednesday 15th June 2.00 – 5.00 pm, Audio Book Library and Online Services.
Eucharistic Ministers Rotas at the back of the church.
Fresh Start – 25th/26th June: The Parish Justice and Peace Group will hold a Fresh Start Weekend on 25/26th June. You are invited to donate kitchen utensils surplus to your requirements. These pots, pans crockery, curtains, cleaning materials, etc will be given to people making a fresh start in a home in Wester Hailes.
New Dawn in Scotland - 4th-8th July2016: Catholic Pilgrimage Conference,
St Andrew’s Madras College, Kilymont Road
For further information contact: or telephone: 447-6153. (Also see website
St Columba: Thursday next 9th June is the feast of St Columba. He was born of royal blood in Gartan, Co. Donegal Ireland. In 563 he was found guilty of plagiarism, this is one of the earliest judgements of copyright, the summary judgement of the High King was: “To every cow her calf, to every book its copy." He left Ireland and founded a Monastery on Iona from which the Faith was preached in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. He died in 597 and was buried on Iona. The Monastic Centre remains to this day a place of pilgrimage.
Thank You: Our sincere thanks to Julia Maguire and Trish Middlemist who prepared our children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Holy Communion. The Number of children who enrol in these programmes is on the increase, in September we will need two more tutors, training will be given, good resources available, if you would like to volunteer please see Fr Tony over the next few weeks.
Anniversaries: John Lyncham, Reno Dirollo, May Muir, Iris Butler, Joseph Conran, Margaret McGuikan, Patrick Agnew, Mary Hall, Canon Michael Carey, Michael McLaughlin, Christine Scott, Joseph O’Donnell, Terrence O’Donnell, Patrick Early, Al Monroe, James Connolly, Jessie O’Hare, Bill Maymury, Douglas Eagan, Mary Gullane, Hugh Devlin, Margaret Johnson, Patricia Watson, Robert Wilson, Annie Milligan, Kathleen Bergin, Cliff Drever, Angus Grant, Simon Byrne and Sr Mary McCluskey.
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Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi, Year C
"Give them something to eat yourselves"
(Prayers & Readings page 81)
Baptism: We welcome to God’s Family Alex Hetmaniak who was Baptised this week. Congratulations to his parents, Tomasz and Anna Hetmaniak. May he bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
First Holy Communion: First Holy Communion for Oliver and Victor will take place at St John Ogilvie’s today the Feast of Corpus Christi the at 11.00 am Mass. The teenagers who are preparing for Holy Communion will receive the Sacrament when they have completed the course later in the year.
We welcome some of the children’s grandparents and families who travelled from Poland to join them for their Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Confirmation Certificates for those who were confirmed last Tuesday will be given today at the 11.00am Mass. We congratulate Paulina Klejnocka, Angelika Bohdan, Ewa Bohdan, Brendan Hardie, Victor Kokoszka and Oliwer Brzelicki.
Archdiocesan Lourdes Day, 3pm Sunday 29 May: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh inaugural Lourdes Day will take place this afternoon at 3pm. Marian procession will wend its way from the Archbishop’s residence, 42 Greenhill Gardens, at 3pm. It will conclude at the nearby St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road.
There will be blessing of the sick at Gillis. A celebratory reception will follow. All are very welcome.
Novena Prayer for Oblate Vocations: Tomorrow we complete the novena for vocation. The reflection and prayer will be part of our prayers of the Faithful at Mass today.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
Gero McLoughlin SJ
On being a Christian Group
Monday 30th May 7.30pm Talk 1: "The early Church"
Venue: Lauriston Jesuit Centre, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ
Eucharistic Ministers Rotas: New Rotas available at the back of the church, please take your copy, if you are unavailable on your designated date, arrange cover from somebody else on the list.
Youth Meeting: Monthly Youth Meeting will take place at the Chapel House on Friday next 3rd June at 6.00 pm.
Pope St John Paul II:
A Day for Life
"Faced with the sacredness of life and of the human person, and before the marvels of the universe, WONDER is the only appropriate attitude."
Anniversaries: Anna Musson, William Hay, Joe Jordan, Andrew Johnston, Patrick Mazs, Christopher Summers, Colin Whitworth, Tommy Erskine, Martin Gahagan, Fr John McQuade, Carmel Daley, George Stark, Peter Broadhurst, Fr Liam Fanning, Sean Boyle, Raymond Bias, Nessie Goodall, Mary Taylor, Patrick Goonan, Sarah McGee, Catherine Ralph, Brendan Boyle, Jim Hegarty, John Fogarty, Jimmy Goldie and Owenie Boyle.
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Today is the Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year C
"Living in Approachable Light"
(Prayers & Readings page 81)
Sacrament of Confirmation: This year we have five candidates for Confirmation, Helen, Eva, Angelika, Victor and Oliver. There is a practice for all the candidates today, Sunday 22nd May, in St Cuthbert’s Church at 2.00 pm. The candidates and their sponsors should present themselves at St Cuthbert’s and bring their slips with details of baptism and confirmation names.
Our thanks to Julia Maguire and Trish Middlemist who over the past nine months, prepared the children and teenagers for the Sacraments.
First Holy Communion: First Holy Communion for Oliver and Victor will take place at St John Ogilvie’s on Sunday 29th May at 11.00 am Mass. Some of the children’s grandparents will travel from Poland to join them for Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
Novena Prayer for Oblate Vocations: The Feast day of St Eugene deMazenod , founder of the Oblates, is 21st May. His commemoration will be subsumed into the feast of the Holy Trinity today.
Archdiocesan Charismatic Group: Meet at St John Ogilvie’s Saturday 28th May at 10.30 am.
Parish Mass Book: Today we change to Volume 2 Year C of the Parish Mass Book (rustic cover). Please return all copies of Year C – Volume 1 (purple cover)to be put into storage until 2019.
Fresh Start Annual Sponsored Walk: Fresh Start's annual sponsored walk will take place on Friday 27th May 2016. Further details and Registration Forms can be found at the back of the church for anyone interested in taking part. Alternatively you can contact Fresh Start on 0131 476 7741 or email
World Youth Day Evening – 27th May:
Polish Food and Fun Night with the Archbishop
Gillis Centre Friday 27th May 2016 at 7.00 pm.
Fun and games for all.
Tickets available from:, 623-8912.
Archdiocesan Lourdes Day, 3pm Sunday 29 May: The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh inaugural Lourdes Day will take place at 3pm on Sunday 29 May with a Marian procession from Archbishop’s residence, 42 Greenhill Gardens, at 3pm. It will conclude at the nearby St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road.
A celebratory reception will follow. All are very welcome.
Anniversaries: N/A
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Today is Pentecost Sunday, Year C
"The Language of the Spirit"
(Prayers & Readings page 294)
Pentecost Sunday – 15th May: Interdenominational celebration of Pentecost at Holy Trinity Church of Scotland, Hailsland, this evening at 6.30 pm.
Clusters: The Parish Council has decided to hold a "Parish Clustering" meeting on Saturday 25th June. Further details will be communicated early June.
Christian Aid: Annual Christian Aid Book Sale at St Andrew’s & St George’s Church, 13 George Street, EH2 2PA on 16th and 19th May.
Archdiocesan Lourdes Day, 3pm Sunday 29 May: The Archdiocese of St Andrews &Edinburgh inaugural Lourdes Day will take place at 3pm on Sunday 29 May with a Marian procession through the streets of Edinburgh followed by Solemn Benediction and the blessing of the sick. The procession will be led by Archbishop Leo Cushley and will set off from the Archbishop’s residence, 42 Greenhill Gardens, at 3pm. It will conclude at the nearby St Margaret’s Chapel, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road.
A celebratory reception will follow. All are very welcome. The event is organised by the Archdiocese’s Lourdes Pilgrimage Group, the Edinburgh Hospitalité. For more information go to
Catholic Papers: Each week nine Catholic newspapers are delivered to the Parish. Sales vary from zero to two. While the papers are accepted on a sale/return basis, the operation involves administration. Due to lack of interest we have decided to cancel delivery of the papers as from 29th May.
Mount Vernon Cemetery: Vacancy for Cemetery Operative. Apply to Archdiocese or phone 623-8906.
PRIESTHOOD - ENQUIRERS' WEEKEND 3-5 JUNE, ST ANDREWS: Are you interested in the priesthood? Why not "come and see" at an Enquirers' Weekend of Recollection in the historic town of St Andrews? From Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, there will be time for Holy Mass, prayer, coastal walks and social time with others who are perhaps just like you. Accommodation free. No commitment presumed. Ages 18-50.
For further information, contact Vocations Director, Fr Michal John Galbraith at, 01334 472856.
World Youth Day Evening – 27th May:
Polish Food and Fun Night with the Archbishop
Gillis Centre Friday 27th May 2016 at 7.00 pm.
Fun and games for all.
Tickets available from:, 623-8912.
Anniversaries: Ellie Travers, Bill Murphy, William McFadden, Cathy Karry, Audrey Morton, George Diack, Bill Campbell, May Harper, Tom Rennie, Rita Livingstone, Christine Harte, Peter McGilligan, Catherine Rodgers, Isa Penman, Jeanette Mohammed, Martin Mawga, James Mangh, Margaret Inglis, William Curran, Christine Smith, Albert Paterson, Fr. John Hickey, OMI, Joseph Livingstone, Mary Hanson, Janet Brotherstone, Mary Muir, Dennis Doherty, Chris Grant, William Harvey, Cathrine Gahagan and Robert Hall.
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Today is the 7th Sunday of Easter, Year C
"Dying for Christ: Stephen"
(Prayers & Readings page 281)
Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting of PPC on Thursday next 12th May at 7.30 pm. Members of the Council please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass.
Christian Aid: Annual Christian Aid Book Sale at St. Andrew’s & St. George’s Church, 13 George Street EH2 2PA on 14th 16th and 19th May.
Books of every kind antiquarian, out of print, many languages, paperbacks. Paintings (Drawings and Prints) Antiques, Sheet Music, Stamps and Postcards, Records CDs and DVDs, Toys, Cakes, etc.
Welcome to God’s Family: This week we welcome to God’s Family Igor Kochan son of Artur and Olga Kochan of Calder Gardens. Family members from Poland visited Edinburgh for his Baptism. We congratulate Artur and Olga and pray that Igor will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
World Communication Day: Today is World Communication Day. A copy of a letter from Bishop Philip Tartaglia (Archbishop of Glasgow) is available at the back of the church. The second collection today is in aid of the Communication Ministry. This fund supports the Pope’s travels and the meetings and communications of the Scottish hierarchy.
Why did the turkey cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t chicken.
Pentecost Sunday: Interdenominational celebration of Pentecost at Holy Trinity Church of Scotland on Sunday 15th May at 6.30 pm.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation please remember to present yourselves and your sponsor at St. Cuthbert’s Church, Slateford Road, EH 14 1PT on Sunday 22nd May at 2.00pm. This will be a practice for parishioners from St. John Ogilvie’s, St. Cuthbert’s, St. Joseph’s and Our Lady Mother of the Church, Currie.
University of Notre Dame Folk Choir – Friday 20th May: A concert of sacred music will be held in St. Joseph’s Church, Broomhouse on Friday 20th May 2016 at 7.30pm. Admission free. See notice at back of church for further information.
Cluster Meetings: Fr George Donaghy Parish Priest of St Joseph’s, Broomhouse, has been on a study course in Canada for the past 3 months. He is due to return to Broomhouse in May. Shortly after his return we hope to get the process in place to plan the three meetings.
World Youth Day Evening – 27th May:
Polish Food and Fun Night with the Archbishop
Gillis Centre Friday 27th May 2016 at 7.00 pm.
Good Morning = Dzien dobry; Good Evening = Dobry wieczor.
Polish Dishes Pierogi = Dumpling; Gotabki = Cabbage, Pork, Beef, Rice
Tickets £5.00 Available at the door, all proceeds go towards World Youth Day.
Fun and games for all.
Tickets also available from:, 623-8912.
Anniversaries: Baby Courtney McGarvey, Maureen Firth, Roy Doolan, Barry McGonagle, Elspeth Farrell, Nora Boyle, Mary Paterson, Molly Finnan, James Wilson, Elizabeth Doherty, Bella Ford, Mark Davies, Sadie Paterson, Helen Crimp, Francis McKenna, Mark Dixon, Jimmy Hickey, Eileen Matthews, Marjory Ducat, Sr. Marie McAllister, Patrick Doherty, Jack Allen and Patrick McKay.
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Today is the 6th Sunday of Easter, Year C
"Arguing for Christ: Paul"
(Prayers & Readings page 273)
From Archbishop Cushley: Second Collection today at the request of Pope Francis is for the terrible situation in Ukraine. All Catholic Churches in Europe have been asked to take up a collection to help alleviate the suffering there.
Head of RE at St Augustine’s: Congratulations to Lesley Hind on her appointment as head of Religious Education at St Augustine’s High School.
Resignation of Pastoral Associate: At Easter Patricia O’Neill was appointed by the Oblates as Pastoral Associate to work in Leith and Wester Hailes. Due to family commitments Patricia has discovered she is unable to commit time to the work of pastoral associate and so has decided to tender her resignation. The post will be re-advertised.
Parish Pastoral Council: The next meeting of the PPC is scheduled for Thursday 12th May. Items for the agenda should be handed to Pat Saddler (Chair) or Anna Allen (Secretary) or placed in the "Suggestion Box" before 6th May.
Pentecost Sunday: Interdenominational celebration of Pentecost at Holy Trinity Church of Scotland on Sunday 15th May at 6.30 pm.
Parish Youth: Next Monthly Meeting will be held on Friday 6th May, 6pm – 7.30pm.
Sacrament of Confirmation: On Tuesday 24th May at 7.00pm Archbishop Cushely will administer Confirmation at St Cuthbert’s to parishioners from St. John Ogilvie’s, St. Cuthbert’s, St. Joseph’s and Our Lady Mother of the Church, Currie.
Feast of the Ascension: Thursday next is the Feast of the Ascension a Holyday of Obligation. Masses in St. John Ogilvie’s 9.00 am and 7.30 pm.
Finance: The Parish Annual Financial Report is available on a separate page today. This report was passed by the Parish Council and the Parish Finance Committee at their March and April meetings.
The parish owes a debt of gratitude to Laura Lang who in a voluntary capacity manages the daily income/ expenditure and prepares the annual financial report for the Archdiocese.
SCIAF Wee Boxes: In 2016 the parish raised over £1600 for SCIAF. The Wee Boxes account for £1203.65.
Bile Duct Cancer Research: At the Requiem for Rab Skirving, his family requested a collection for Bile Duct Cancer Research. Donations came to a total of £800. Margaret forwarded this money to the research centre. Bile Duct Cancer is a very aggressive but very rare form of cancer. Only 24 cases diagnosed in Scotland.
Anniversaries: Nora Duffy, Annie McFadden, May Hornig, Maria Hughes, Frank McLaughlin, Marjorie Lowe, James Duff, Helen Anderson, Fr. Pat Towe, OMI, Rab Harkins, Edith Howes, Brian Kilpatrick, Doreen Murphy, John Kidd (Snr.), Agnes Miller, Doalty Sharkey, David Metcalf, Brian Flannigan, Vicky Duffy, Kyle Apter, Agnes Lochrin, Andrew O’Donnell, Andrew McGonagle, Letitia McAteer and Isobelle Renton.
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Today is the 5th Sunday of Easter
"Son of Encouragement"
(Prayers & Readings page 271)
Children’s Sacramental Programme: The children on the Reconciliation Programme have completed their course. They will celebrate the Sacrament in the main church on Saturday 30th April at 11.00 am. Parents and family welcome.
Finance Committee – Wednesday 27th April 7.30pm: Meeting of the Parish Finance Committee at the Presbytery.
Parish Pledge: Envelopes for 2016/17 first instalment of "Parish Pledge" are available today at the back of the Church. The annual Parish Pledge replaces the old Autumn Fare for parish fundraising. The original concept was to pledge what you would have spent at the Autumn Fare. Our target is for £2,750 a year. Last year the income from this source was £3,099.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
Remembering the Easter Rising
Monday 25th April
God and the Easter Rising - Owen Dudley Edwards
Admission by donation
Pope Francis on the Synods: "I understand those who prefer a more rigorous pastoral care which leaves no room for confusion. But I sincerely believe that Jesus wants a Church attentive to the goodness which the Holy Spirit sows in the midst human weakness."
From Archbishop Cushley: On Sunday 3rd April in St Peter's Square the Holy Father spoke about the terrible situation in Ukraine and asked for all Catholic Churches in Europe to take up a collection to help alleviate the suffering there. The Holy Father asks that the collection be taken up on 1st May, the 6th Sunday of Easter. Any monies collected should be forwarded to the office.
Yours sincerely in Christ, + Leo Cushley
Spring Fling: As a mark of respect to Rab Skirving and his family the PPC decided to cancel the Spring Fling scheduled for last Friday, the day of his Requiem. Refunds to those who had purchased tickets will be available at the Bingo and after Sunday Masses. Please submit your ticket for cancellation.
University of Notre Dame Folk Choir – Friday 20th May: A concert of sacred music will be held in St. Joseph’s Church, Broomhouse on Friday 20th May 2016 at 7.30pm. Admission free See notice at back of church for further information.
Pastoral Discernment: The Pope makes an appeal for "Mercy" and Pastoral discernment for those in situations that don’t live up to the ideals of church teaching. Bishops and priests he says, should put down the stones of doctrine and instead listen. They should offer compassion to everyone; they should "make room" for each individual conscience.
Anniversaries: John Evan Jones, Sylvia Monroe, John Hickey, Brian Slater, Darren Kyle, Jean Reid, John McGinness, David McKenna, Lydia Thompson, Agnes Parry, Annie McTighe, Robert Burns, Greg Crombie, Doreen Johnston, Kathleen Finerty, John Scott, Kevin Glasgow, Timothy O’Sullivan, Molly Williams, Catherine Burns, Margaret Edwards, Mary Murphy, Fr. Pat Gahagan, Michael Kelly, Fr. John Coakley, OMI, Cathy Brunache, Duncan Robertson, Anton Gallagher, Terry Mallarkey, Maureen Glasgow and Charles Hornig.
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Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter
"Pioneers and Settlers"
(Prayers & Readings page 268)
Children’s Sacramental Programme: The children on the Reconciliation Programme have completed their course. They will celebrate the Sacrament in the main church on Saturday 30th April at 11.00 am. Parents and family welcome.
SCIAF – Help double parish donations: The amount in your SCIAF Wee Box will be doubled by the UK government, on condition that the wee boxes are forwarded to SCIAF before Wednesday 4th May. Please return you boxes at Mass next Sunday.
Good Shepherd Sunday: Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. Archbishop Cushley is the shepherd of the flock of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh. The bishop has written a Pastoral Letter to be read at all Masses this weekend. A copy of the letter is available at the back of the church.
Finance Committee – Wednesday 27th April 7.30pm: Meeting of the Parish Finance Committee at the Presbytery.
Clusters: Gillis, the Pastoral Centre of the Archdiocese, has now issued: Cluster Parishes Together Handbook.
This handbook will be used throughout the diocese to guide the 3 meetings planned for the year to advise the Archbishop on forward planning. Please take a copy today.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
Remembering the Easter Rising
Monday 18th April
The Easter Rising: its impact on Scotland - Professor Sir Thomas Devine
Rab Skirving: It is with deep sorrow that we announce the untimely death of Rab Skirving. At midday on Thursday last, surrounded by his family in the Western General, Rab passed to his eternal reward. We offer our sincere sympathy and prayers to Margaret and his daughters Lesley and Dawn. May he rest in peace.
HUSTINGS for Scottish Elections: Pat Carrigan who was recently appointed by the Oblates as Parish Associate to work in Leith and Westerhailes has arranged a HUSTINGS.
The Hustings will take place in St Mary Star of the Sea Church Hall on Thursday the 28th April at 7:30pm. All the MSP Candidates for the area have agreed to attend and the event will take the form of the BBC programme Question Time.
Peaceful Demonstration 23rd April: The Archbishop will lead a Rosary at 10am in Sacred Heart church in Lauriston on Saturday, 23rd April. This is preceding SPUC's Pro-Life Chain, held in Edinburgh every year, to mark the anniversary of the Abortion Act coming into force. The Chain is a continuous line of volunteers silently holding placards to the view of passing traffic. The placards contain contact details offering help to parents facing a difficult pregnancy, post-abortive mothers and fathers. This year, the Chain will take place on the 23rd of April, 2016 from 11am till 1pm in Lothian Road. There will be a light lunch after in Sacred Heart Hall. Please come along to all or part of this event and tell others about it. Call SPUC Scotland, 0141 221 2094 for more info.
Anniversaries: Margaret Thompson, Bridget Gallagher, Monica Hanna, Breigh Scullion, Tommy McGovern, Joseph McFadden, Bishop Kevin Rafferty, Douglas Garvie, Theodore Monro, Monica Fraser, James O’Neill, William Brotherstone, John Donoghue, Mark Smith, Frank Thomas, Margaret Ndangali, Charlie Ward, Emma Taylor, Marion Taylor, Rose Murray, Barney Brogan, John McGonagle, Cathleen Logan, Mary O’Rourke, Agnes Martin, Lena Montgomery, Agnes Drysdale, Robert McDiarmid and Stephen Hunter.
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Today is the 3rd Sunday of Easter
"Insisting on Love: Peter"
(Prayers & Readings page 265)
SCIAF: The amount in your SCIAF Wee Box will be doubled by the UK government on condition that it has been forwarded to SCIAF before Wednesday 4th May. Please return you boxes at Mass on April 10th or 17th.
Clusters: Gillis has produced a Handbook to guide and facilitate discussion within the clusters. The Handbook will be available next weekend for you to study before the process is agreed on the next steps to be taken within our cluster.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
Remembering the Easter Rising
Monday 11th April
The Irish Catholic Church and the Easter Rising
Professor Oliver Rafferty SJ
Parish pledge: Envelopes for 2016/17 first instalment of "Parish Pledge" are available today at the back of the Church. The annual Parish Pledge replaces the old Autumn Fare for parish fundraising. The original concept was to pledge what you would have spent at the Autumn Fare. Our target is for £2,750 a year. Last year the income from this source was £3,099.
Letter from Bishops on May Elections: A copy of a letter signed by all eight Scottish Catholic bishops is available at the back of the church. The bishops make five points in their letter. It is not in support of any political party but is focused more on our responsibility as members of a democracy, urging us to discover the views of the parties and be aware that Holyrood has more power devolved in respect of welfare, education, health and ability to determine tax.
Oblate Youth Service Edinburgh: Chris Cullen has been appointed by the Oblates to develop the Oblate Youth Service in Edinburgh. Chris will introduce himself at morning Masses this weekend.
University of Notre Dame Folk Choir – Friday 20th May: A concert of sacred music will be held in St. Joseph’s Church, Broomhouse on Friday 20th May 2016 at 7.30pm. Admission free, see notice at back of church for further information.
Finance Committee – Wednesday 27th April, 7.30pm: Parish Finance Committee at the Presbytery, Wednesday 27th April 7.30 pm.
Anniversaries: Margaret McLaughlin, James Paterson, Bridget Heffron, Bill Thompson, Winnie Spencer, Sr. Margaret Nagel, David Pow, John McKay, John McNeish, Eamon Mullan, Ronald Edgar, Peter White, Margaret Joyce, Bennie Fusco, Mary Jones, William Visick, Muriel White, Roddy McLean, Rose Murphy, Jackie Shandlands, Myles Duffy, Hannah Danboy, Adam Connor, Paul Jones and Mary McQuade.
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Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter
"Seeing is Believing: Thomas"
(Prayers & Readings page 262)
Children’s Sacramental Programme: Reconciliation Saturday 9th April 10.30am. Holy Communion and Confirmation Sunday 10th April 12.00 Noon.
Madge Devine: Madge Devine of Baberton Mains Drive, passed to her eternal reward on Easter Morning. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband John and family. Requiem at St. John Ogilvie’s on Tuesday next 5th April at 11.00am followed by interment at Currie Cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Clusters: On Friday I meet with Mgr Tony Duffy and Fr Stefan Parks to arrange the next step in the “Clustering Conversation”. Hope to report progress next week.
Thank You: A special note of thanks to our Liturgy Committee who prepared the Holy Week ceremonies at Easter. Also to volunteers who had a Spring Clean of the church on Easter Saturday. To musicians and Cantors who led us in the singing and to those who decorated the church with Easter Art and Alleluias.
Lauriston Jesuit Centre:
Remembering the Easter Rising
7.30pm Mondays 11th 18th and 25th April
Monday 11th April
The Irish Catholic Church and the Easter Rising
Professor Oliver Rafferty SJ
Monday 18th April
The Easter Rising: its impact on Scotland
Professor Sir Thomas Devine
Monday 25th April
God and the Easter Rising
Owen Dudley Edwards
Admission by donation
Sighthill, Broomhouse and Parkhead Community Council - Tuesday 5th April: Do you have concerns regarding local issues? Then come along to a meeting in Sighthill Bowling Club on Tuesday 5th April at 6.45pm and voice your opinion.
Anniversaries: John Lang, Joseph Rodgers, Isobel Butchart, Donald Reid, John Henderson, John Ryan, Michael Ryan, Lesley Fraser, Patrick Kilty, Agnes Dougall, George Lavery, Agnes Rae, Ella Green, John McGinley, Canon Michael Cassidy, Madge Fitzgerald, Gladys Saddler, Bobby Geddes, George Geddes, Thomas Malone, Martin Daly, Margaret Pearson, Alex Sim, Josie O’Connell and Maurice Moriarty.
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Today is Easter Sunday.
"Seeing in the Dark: the Beloved Disciple"
(Prayers & Readings page 258)
Holy Saturday - 7.30pm:
Service of Light.
History of Salvation.
Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Easter Sunday:
Mass at 10.00am only
Easter Blessing
May the Lord bless you this Easter Time;
Bless you with hope, uplift you in despair;
Bless you with peace, calm you in trouble;
Bless you with joy, comfort you in sorrow;
Bless you with faith, guard you against doubt;
Bless you with love, keep you from fear;
Bless you with mercy; help you forgive;
So your heart may rejoice in the Risen Lord.
Easter Monday: Mass at 12.00 Noon.
Parish Spring Fling, Friday 22nd April: This is a family event. Tickets £5 includes buffet, tickets available this weekend, Bring Your Own Bottle.
Children accompanied by parents FREE. An early buffet will be available for children who need to be in bed by 9.00 pm.
Blessing of Food on Holy Saturday
Some members of the Polish Community request we honour a Polish custom of blessing food on Holy Saturday. This blessing of Bread, Meat, Eggs and Salt will take place in the Day Chapel after the Vigil Mass on Saturday.
Sprinkling food with Holy Water
If there is a demand for this Blessing on Easter Sunday come after Mass.
Anniversaries: Jim Berry, Baby Philip Reid, Rose Romaniak, Mary Sharkey, Peter Carroll, Suzanne Miller, Karen Rae, David Sutherland, Sean Cummings, Tom McHale, Br. Blackburne, OMI, Gerry McDade, Mr. Kuczynski, Mary Loy and David Murphy.
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Today is the Palm Sunday. Blessing of Palms and Mass on page 184
"The Cross: Did Jesus have to die?"
Welcome: Today we welcome Fr Ray Warren omi our Oblate Provincial to St. John Ogilvie’s. Last November Fr Ray met with the joint PPCs of Leith and Wester Hailes and also with the Archbishop. He is here this weekend to be updated on developments of "Cluster" and to discover how best the Oblates can engage with the proposed restructuring in the Archdiocese.
Bingo: No Bingo this week; return again on Tuesday 29th March at 7.00 pm.
Sacrament of Penance (Confessions) in the Sacristy: Thursday during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8.30 – 10.00 pm; Friday: 4.15 - 5.00 pm.
Confessions in the Cathedral during Holy Week: Monday – Thursday: 1.15pm to 6.15pm; Good Friday: 4.30pm to 8.00pm.
Fair Trade: Sales at the Fair Trade Stall last weekend amounted to £215.00. Thanks to everyone who very generously supported the stall.
From the Parish Council: The Oblates have appointed and funded Pastoral Associates and a Youth Worker for Leith and St. John Ogilvie’s. The successful candidates are:
Employment commences Easter Week.
Palm Sunday - Mass at 10.00am only: Weather permitting there will be a procession around the Church grounds after the blessing of the Palms. This is to recall the events in Jerusalem as Jesus entered in triumph before his arrest and trial.
Tuesday 22nd March - Chrism Mass:
In the Cathedral at 7.00pm.
Holy Thursday, 7.30pm:
Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7.30pm
Washing of Feet and Institution of the Eucharist.
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after ceremonies until 10.00 pm. (Quiet Prayer)
Good Friday - 3.00pm:
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.
Prayers for all peoples & Penance Service.
Veneration of the Cross.
Holy Communion.
A Day of Fast and Abstinence
Good Friday - 7.30pm: Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday - 7.30pm:
Service of Light.
History of Salvation.
Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Easter Sunday:
Mass at 10.00am only
Easter Monday:
Mass at 12.00 Noon.
Anniversaries: Joseph Crere, Alex Paterson, Ellizabeth Steel, Keith Farries, Sr. Sheelagh Stapleton, Isobella O’Farrell, Frances Robertson, James Henderson, Josephine Muir, Isa Cherry, Edward Smith, Margaret Flannery, Anna Gahagan, Pat McDade, Tony Paterson, Sharon Tscel opsuce, Thomas Waugh, James Duffy, John McDougall and David Nicholson.
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Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent, Year C
"Being Freed"
(Prayers & Readings page 176)
St John Ogilvie: Today we keep the Feast of St. John Ogilvie, patron of our parish. John’s noble Scottish family was part Catholic and part Presbyterian. His father raised him as a Calvinist, sent him to the continent for education. There he became interested in the popular debates going on between Catholic and Calvinist scholars. Debates gave rise only to confusion, John turned to Scripture, two texts became his particular focus:
"God wills all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."
"Come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you."
John concluded that the Catholic Church could embrace all people so at the age of 17 in Louvain, Belgium in 1596 he was received into the Catholic Church. In 1610 he was ordained a priest as a member of the Jesuit Order. Sent to Scotland as a missionary, where, due to penal laws, he posed as a horse trader and soldier but was betrayed. Brought before the courts, his trial dragged on until he had been without food for 26 hours. Deprived of sleep for eight days and nights he was dragged around, prodded with sharp sticks and his hair pulled out. Still he refused to reveal the names of Catholics. He underwent a second and third trial but held firm. Even on the scaffold he was offered freedom and a fine living if he would deny his faith. His courage in prison and his martyrdom was reported throughout Scotland.
John Ogilvie was canonised in 1976, becoming the first Scottish saint since 1250.
Clusters: The Archbishop has produced a reflection schedule for the “Clusters” to meet on three occasions during 2016. These meetings will be arranged for post Easter.
Parish Council: Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 17th March at 7.30 pm. Members please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.
Palm Sunday 20 March 2016 - Mass 10.00am ONLY: Weather permitting there will be a procession around the Church grounds after the blessing of the Palms. This is to recall the events in Jerusalem as Jesus entered in triumph before his arrest and trial.
Vigil Mass with Blessings of Palms as usual Saturday 6.30 pm.
No 9.00am or 11.00am Masses.
Olusola Ayanbowale and Ethel Offor: Today at the 11.00am Mass Olusola Ayanbowale and Ethel Offor will engage in the Scrutinies and be presented to the community, their names will be inscribed in the Book of the Elect. You are asked to pray for them as they take this important step towards full Communion at Easter.
SCIAF: Sciaf Collection last Sunday came to £483.42. This has been matched by the Government which brings it to a total of £966.84.
Stations of the Cross: On the Parish Website you will find an image of each of the 14 Stations plus a reflection and prayer.
Stations of the Cross with St. Eugene Booklet available at the back of the Church, please take one.
Fair Trade Fortnight 29 Feburary-13 March 2016: MAKE YOUR BREAKFAST COUNT - try some of the breakfast products from the Fair Trade Stall after all Masses today.
Archdiocesan Charismatic Group – Saturday 19th March: Meet at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday 19th March, 10.30am - 4.00pm.
Church Spring Clean – 26th March: A general clean up of the Church for Easter is scheduled for Saturday 26th March at 10.00am. The time allotted to the clean up depends on the number of volunteers. In the Church Porch there is a list for volunteers. The more who volunteer, the shorter the time required for scrubbing and dusting.
Anniversaries: James Tait, John O’Donnell, Mgr. Tony McNally, Olive Grogan, Peggy Cavanagh, Anne Wilson, Kathleen O’Kane, Sr Geraldine Kelly, Michael McDonagh, Helen Cairns Lumley, Pat Donnehy, Rose Ann Curran, Margaret Conway, Helen Skirving, Martin Heffron, Jeannie O’Neill, Pat Kilpatrick, Ron Ferguson, Mary Doyle, Fr. Liam Duffy, O.M.I. and Anne Murphy.
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Today is the 4th Sunday of Lent, Year C
"Coming Home"
(Prayers & Readings page 168)
SCIAF: Second collection today is the Annual Collection for SCIAF; remember every £1 you donate becomes £2 to help your brother or sister in Ethiopia.
St John Ogilvie
We celebrate the Feast of our Parish Patron St. John Ogilvie. A pictorial story of his life will be shown at all Masses. Leaders of the Children’s Liturgy may like to return the children to the church to see the presentation. The Vigil Mass will take place in the Hall.
Olusola Ayanbowale and Ethel Offor
At the 11.00 am Mass Olusola Ayanbowale and Ethel Offor will engage in the Scrutinies and be presented to the community who are asked to pray for them as they take this important step.
Parish Council: Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 17th March at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler (Chair) or Anna Allen (Secretary) by 10th.March.
Each year, to provide for continuity and inclusiveness, three longest serving members retire and three other parishioners are invited to take their place. Nominations of parishioners to serve on the council can be given to the Chair or Secretary or posted in the "Suggestion Box" at the back of the church.
Diocesan Directory: Available at the back of the church today price £2.00.
Reminder: Today is Mother’s Sunday!
Stations of the Cross: On the Parish Website you will find an image of each of the 14 Stations plus a reflection and prayer.
FAIR TRADE FORTNIGHT 29 FEBURARY-13 MARCH 2016 - SIT DOWN FOR BREAKFAST STAND UP FOR FARMERS: Millions of farmers and workers in developing countries work hard to grow the food we eat yet many don't earn enough to know where their next meal is coming from. If we all started our day with Fairtrade many more could feed the people they care about and educate their children. MAKE YOUR BREAKFAST COUNT - try some of the breakfast products from the Fair Trade Stall after all Masses next weekend 12/13 March.
Archdiocesan Charismatic Group – Saturday 19th March: Meet at St. John Ogilvie’s on Saturday 19th March, 10.30am - 4.00pm.
Church Spring Clean – 26th March: A general clean up of the Church for Easter is scheduled for Saturday 26th March at 10.00am. The time allotted to the clean up depends on the number of volunteers. In the Church Porch there is a list for volunteers. The more who volunteer, the shorter the time required for scrubbing and dusting.
Sleep Over: This year’s Sleep Over will take place from 7.00 pm Friday 11th March until 8.00 am Saturday 12th March. Parishioners Primary 3 upwards can sign up on sheet at the back of the church.
WWF EARTH HOUR - SATURDAY 19 MARCH 2016: Earth Hour is the single largest symbolic mass participation event in the world. Born out of hope that people could be mobilised to take action on climate change, Earth Hour now inspires a global community of millions of people in 7001 cities and towns across 152 countries and territories to switch lights off for an Hour as a massive show of concern for the environment.
An hour of darkness - a moment of change - a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. You are invited to turn off your lights for ONE HOUR at 8.30pm on Saturday 19 March 2016.
Anniversaries: Karen Thomas, Agnes Adams, Mary Garry, Vera Spence, Maria Pereirra, Philip Faccenda, Gerard McDonald, Pat McGilligan, Alison Welsh, Ian Allison, Minnie Bilberg, Shaun McAllister, Elsa Purcell, Leighann Miller, Patrick McQueen, Rodger Marshall, Joseph Conway, Anne McCaffrey, Sr Winifred Cleary and Rudy Capavanni.
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Today is the 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year C
"Out of Bondage"
(Prayers & Readings page 160)
SCIAF: Second collection next Sunday is for SCIAF; remember every £1 you donate becomes £2 to help your brother or sister in Ethiopia.
The Elect: This year we have two parishioners preparing for reception into the Church. Over the past few months Olusola Ayanbowale and Ethel Offor have completed a course on the faith and lives of Catholics, both have already been baptised and will be received into full union with the Church at Easter time. Sunday next during the 11.00 am Mass, as part of that journey they will engage in the Scrutinies and be presented to the community who are asked to pray for them as they take this important step.
Oblate Connections: Spring 2016 edition available at the back of the church today.
Diocesan Directory: Available at the back of the church today price £2.00.
Parish Council: Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 17th March at 7.30 pm. Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler (Chair) or Anna Allen (Secretary) by 10th.March.
Each year, to provide for continuity and inclusiveness, three longest serving members retire and three other parishioners are invited to take their place. Nominations of parishioners to serve on the council can be given to the Chair or Secretary or posted in the "Suggestion Box" at the back of the church.
Prayer around the Cross – Thursday 25th February: Tazie prayer around the Cross in the Day Chapel this Thursday 25th at 7.00 pm.
Stations of the Cross: On the Parish Website you will find an image of each of the 14 Stations plus a reflection and prayer.
Krakow Poland Archdiocesan Group:
World Youth Day 21st July – 3rd August 2016
In less than six months we leave for Krakow for WYD with Pope Francis. We will travel by Coach with the Archbishop, with overnight stop in Germany, and 8 nights in Krakow. On the Saturday we have Vigil Mass and Sunday Morning Mass with Pope Francis.
Week long activities include Youth Festival and Catechesis with Bishops from around the world. Also visiting some of Krakow’s local attractions.
The cost is £800 for the 12 day trip, led by a team of Youth Leaders. This includes all accommodation, Food and Registration for WYD events with a Coach for all venues. We have places left for those who are 16 or over.
Anyone who is interested should get in touch with Irene Furlong, the Group Organiser, as soon as possible. Email: or Tel No: 0131 623 8912.
Lenten Reflection Day; Laudato Si – Caring for our Common Home – 12th March: The annual Archdiocesan J&P Lent reflection day will be held in St Catherine’s Convent, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh on Saturday 12th March at 10.00am concluding with Mass at 3. 00pm. Contact
Anniversaries: Fr. Charles Barclay, Baby Rachael Butler, Sandy Eadie, James McGhee, Danny McKinney, Michael McFadden, David Scott, Shaun McRitchie, Fr Eugene Forde OMI, Margaret Sharkey, Maureen Hunter, Catherine Coleridge, Mina McGhee, John Elwyn Jones, Denholm Isbister, Edward Taylor, Lillias Sikora, Annie Glancy, Mary Castle, Marion Sinclair, Mgr. David Gemmell, Kate Donald, Kathleen Mahon, Rose Calvey and Sr Mildred Ryan.
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Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year C
"On the Mountain"
(Prayers & Readings page 156)
Prayer around the Cross – Thursday 25th February: Tazie prayer around the Cross in the Day Chapel this Thursday 25th at 7.00 pm.
Stations of the Cross: On the Parish Website you will find an image of each of the 14 Stations plus a reflection and prayer.
Liturgy Group Meeting Wednesday 24th February, 7.30pm: Meeting of the Liturgy Group to discuss Holy Week and Easter will be held in the Sacristy on Wednesday 24th February at 7.30pm.
Lenten Reflection Day; Laudato Si – Caring for our Common Home – 12th March: The annual Archdiocesan J&P Lent reflection day will be held in St Catherine’s Convent, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh on Saturday 12th March at 10.00am concluding with Mass at 3. 00pm. The reflection day will be led by Ellen Teague, a freelance Catholic journalist who writes and campaigns on Justice, Peace and Ecology issues and the focus will be on Pope Francis’ encyclical reminding us that care for creation is a core element of our faith. To book, please contact: Norma Daniels Emm, ( 0131 447 7900). Cost £10 (£7 unwaged) – pay on arrival. Teas/coffees provided but please bring your own lunch.
Oblate Connections: Spring Edition available at the back of the church today.
Phyllis Robertson: Funeral arrangements for Phyllis are as follows: Mass on Wednesday 24th February at 1.00pm followed by cremation at Warriston at 3.00pm. May she rest in peace.
Departure from London cost £849 (single room £945) includes:
Flights; 5 nights accommodation at Hotel Lancelot; Continental buffet breakfast; 2 lunches and 5 dinners.
Programme of excursions and visits to St. Peter’s, major basilicas, Catacombs and Oblate General House.
More information and booking forms from Kirk Jacob email:
Archbishop Cushley invites the faithful of the Archdiocese to join him on pilgrimage to Rome to for the Holy Year of Mercy (16 – 23 November 2016). Pilgrims will have an opportunity to go through the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica and to be with Pope Francis as it is solemnly closed on 20 November, the Solemnity of Christ the King. The cost of the pilgrimage will be around £620, plus flight. This is based on sharing a room, half board and includes two full day trips and a half day trip with airport coach transfers. A single room supplement is also available. Contact Alba Tours on 01698 262941 or to book or for more information. More details about the itinerary will be available from Alba Tours and posted on the Archdiocesan website ( and social media.
Pope Francis: After the October 2015 Synod the Pope declared: "The Synod was not about settling all issues. The Church’s first duty is not to hand down condemnations or anathemas, but to proclaim God’s Mercy."
The Light is on for you: In the church today you will find a card from the Archbishop inviting you to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Holy Year of Mercy.
Anniversaries: James McCarron, Alex Hunter, Josephine Pathmanathan, Frances Healy, Billy Cleghorn, Paul Shirpke, Frances Doherty, Julia Ness, Patrick Murphy, Baby Rosemary Meagher, Ian Scott, William Robertson, Mary Barclay, Lee Duncan, Bro. Denis Kelly, OMI, Fr. McGough, OMI, Ronnie Winton, Stephanie Clark, Mary Hannon, Patrick Carroll, Mary Clements, Catherine Abbott, John McTighe and Rose Tait.
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Today is the 1st Sunday of Lent, Year C
"In the Desert"
(Prayers & Readings page 153)
Welcome: We welcome to God’s Family Joaquim and Daniella Arosa Santos of Calder Crescent who will be Baptised today at the 11.00am Mass. Congratulations to their parents Jaquim and Sinda. We pray they will bring you much joy and happiness in the years ahead.
Ragbag: Ragbag now only accepts wearable clothes, paired shoes, handbags and belts. Your use of this facility is much appreciated. In 2015 it contributed £250 to parish funds.
The WEE Box:
In Lent we are invited to live simply so that others may simply live. Our Fast or Abstinence should benefit those in need especially people living in the Third World.
A SCIAF Box in the home to contribute what you would have spent on luxuries might be of help during the season of Lent.Boxes available at the back of the Church today.
Prayer around the Cross – Thursday 18th February: Tazie prayer around the Cross in the Day Chapel this Thursday 18th at 7.00 pm.
Stations of the Cross: On the Parish Website you will find an image of each of the 14 Stations plus a reflection and prayer.
Station Mass – 17th February: The annual Station Mass for the City of Edinburgh will be held this year at St. Cuthbert’s Church, Slateford Road on Wednesday next at 7.00 pm. At the Station Mass the Archbishop will present the Creed to Catechumens.
Bequest: In her Will Isabel Geddes bequeathed £600 to St. John Ogilvie’s Parish, When Gift Aid is added this becomes £750. As in life so also in death, Isabel continues to have our best interests at heart.
Sam Martinez 106th Birthday Party Saturday 20th February, Westsider Hotel 7.30pm - 1.00am: An invitation has been received for friends to join Sam and his family celebrate his 106th birthday. For catering purposes if you are intending going to the Westsider Hotel could you please advise his son. (Telephone number available from Fr Tony.)
Moments of Mercy Retreat 27th February, 10am – 2.30pm: This is a retreat for all RCIA groups led by Juliet MacKellaig and Sr Kathleen Curran. The theme connects with the YEAR of MERCY where you will be guided to reflect on where you have found God’s mercy in your life. This is open to all current RCIA participants and previous participants who are new Catholics. The retreat will begin with the celebration of Mass at 10am. Please encourage each other to take part. You should register for this event as soon as possible with Patricia Carrol
Phyllis Robertson We regret to announce the death of Phyllis Robertson of the Calder Road. Over the past year Phyllis was cared for at the Western, Liberton and Royal Infirmary. She passed to her eternal reward last Thursday at the Royal Infirmary surrounded by a loving family. We offer our sincere sympathy to her daughter Carol and son Kevin also to her grandchildren who kept vigil at her bedside during her final 24 hours. May she rest in peace.
Please come and join us for this special event in this Holy season of Lent, we’d love your company
Talk: The Violence of Peacemaking – Archbishop Romero and the Search for Peace.
Hosted by Fr Francisco de Roux and in association with the Archbishop Romero Trust.
Tuesday 15th March, 7.30pm, Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston St, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ.
Fr Francisco de Roux, or "Pacho", as he’s commonly known, is an inspiring Colombian Jesuit. He’s the former Director of the Colombian Jesuits' Centre for Social Research and Education, and Founding Director of the Jesuit Province's Programme for Peace.
We’ll have tea and coffee afterwards.
Anniversaries: Agnes Jamieson, Patrick McCann, Mary Slater, Nan McMahon, John Rodgers, Gina Binnie, Sarah McDonald, Kate Docherty, Alice Quinn, William Goodall, Janet Sinclair, Mary Devine, Thomas Summerville; Mary Goonan, Dante Donofrio, Alexander Ogilvie, John Lewis, John Muirhead; Jessie Kinnaird, Fr. Jack Collins, O.M.I., Mary Doran, Maureen Donaldson, Owen Power, Monica Winkel, John Kilpatrick, Pearl McPhail, Nellie Lukow, Elizabeth Paten, Tommy Robertson, Jimmy Boyle and Euen Dunlop.
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Today is the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C
"Working Hard; catching nothing"
(Prayers & Readings page 135)
Ash Wednesday - 10 February: Wednesday next 10th February is Ash Wednesday a day of fast and abstinence. Ashes will be blessed and distributed after the Gospel at Masses. Masses on Wednesday at 9.00am and 7.30pm.
The Wee Box: The Church invites us to decide on our personal Lenten Penance. We are invited to live simply so that others may simply live. Our Fast or Abstinence should benefit those in need especially people living in the Third World.
A SCIAF Box in the home to contribute what you would have spent on luxuries might be of help during the season of Lent.
Boxes available at the back of the Church today.
This year the Carfi family of Ethiopia are pictured on the Wee Box. In the drought of 2011 their cattle all died and left them penniless. SCIAF gave them a camel, a donkey and 8 goats to replace the animals that died. The money they earn now selling milk in the local market enables them to buy grain to feed the family. Their message to Scotland "You have changed my life."
SCIAF Lenten Appeal in 2015 came to £3.4 Million. In 2016 the government will match your donation £1 for £1.
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation: Meeting in the Chapel House, Wednesday next 10th February at 8.30pm. New members welcome.
World Day of the Sick: Pope St. John Paul 11 designated the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 11th February as World Day of the Sick. Consider a visit to your sick friend that has been postponed for too long, send a card, pray for them.
Edinburgh Lourdes Pilgrimage 2016 – 8th to 15th July: This year’s pilgrimage takes place from the 8th to 15th July, anyone wishing to join the pilgrimage should contact Tangney Tours on 01732-886666 or visit the Edinburgh Lourdes website ( for more details. Pilgrims who require supported care should contact the Accueil Saint Frai Booking Secretary 6l Hailes Gardens, Edinburgh, EH 13 0JN, Tel: 0131 441 1939.
Lent Extra: Collect booklet at the back of the church today. 46 Daily Reflections for Lent. Pullout Lenten Calendar. A number of Personal Testimonies of God’s Mercy.
"A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just." (Pope Francis).
Forward Planning: At the recent PPC meeting there was a proposal to have the Easter Sunday Mass at 11.00am, the reason for this was because Easter Sunday is the beginning of British Summer Time (clocks go forward). The decision of the PPC was to keep the Easter Day Mass at 10.00am.
Miracles: "There are only two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other is, as though everything is a miracle. (Albert Einstein).
A blind person asked St Anthony: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?". He replied: "Yes losing your vision."
Church Cleaners – Revised Rota available. Please take your copy.
Anniversaries: Fred Bilgerg, May Tansey, Andrew Horne, Eddie O’Donnell, Edith Graham, James Farrell, Cathy Paterson, John Baxter, Sr Therese, Shaun Roberts, Bridget McGonagle, Catherine Glynn, Mamie McTighe, Peter Allan, Mary Mancias, Effie Kay, Ann Gaughan, Margaret Roberts and Christine Kenny.
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Today is the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C
"Rejection of Love"
(Prayers & Readings page 132)
Cluster Meeting with Archbishop: On Saturday 16th January the Archbishop met with the "Cluster" of St. John Ogilvie’s, St. Joseph’s, St. Cuthbert’s and Currie. 200 people were present.
The Archbishop with power-point and talk presented his vision as outlined in "We have found the Messiah" and took questions from the floor for 30 minutes.
Over the coming 12 months each cluster in the diocese are asked to reflect on and submit answers to the following 3 questions:-
Books containing some material on these reflections will soon be issued from Gillis and responses must be submitted to the Archbishop before Easter 2017.
Bishop Ian Murray: Requiem for Bishop Ian Murray, former priest of this Archdiocese and Bishop of Argyll & the Isles, will take place at Oban Cathedral on Friday 5th February at 11.00am. Month’s mind Mass at Edinburgh Cathedral 22 February 12.45pm.
A Remembering Service: For all those who have suffered the loss of a child, from the beginning of pregnancy onwards, together with those who wish to come in love and support, to have time in quiet surroundings to fully recognise their loss and help with healing.
St. John the Baptist Church, St. Ninian’s Road, Corstorphine
Sunday 21st February 2016 at 5.00pm
Senior Citizen’s Party: On Saturday last, 93 parishioners and friends from the Church of Scotland and Leith enjoyed our annual Senior Citizen’s Party. The four course lunch was prepared by the ladies of the parish, music by our resident quartet, gifts, transport and serving by volunteers. Over 30 parishioners gave their time and many talents to ensure success. All departed after four hours happy with a most enjoyable afternoon. Our sincere gratitude to the PPC and its helpers.
Mary’s Meals: Mary’s Meals is a Scottish Charity focused mainly on Malawi and Haiti. It aims to provide chronically hungry children with one meal every school day, encouraging education that can lift them out of poverty in later life. Currently they feed 800,000 in Malawi. They are also equipped to respond to other disaster areas.
At the Requiem for Isabel Geddes last week a collection was taken for this charity. £600 was collected. The money was given to Ian Geddes to pass on to Mary’s Meals.
Homeless Sunday: Thanks to everyone who supported our Tea & Scones sale last weekend. A cheque for £116.00 has been sent to The Scottish Churches Housing Action Group. Thanks for your very generous support.
JPIC Group: The Justice Peace & Integrity of Creation Group invite you to consider joining the group. New members are required and would be very welcome. If you are interested or would like to find out more about the group please speak to either Fr. Tony or Trish Muirhead.
Beginning Experience: The Beginning Experience is holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves alone again through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 11th - 13th March at Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. For further details contact: Ros on 0131-669-0003 or e-mail:
Readers - Please collect your New Rota after Mass today.
Anniversaries: Fr Smits, OMI, Ina Dawson, Isabella Connor, Jim Ryan, Rose McMaster, Cilla Mitchell, Elizabeth Dewar, Agnes Morris, Martha Shiels, John Glasgow, Nell Williamson, Helen O’Neill, Annie O’Donnell, Peter Scott, Christopher Abbott, Peggy Scougall, Rose Benert, Daniel Thorpe, Margaret Gallen, Mary Sullivan, Moses Townsley, Catherine Carey, May Fitzpatrick and John Ndangali
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Today is the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C
"A Sense of Belonging"
(Prayers & Readings page 129)
Christian Unity Week 18th to 24th January:
Christian Unity Prayer
God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, "that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …" We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Homeless Sunday - Today: Tea/coffee with homemade scones will be sold for £1.00/donation after Masses in aid of: The Scottish Churches Housing Action Group. Please join us for a cuppa after Mass. See Prayer Card available at the back of the church.
Children's Sacramental Programme:
8th February – Workshop on how to apply for teaching: Glasgow University will host an event for all S5 and S6 students, and others, who would like to apply for Catholic teaching.
This will take place at the Gillis Centre on the 8th February from 10am to 2pm, with lunch provided. Apply to
Oblate Logo
The Cross
One Good Friday, when the 25 year-old Eugene looked at the Cross he received a life-changing intuition: "I had looked for happiness outside of God and for too long with resulting unhappiness."
"He has sent me to evangelize the poor."
This is the motto that the Founder gave to his congregation, in 1816. From his tender youth, little Eugene had been trained to a kind of poverty suited to his age, and to the situation of a noble family of Provence. He was hardly six years old when he was touched by the apparent distress of a neighbouring family. He hastened to bring them firewood in his small wheelbarrow! He didn’t allow his money-box to become full. He often emptied it for the poor. He even went so far as to exchange his clothes with a small poor beggar, the son of a collier.
"I have a sensitive and excessive heart."
In his personal profile that he presented to his spiritual director, on entering the major seminary in 1808, this characteristic was very much to the fore of his personality. Eugene was a "man of heart". He loved passionately, as he himself admitted. He loved his family. "I am an idolater of my family. I would allow myself to be beaten with an axe for certain of its individuals. I would give my life for them without hesitation" he once wrote. This tendency of love for his family was equally manifested in behalf of the children of his religious family, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. His final words to the Oblates on his death bed in 1861 were "Charity, Charity, Charity among yourselves."
Oblates of Mary Immaculate or Oblates of St Charles
The first name given by Fr deMazenod to the Congregation was "Oblates of St Charles". When Fr deMazenod went to Rome to seek approval for the Religious Rule of the Congregation he discovered there was another group of religious with this name. Devotion to the Immaculate Conception was growing in the Church at that time. The Dogma "The Immaculate Conception" was promulgated by Pope Pious IX in 1854, so Fr deMazenod changed his application to "Oblates of Mary Immaculate"
To act in everything and for everything only for God, to love him above all else, to love him all the more as one who has loved him too late.
(Retreat Journal, December 1814, O.W. XV n.130)
Anniversaries: Patrick Daly, Peter Donald, Jonathan Johnston McHugh, Nora Gielty, Fr Jim Ryan, Frances Rennie, Nancy Thomson, Fr. O’Dowd, OMI, Fr. Feigherty, OMI, William Findlayson, Brian Sprott, Francis Rickis, Elsa Barrett, Raymond Duval, David Whyte, Charlie Parry, Baby Rosie Fyfe; Mary Mansfield, Dario Zappa, Martina Feeney, Philip Puzey, Mary Ann Baillie, Marie Annis. Philip Ewing, John Gallagher and Irene Koning.
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Today is the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C
"You will be called by a New Name"
(Prayers & Readings page 127)
Christian Unity Week 18th to 24th January:
Christian Unity Prayer
God our Father, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, "that they may all be one as thou art in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us …" We make this our prayer also, as we ask you to send your grace and blessing on all Christians who are striving to draw nearer to you and to each other. Give us boldness to seek only your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Unite us all in you, Father, who with your Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Ecumenical Evening Service for Christian Unity: Wednesday next 20th January, 7.30pm in St. Margaret’s Chapel Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road.
Cathy Sweeney: It is with regret we announce the death of Cathy Sweeney of Sighthill View, a long time and faithful parishioner of St. John Ogilvie’s. We offer our sincere sympathy to her husband Pat and to her daughter Norma.
Requiem at St. John Ogilvie’s on Wednesday 20th January at 10.00am, followed by Burial at Craigmillar Castle Park Cemetery.
Isabel Geddes: As announced last week, Obsequies for Isabel are as follows:
Reception to St. John Ogilvie’s Monday 18th January at 5.30 pm.
Requiem Mass Tuesday 10.00am followed by cremation at Warriston.
Christmas Cards: Please take Christmas Cards addressed to you from the table near the kitchen any cards left today will be sent for RECYCLING IN AID OF THE WOODLAND TRUST.
Homeless Sunday: To mark Homeless Sunday, 24th January 2016, tea/coffee with homemade scones will be sold for £1.00/donation after Sunday Masses in aid of The Scottish Churches Housing Action Group.
Please join us for a cuppa after Mass.
Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 23rd January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.
Bingo – Tuesday 19th January 7pm: The Parish Bingo will be restarting on Tuesday 19th January at 7pm. The last books will be sold at 7.15 with the intention of starting the games at 7.30 prompt.
Please communicate this information to all patrons and dedicated Bingo Players.
Children'sSacramental Programme:
Sunday next is the 200th Birthday of the Oblates. Founded by Fr Eugene deMazenod in Aix –en-Provence 1816.
"I left my mother’s house, and together with Fr Tempier we entered our new lodging. My camp-bed was placed in the small passageway which leads to the library; it was then a large room used as a bedroom for Fr Tempier and one other …. It was also our Community Room. One lamp was all our lighting and, when it was time for bed, it was placed in the doorway to give light to all three of us. The table that adorned our refectory was one plank laid alongside of another, on top of two old barrels. We have never enjoyed the blessing of such poverty since the time we took the vow."
"We must lead people to act like human beings, first of all, and then like Christians, and finally, we must help them to become saints."
Anniversaries: Arthur James Davie, Alexander Moore, Aileen Goll, Vincent McDevitt, Fr Noel Coughlan, Frank Chalmers, Edward McKay-Ferguson, Terry Cuthbert, James Fielding, Jean Power, Josephine Nichol, Maggie McSparron, John McDonald, Neil Harkins, Michael Henry, Gina Fortune, Mary McLaren, Salvatore Peschiera, Derek Sweeney, Patrick Mullan, Teresa Nicol, Tony Boak, John Donoghue and Allen Young.
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Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Year C
"The Public Beginning"
(Prayers & Readings page 118)
Commencing Monday 11th January our daily liturgy is Week 1 year 2.
On the Ordinary Sundays (Green Vestments) the Gospel is from Luke
Cluster Meeting with Archbishop:
Date: Saturday 16th January 2016
Venue: St. Cuthbert’s, Slateford Road, EH14 1PT
Time: 11.00am.
Parish Pastoral Council – Thursday 14th January: Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 14th January at 7.30 pm.
Members of the Council please collect your agenda and correspondence after Mass today.
In January each year, to provide for continuity and inclusiveness, three longest serving members retire and three other parishioners are invited to take their place. Nominations of parishioners to serve on the council can be given to the Chair or Secretary or posted in the "Suggestion Box" at the back of the church.
Homeless Sunday, 24th January 2016: To mark Homeless Sunday, 24th January 2016, tea/coffee with homemade scones will be sold for £1.00/donation after Sunday Masses in aid of The Scottish Churches Housing Action Group.
Please join us for a cuppa after Mass.
Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 23rd January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.
Isabel Geddes: It is with regret that we advise the death of Isabel Geddes on Tuesday 5th January. Isabel will be greatly missed in the parish. Our condolences to her husband Ian and family, Steven, Fiona and Michael. Reception at St John Ogilvie’s Monday 18th January 5.30 pm, Requiem Tuesday 19th Jan. 10.00 am followed by cremation at Warriston 12.00 Noon. May she rest in peace.
Scottish Refugee Council - Jewellery Recycling Collection: In support of the Refugee Crisis the Scottish Refugee Council would welcome donations of any old/unwanted gold, silver, costume jewellery/watches. Recycling envelopes for filling available at the back of the church.
Bingo – Tuesday 19th January 7pm: The Parish Bingo will be restarting on Tuesday 19th January at 7pm. The last books will be sold at 7.15 with the intention of starting the games at 7.30 prompt.
Please communicate this information to all patrons and dedicated Bingo Players.
Sacramental Programme: End of school holidays. Sacramental preparation returns this weekend.
From Parish JPIC Group:
You are invited to recycle your cards in the box provided at the back of the church in support of The Woodland Trust. Trees are planted in the UK from the proceeds of recycling Christmas Cards.
Laudato SI (Pope Francis): "Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another. Each area is responsible for the care of this family."
"Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God."
Anniversaries: David Bowman, Teresa Inglis, Richard Hughes, Terry Tinney, Mary and Robert Smith, Bella Ward, John Hunter, Michael Quinn, Evan Jones, Kitty O’Donnell, Vera Walker, Adeline Dewar, Bill Docherty, Fr. Ray McEvoy, OMI, Mary Scott, Jack Glen, Sarah Baxter, Owen McLeod, Archie Donald, George Blaney, Arthur McKay, Mary Hanlon, Margaret Deans, Frank Nagel, John Gahagan, Veronica Turner, Hugh McGonagle, Rose Jones, Frank Masson, David Norris, Keith Tranent, Francis Sawyer and William Dalrymple.
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Today is the Feast of the Epiphany Year C
"Finding out where Jesus is"
(Prayers & Readings page 115)
Masses this Weekend of the 3rdJanuary: Vigil Mass Saturday 6.30 pm, Sunday Masses 9.00am and 11.00am.
Cluster Meeting with Archbishop:
Date: Saturday 16th January 2016
Venue: St. Cuthbert’s, Slateford Road, EH14 1PT
Time: 11.00am.
Bingo – Tuesday 19th January 7pm: The Parish Bingo will be restarting on Tuesday 19th January at 7pm. The last books will be sold at 7.15 with the intention of starting the games at 7.30 prompt.
Please communicate this information to all patrons and dedicated Bingo Players.
Senior Citizens Annual Party: Saturday 23rd January 12.00 Noon to 4.00 pm.
Parish Pastoral Council – Thursday 14th January: Next meeting of the PPC is Thursday 14th January at 7.30 pm.
Items for the agenda should be given to Pat Saddler (Chair) or Anna Allen (Secretary) by next weekend.
To provide for continuity and inclusiveness, three longest serving members retire and three other parishioners are invited to take their place. Nominations of parishioners to serve on the council can be given to the Chair or Secretary or posted in the "Suggestion Box" at the back of the church.
From Parish JPIC Group:
Trees and woods offer countless benefits to the environment providing homes for the wildlife, improving the air we breathe, enhance the local landscape and help reduce flooding which has been such a terrible problem for so many people and the wildlife over the Festive period. Last year over 6 million cards were collected nationally enabling the Trust in partnership with Marks & Spencer to plant 6256 trees. This being the 5th year of the partnership, the UK is 32,000 trees richer and we at St John Ogilvie's played our part in this. You are again invited to recycle your cards in the box provided at the back of the church in support of The Woodland Trust to help meet this year's target of collecting 6 million cards to enable the planting of a further 6000 much needed trees. Thank you.
William Nolan, Bishop of Galloway is the National President of JPIC:
Planning the Future: On the Parish website and on the Church Notice Board under "Parish Council" there are adverts for a Pastoral Associate and Youth Ministry Worker. The closing date for applications for both positions is 22nd January 2016. Please consider if it is for you or bring it to the attention of a friend.
Thank You: Our gratitude to the Senior Liturgy Committee and to the children’s Liturgy group both brought great joy to our Christmas liturgies. Special thanks to Joyce who led our African parishioners in song and dance on Christmas Day to Welcome the Lord. To Marie Johnston and Brenda McGeough who decked the Church with art and flowers, also to our music makers and singers, Norman Gore, John Kesson, John Rafferty, Connor Johnston and Alan Wilson. The combined effort of so many generous parishioners made it a Joy Filled season.
Anniversaries: Helen Burden, Catherine Holmes, Eileen Wasyliszyn, Louis Gibson, James Quinn, Betty Crow, Fr Paul Winters, John Prior, Nancy Johnston, Mary Duffy, Sr Mary Celine Ryan, Ross Graham, Rachel Conroy, Baby Connie Kimberley Wright, Agnes McWilliams, Hugh Boyle, Mary Birmingham, Peggy Paddock, James Kidd, John Cochrane, Bernard O’Donnell, Nnabyenyi Peter Ugwu, Alice Payne, John Brogan, Daniel McManus, Bett Sutherland and Nicholas Saddler.
Copyright © .
St John Ogilvie's
is a Roman Catholic parish of the Archdiocese of
St Andrews and Edinburgh,
registered charity No. SC008540